Chapter 1477 Team

Boss Qiao feels something is wrong...

Although this is just an intuition, Boss Qiao just feels something is wrong!

Since falling out with Big Mouth Tang, although P·B's development in the United States has continued, its position is very embarrassing!

 For a military company, if it cannot choose a side between the two parties, it will be a little difficult to gain a foothold.

 When it comes to Boss Qiao's situation, those who sit on the fence often die miserably.

But Boss Qiao had no choice but to offend the establishment represented by Lahiri when he supported Big Mouth Tang's election.

 Later, because of Big Mouth Tang’s constant betrayals, he offended some people in the Republican Party.

   P·B is able to reach this level because the relationship network established by Boss Qiao plays a key role.

 But every powerful individual in this network actually occupies a certain position in the two parties.

American elections are an absolute majority system, that is, the number of votes must exceed 51% to be elected.

There is no so-called multi-party competition in this situation. Small parties will eventually be merged into the two parties. From the outside, it seems that the American political arena will always be a two-party system that restrains each other and holds each other back.

Boss Qiao’s network already has the prototype of a small party, but in the American political ecology, if they want to make a difference, they must clarify their position.

 But Boss Qiao doesn’t think so. He has a relatively simple value system, that is, when a person treats you sometimes well and sometimes badly, only by believing that ‘the opponent is malicious’ can you protect your bottom line.

 The way to get along in the long run is whether you can tolerate each other's shortcomings.

Qiao Jia is not surprised that the people on Old Bayer's side want to push P·B into the Ukrainian battlefield, because there is a clear logic of interests in it.

Uk L is destined to be a cannon fodder graveyard. While providing benefits, he also wants to push P.B into it as cannon fodder...

Whether it is Thompson or Steven, their attitudes clearly show that the Democratic Party not only did not put too much pressure on them, but also provided them with a good opportunity.

 A mature politician must not only be able to see the dangers, but also the opportunities hidden in the dangers.

Such a schizophrenic operation made Boss Qiao smell "danger"!

This thing is just like falling in love. No matter how your boyfriend or girlfriend describes themselves, look at their shortcomings and the bottom line of their character...

 He is rich, handsome, generous, decent, and has huge room for development...

 At present, they are of course leaning towards the Republican Party, because Boss Joe’s campaign and Tom Reed’s identity determine the political preference of their small group.

But Boss Qiao instinctively felt that once he fell into the arms of a scumbag, he would be eaten dry!

Those who like to lie will not change themselves just because they like you. People who like to take action when encountering conflicts will only become more aggressive when encountering bigger conflicts.

 But now he suddenly felt as if the people on Old Bayer's side were trying hard to win over him.

 This made him start to feel a little anxious...

And what’s particularly funny is that this may also be one of the results that the opponent wants!

 But there is a paradox…

 He even felt that the benefits he felt now were all caused by the scumbag setting a trap for him.

 To Boss Joe, the current Democratic Party is just a fickle hardcover scumbag.

 But except for Uk L, Boss Qiao can’t see any other traps yet!

Stephen and the others probably feel that there is an opportunity here, and this opportunity is very good. Compared with the possible risks, the benefits after success are very huge.

 Because anxiety can lead to suspicion and errors in judgment…

Once this kind of emotion spreads to Boss Qiao, it might shake their small group.

 Because judging from Steven's performance, their interests began to be inconsistent...

 This may be fatal to an emerging political group! Qiao Jia suddenly fell into silence, making everyone in the living room a little nervous.

 They are all friends, and Boss Qiao has never emphasized that he is the leader of this team.

Even many people present are not lower than Boss Qiao simply in terms of status.

ˆ Alicia Alexander is the former Attorney General of the United States and is now a partner at the largest law firm on the West Coast. Moreover, she now focuses on the business side, which is also the most lucrative part of the lawyer's career.

Although William Alexander is still a medical lieutenant general, this man somewhat uses the influence of his wife and daughter to rise to the top.

His power in the Pentagon has not been expanded, and some people even proposed to promote him again, but he himself rejected it.

 Because he holds shares in some sensitive pharmaceutical companies, he used his channels to cut off a very lucrative piece of the US military medical industry, making money from the pharmaceutical industry, which is recognized as the most profitable in the United States.

Of course his appearance is not particularly ugly, and it also involves problems in the insurance industry, that is, the chain of interests is very long.

  US soldiers spend the most military expenditures and claim to provide soldiers with the most complete treatment. However, soldiers’ actual treatment and post-retirement treatment have been criticized all year round. This is the reason for this chain of interests.

 The people in this chain are very hated, so William has always kept a very low profile. Basically, he rarely attends gatherings that are not highly related to the core interests of the family.

  Steven is the former Secretary of State of the United States, and his wife is a member of the American Energy Group. The couple’s influence in Florida and Georgia is top-notch!

 Lieutenant General Maguire was once the director of the U.S. Military Intelligence Agency and is now the supreme commander of the Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg. He even also holds the title of Deputy Secretary of Defense.

 Even Eric, a former Lahiri horse boy, is now a celebrity in Washington, and with the help of this group, he is trying to get a state representative through election in his hometown of Illinois.

This does not include the real boss, Tom Reed, the hereditary political boss of Oregon and a political talker in Idaho.

According to the American political system, each state actually represents a political system because state laws and taxes are independent.

The federal government is just an institution negotiated by these political systems, and the federation does not even have the right to ask the federation to do anything they are not willing to do.

 If you look at each state individually, each state is a republic.

 And Tom Reed is the de facto boss of the two republics!

Each of these people is a top person, but when they put their position on the position of this small group, they will subconsciously wait for Boss Qiao to speak.

 This network with Boss Qiao as the core of communication has brought them too many things.

 With Boss Qiao as the core, his authority naturally becomes more and more powerful!

 Even Alicia, who was the closest to him, involuntarily lowered her voice when Boss Qiao was lost in thought.

The conference room fell into a slightly weird atmosphere...

 It was already 20 minutes after Boss Qiao noticed this abnormality.

 The first thing he saw when he came back to his senses was Monica standing on the outside of the modular sofa with her back to him.

The girl was holding a glass of champagne, blocking the way for others to approach Boss Qiao, with a proud expression on her face.

This woman who has brought her feminine characteristics to the extreme and has the characteristics of aphrodisiac in her bones has received unprecedented emotional value and ‘satisfaction’ from Boss Qiao!

 When my man doesn’t want to talk, everyone has to wait!

 At this moment, she is the queen of the party scene!

Joja and everyone present could easily see into Monica's thoughts, and Monica herself had no intention of concealing her emotions...

 This is the highest emotional value a woman can provide to a man. As a man, Qiao Jia cannot remain indifferent...

So Boss Qiao stood up, put his arm around Monica's waist, tilted his head and kissed her on the ear, and then looked at everyone present...

 “I don’t know what happened?

 But I’m a little uneasy…”

 (End of this chapter)

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