From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 16


Chapter 16 Release from Prison
It took Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall a long time to select three prisoners suitable candidates.

After all, it is the selection of professors. Even if it has been lowered to Azkaban for selection, inappropriate candidates must be eliminated first.

Severe criminals will definitely not be considered. Among petty criminals, thieves can't ask for it, liars can't ask for it, robbers can't ask for it, and those who come in because of gender issues, let alone ask for it.

Otherwise, how could such a big Azkaban get William's first turn?
While William was struggling, the two professors were also struggling. With such a big scene, if the first three candidates are rejected, they can only be re-selected from those who lost - but that makes things more troublesome.

The good thing is they got their answer quickly.

"I figured it out, Professor Dumbledore."

William took a deep breath, calmed himself, and said:
"But I have one request, this class. The name must be changed. It can be called Self-Defense, Anti-Curse Research, or even Auror Preliminary Training or Quick Strike Training. It must change its name. The student's admission letter and even the internal title of the Ministry of Magic are all changed to the new name."

"Of course, I will communicate with the Ministry of Magic, then, welcome to join Hogwarts. ”

Dumbledore smiled and spread his hands on the table.


The clothes that were taken away from prison, the wand that was taken away, a few small things and a book that I carried with me.

These things, which were sealed in the box by magic, were brought over and placed in front of William exactly as they were taken away.

The hitter became amiable. The guy who was specially instructed to help William complete the procedures for getting out of prison helped William complete all the procedures for getting out of prison, and contacted the person who left the outdoor desert island. The boat even left half an hour for William to say goodbye to his inmates.

Exactly, the hitman even asked William if he needed the dementor to visit his cell ahead of time to go with those inmates one after another to say goodbye, but William declined his offer.

Without any personal belongings, William returned to his cell with the help of the striker, which attracted unanimous greetings from everyone in the cell.

"What do you mean, you're going to Hogwarts?"

The big one is in the early stages, his face full of joy.

"Yes, I'm going to Hogwarts."

The cell was like a blast in an instant, and everyone was full of envy in their eyes. There is nothing more desirable than freedom.

William himself couldn't hold back his feelings, and in front of Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, the hitter and the others, he seemed to have been ignited on his ass, and the feeling that he could not wait until the sky was suppressed again. No longer.

He simply stopped pretending and opened his mouth, revealing a bright smile that he had never had in his life.

"I'm going out!"

He quickly ran to his bunk, pulled off the pillowcase, and took out seven or eight pieces of what he usually had left over from the inside. Candy, stuffed directly into the big man's hand, and then threw the pillow all the way onto the nine-finger bed.

A pile of manuscripts beside the pillow, he took out the diaries, and the remaining pile of paper with the manuscripts was given to the prison head, and then kicked the shoes on his feet to the new man with a smile. Here comes the house elf gold coin.

It was the turn of the one who was always talking back, he had nothing long on him, so he simply took off his shirt and put it on this guy: "Keep your temper, the sentence is so long, you have to change it. Watch out for a few more beatings when you get to the jailer."

When the batter reminded him at the agreed time, William walked out barefoot and with a purse in his arms— Inside there are all his savings and diaries, plus thirty Galleons from the prisoner's personal gift, a total of more than 100 points, plus those diaries, it is all his clothes.

In less than an hour after taking a bath, throwing away the prison uniform and putting on the clothes that were ripped off when he was in prison, William was already floating in the ocean far away from Azkaban.

There were two other prisoners who were released at the same time as him, both of the same madness.

The squeamish batsmen didn't pay any attention to the three players who came out of Azkaban, each minding their own business.

By the time the three half-crazy guys were nearly collapsed from exhaustion in the sea breeze, the boat had docked.

The three were casually thrown on the beach. The batter didn't even know that the three of them were standing, so he put away the springboard, each minding their own business and drove the boat away.

The three released prisoners, look at me, I look at you, only to find that everyone was thrown off the boat before they even had time to introduce themselves - since that's the case, then there's no need to introduce yourself.

Accompanied by two light sounds, the two William who were released at the same time did not know whether they should be called prisoners or not. Disapparation has left this beach, leaving only William himself.

Should I use a magic too?
Thinking of this, William subconsciously took out the wand that theoretically belonged to him, but when he got started, he found that this wand was even worse than the last time Dumbledore didn't know who he borrowed. , as if the wand was resisting his use.

However, he grabbed the wand firmly and lifted it up.

Afterwards, the whole person froze in place.

Can the magic he reviewed be able to face this situation?

No - although he knew about Disapparation, he hadn't tried it once, and from the memory in his mind he knew exactly how miserable it would be for a guy to mess around with the spell.

So why is he holding up the wand?
Just when William felt stupid and decided to stop this stupid act, he heard a deafening bang in his ear.

With this loud noise, a strong light with two incomparable gigantic wheels stopped in front of William's eyes.

A line of golden letters is particularly dazzling in the light - Knight Bus.

This is a three-storey bus, which was summed up by William's actions just now. The conductor on the bus was a chatter. 'William' tried to cast a few curses on him countless times. But it didn't work, William remembered these things clearly - because the original William used to travel on the fastest bus in Britain for half a year before he was in prison.

"Welcome to Knight Bus, this bus is for--oh, William, long time no see, my friend, how are you doing?"

" What are you waiting for, get in the car, William, I've turned into a regular conductor, just about a week after we last met."

"Where have you been making your money lately, William?"


"Just released from Azkaban, I'm going to Diagon Alley, thank you."

The car was quiet.

(end of this chapter)

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