From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1454: New discovery

Chapter 1454 New Discovery

 The situation in Zaranji is more complicated than Boss Qiao expected...

However, he is not worried about his own safety. As long as he is sure that the Wenduo tribe will not betray him at the risk of the entire tribe being destroyed, he will dare to stay here.

These special teams who were the first to join PB are the group of people that Boss Qiao trusts the most, even more than the Wuchang teams.

  No matter which one of the four BCDE teams comes out, they are all elite, and they can all stand alone.

 There must be people who can deceive them, but the Aqionghan tribe who can deceive four teams at the same time definitely does not exist!

The attitude of the Wenduo tribe is extremely beneficial to the later transformation of the situation in western Aqionghan.

However, the behavior and habits of the Wenduo tribe, or in other words, they don’t feel that there will be any problems if there are more Indians...

In the hearts of the Wenduo tribesmen, these Indians are tenants. As long as they pay their money on time, nothing else matters...

This caused them to ignore a lot of important information!

 It is no secret that Indians use overseas gangs and criminal groups to do bad things.

 The Indian government has always wanted to follow the example of the bullies in the Middle East and assassinate domestic opposition leaders who have fled to Europe and the United States.

But to be honest, the quality of Indian D's special forces soldiers is not bad, but when it comes to spy work, they are a joke...

The Indian Intelligence Department also hangs around the surrounding area, because there are many desperadoes there who are willing to risk their lives for a little money.

 But when it comes to Europe and the United States, the Indian Intelligence Department’s tactics don’t work.

Who can believe that the Indian government wants to assassinate an opposition leader? Their agents do not want to do the work themselves, but spend half of the 400,000 US dollars and then subcontract it to a gang boss...

 The gang boss took 200,000 yuan and subcontracted it again for 50,000 yuan without hesitation...

And what a coincidence, the killer turned out to be a police informant.

Then the informant asked the underworld boss to fund the purchase of target intelligence on the grounds that there was little money and high risks, and was prepared to delay for a while to allow the police to make arrangements...

The black boss found an intelligence dealer and bought the information. It turned out that the intelligence dealer was an informant, and he was an informant of the Canadian Department of Security.

 This battle was destined to have a funny ending from the beginning.

 An assassination operation that attracted much attention from all parties. In the end, the Canadian security department detained the police informant killer. The police raided the gangster's lair and arrested the intelligence dealer...

The Indian D agents escaped from Canada smoothly, but the final investigation report issued by Canada made the Indian D intelligence department a laughing stock.

Now the Sikh religious leader who is being targeted is making appeals in Europe and the United States, hoping that Europe and the United States will put pressure on India and end India's domestic high-pressure measures against ethnic minorities...

 This matter is a negative teaching material that has been spread by many parties, because this stupid action has pushed India, Europe and the United States into an extremely embarrassing situation!

But that was an espionage operation, and now Boss Qiao and the others are facing something different...

 India has been trying to intervene in the situation in Afghanistan in the past to contain Pakistan.

 The soldiers who can operate here must be elite.

 Although a whole book of jokes could be written about the bad things that happened in the Indian Army, the individual qualities of the soldiers are actually not bad.

 Thinking about those soldiers being able to persevere with that level of logistical and intelligence support, you know how big their hearts are.

Those Indian D soldiers are definitely not here to help Afghanistan develop, and they are definitely not allies of PB.

 So before launching an official attack, we must find out their background and either drive them away or kill them...

 In fact, if Boss Qiao hadn't come in person, the 'Water Ghost' wouldn't be nervous at all...

What kind of intelligence can be implemented 100%, unless you cooperate with the inside and outside like Boss Qiao, it is difficult to achieve in real tasks.

 The reason why special forces are praised is not only their combat effectiveness, but also their adaptability.

To be honest, the conditions they are facing now are not particularly difficult compared to other tasks in the past!

‘Water Ghost’ and the others initially felt that Zaranji’s conditions were enough for Boss Qiao to achieve his strategic goals. But after an accident happened on the road, and more Indians were involved, everyone would have doubts!

There are still 24 hours before the agreed wedding time. If the situation cannot be understood, the "water ghost" will definitely persuade Boss Qiao to move, even if it is a little troublesome.

 Ronnie moves quickly…

  Sliding doors and picking locks is too easy for trackers...

 And those people who printed D obviously didn’t want to hide it very deeply...

 An FN2000 and several magazines proved Qiao Jia’s conjecture.

This kind of gun is exclusively used by the Indian D special forces...

In a place like Afghanistan, guns are not a scarce resource, but if they have a choice, no one will like the FN2000, which is troublesome to maintain...

Joja played with the gun Ronnie brought back for a while, then threw it aside in disgust...

“The gun has been modified, and its accuracy has generally increased, but its reliability has improved a lot.

  It is estimated that only the Indian D special forces in the world are so perfunctory with guns..."

Ronnie took out a few bullets and showed them, and said with a smile: "The bullets chosen by these people are pretty good.

 They are all NATO standard ammunition, probably bought on the black market in Afghanistan.

 boss, I don’t think the other party is very dangerous, but I still suggest that we change places..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia suddenly smiled and waved his hands and said: "If you don't change, what a good opportunity is this?

Don’t they want to cause trouble? Then I will ‘send an invitation’ to them and let them all join the party tomorrow...”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the "water ghost" who looked a little anxious. He smiled and said: "Don't worry about me...

 We should be more worried about the people on the other side of the valley...

I believe that the people of the Wenduo tribe will not risk their own lives, but these people still have a tribal mentality and are not adapted to battles with relatively high intelligence density.

 Taking advantage of things like weddings, if too many people know about it, problems may arise. "

"Water Ghost" listened, nodded and said: "I want to call Pioneer. I also feel that we were a little overconfident before.

  Fuck! If there is a problem with the ambush, we will also have problems here! "

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "We must make a plan, not only to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, but also to save the people of the Wenduo tribe as much as possible.

 You must not use them as cannon fodder! "

While the two were talking, the sound of horns suddenly came from the radio...

“Boss, we found where those people are…

 Wow, there are at least four to five tons of raw opium here.


I saw a few suspicious Indians..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at the ‘Water Ghost’ and said, “The ambush on the road was arranged by the Indians.

These guys are muddying the waters..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia took the radio and said: "Hide your horns, and keep an eye on those Indians.

 Let’s give these people a surprise! "

 (End of this chapter)

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