From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 866: netting for the right time

  Chapter 866 Forming a net to wait for the right time

  Joga’s statement was of course just a guess, but the information Steven revealed made him stunned for a moment, and then he immediately sent a message to Alicia.

   Alicia Alexander is one of the people who helped him the most. Choga's many adventures in the United States are inseparable from Alicia's support.

   It can be said that without the initial support of the Ministry of Justice, P·B would not have been able to launch smoothly in the United States.

   Without Alicia’s daughter, Gemma Alexander, investing in medical charity in Central Africa, it would be impossible for Choga to receive so much support.

  Alicia firmly stated her neutral position, but secretly gave Dazui Tang a lot of help. Now someone actually wants to take away the position of Minister of Justice...

How can this be?

   Alicia's purpose in entering the Ministry of Justice is to use this springboard to establish her network in the judicial circle, and then return to the big law firm after leaving.

  If she can't take the position of minister, she can't arrange her own staff or friends to take the position, and the effect of her tenure in the Ministry of Justice will be greatly reduced.

   Within a few minutes of sending Qiaojia's message, Alicia sent him a message back...

   After watching it, Qiaojia shook his head and laughed...

  The phone received a photo of an old white guy having fun in a **** bar.

  Joga knew without thinking that this old man must be Alicia's competitor, the guy named Ludi.

  Handing the mobile phone to Eric beside him and asking him to confirm it for him, Choga's heart that had just been suspended was slightly relieved.

  Keeping Alicia neutral is the result of the communication and negotiation between the two parties, because only in this form can Alicia be recruited by many parties and use the power of this position to the greatest extent.

  It was all about money, but Alicia chose a path that was tortuous but beneficial for life.

   This old aunt's city is extremely deep. She probably got the news a long time ago, but she hasn't told Qiaojia, but is waiting for news from Qiaojia and the others.

   This is a kind of kind waiting...

  Because Qiaojia was too busy a while ago, it was useless to tell him.

   Now, if Qiaojia has not realized it, or realizes that it will not be helpful, it is actually not very good for her to raise it rashly, and it will make Qiaojia feel embarrassed.

   So Alicia herself is ready to compete!

  But now that Choga has proposed it, the situation is different.

  The relationship between the two parties has deepened again, and she doesn't have to fight the old white man herself, so her work will be easier in the future.

  In a normal person, Alicia's behavior might seem insincere and purposeful.

  However, Qiaojia read trust and tacit understanding from it. This old aunt's methods are sophisticated, and she has left plenty of retreats.

  She was willing to reveal her hole cards, instead of desperately urging Qiaojia to find a way to solve the problem. This is telling Qiaojia, don't force too much, we won't lose!

  This is trust!

  Trust is not just for partners to be honest with each other. A higher level of trust actually enables partners to go into battle lightly and win more benefits through negotiations.

  I'll tell you my cards, the big deal is to win less.

  You don't have to think about it, you can use this chip if you have the opportunity to win more from other places.

   That's the subtext of a photo of Alicia!

   This is of great significance in cooperation negotiations!

   This is the trust generated by tacit understanding!

  When Boss Joe contacted her as soon as he learned about the problem, Alicia believed in Boss Joe’s political sense, and believed that he would definitely not suffer, let alone herself.

  So he took out his hole cards and gave Qiao Jia a try to see if he could win more.

  Eric used to be a technical consultant, and his understanding of this level of human thinking is not very thorough.

  But Steven on the opposite side is different. The duty of an ambassador is to deal with people. He can see the trust and tacit understanding between Choga and Alicia at a glance...

  The guy sighed enviously, and said: "Jackal, my son is studying in law school, and his ideal is to be a prosecutor.

  After the matter in front of me is over, I would like to invite Minister Alicia to my house as a guest. "

  Joga smiled and nodded...

  How could Steven's son have a prosecutor as his ideal? How much does the prosecutor make a year?

  My mother is a minority shareholder of the energy giant Rockefeller Group, and my father is a brilliant diplomatic strongman.

  For a child from such a family, using the prosecutor as a springboard is the right way to enter the legal profession.

  Lawyers in the United States are notoriously desperate for money. The salaries of these lawyers contribute 7% of the GDP of the United States. What is the concept of a cake close to 1.5 trillion US dollars?

  America is a place where the strong eat more and occupy more. As long as children from this background have proper experience, "graduate" from the government's legal department, and establish relevant contacts, they can go in and take a big piece of cake.

  Steven has been staying in Libya and Iraq before, and now when he realizes that the relationship between Choga and Alicia has reached this level, he starts to actively network...

  Recommending their own son, and asking Alicia to give him a hand is just the beginning. They will definitely not be aimless in letting their son study law.

  As long as they share their resources in the judicial circle with Alicia, the final result will definitely be that their energy will be multiplied.

   This is not a simple exchange of rights, but a win-win cooperation!

  Many interest groups started with such a "win-win cooperation" and then formed a strong alliance.

  Joga is happy to see the success of Steven's approach. The network that has been rolled out with Boss Qiao himself as the core has already extended its tentacles into the Pentagon, the State Department, and the Department of Justice.

  But everyone is a relatively independent individual, and the level of strength is not that high, and they are temporarily brought together because of interests and friendship.

  In the past, most of your contacts were through Qiaojia, but if you cooperate more closely in the future, it is equivalent to a horizontal connection on the network, then this network will be stronger and the power it can generate will be greater.

   If the cheap old man Tom Reed gives some face, Choga can also find a fulcrum in the Senate.

  Choga never thought of making himself a 'Network Dominator' because it was impossible.

  Even the elected representatives of interests like the Zipperton family don't mean that they are what they say.

  Joga couldn't do it even more!

  And a tyrant can lead a company to conquer a city, but he will never be able to manage a network of relationships.

  Everyone is a representative of power of about the same size. The strength and dictatorship of the leader is the biggest harm to the network. The tyrant's style is not easy to use in the human relationship network.

  Choga has been operating slowly, and intends to continue unswervingly.

  Because with the growing influence of P·B, it is difficult not to encounter international competition.

  As competition intensifies, the United States, the founder of the modern international order, is an inescapable link, whether Choga admits it or not.

  The biggest difference between the political parties represented by Lahiri and Dazui Tang is that the former claims to be a world leader, while the latter claims to be a representative of the United States.

  Theoretically speaking, when the world is stable and the economy is prosperous, the faction represented by Lahiri will be more moderate, after all, the white left.

  But when the economy is not good, the white leftists in power will definitely choose to use financial means to transfer huge political costs to a large scale around the world.

  In this way, countries and people with a little foundation may not feel it clearly, but it will be miserable where the cost is passed on on a large scale.

  The faction represented by Da Zui Tang is considered conservative. They advocate the United States first, which is naturally nationalistic.

  This group of people usually choose simpler and more direct means, such as using brutal trade wars, or even directly starting a war to force their opponents to surrender and pay tribute.

  I don’t know about other things, but as long as the Republican Party is in power, the Shah will be in a mess, and the sale of U.S. debt is even more popular.

   To be honest, Qiaojia is not particularly optimistic about Big Mouth Tang, this guy is a 'dominant president', and he is born with a strong desire to express himself.

  This guy's worth is only a little bit, and his resume is not too glamorous to be honest. How could he completely convince those people in Congress?

  But the domineering president will not be subdued. If he wants to control the situation, he must use the strongest means and use the power of the president to the extreme to force his opponent to surrender.

  But the stronger his desire to fight, the stronger the final backlash.

   What will happen to Qiao Jia is hard to predict, but following the big mouth, the popularity of the media will naturally decrease by 50% is the most basic.

  That's why Choga kept telling Alicia to remain neutral. If Eric hadn't exposed himself, Choga didn't want him to come to the stage.

   Now that the situation has come to this point, Choja can only end by himself, and fight against Lahiri's people.

  However, he still hoped that during Dazui Tang's term of office, the network deployment could be completed quietly.

   At that time, even if Dazui Tang steps down and the Republican Party takes power again, this network can shrink to protect everyone, so that the other party will not dare to kill.

  Eric saw that his boss seemed to have reached an agreement with Steven, and he said helplessly: "It seems that I must have missed something. Is there anything special about New York Mayor Ludi?"

   Qiaojia laughed when he heard this, and said, "Is it really unlucky?"

  Eric heard this, and said with a smile: "That must be the case, this guy actually went to the **** bar to hang out and was photographed, then he must be out of luck.

  Boss, I'm not showing my face right now, but it's okay to embarrass him with some big news-chasing friends. "

   Qiaojia shook his head and said: "No need for now, this guy is connected with Da Zui Tang through Da Zui Tang's son-in-law, interrupting this connection will make him die."

  Eric opened his eyes wide and said, "Jared?"

   Qiaojia bared his white teeth, and said with a smile: "Always provide help for free, Da Zui Tang seems to take us a little seriously.

  I have to remind him that we have made great efforts, and if he wants to win, he must first consider our interests! "

  (end of this chapter)

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