From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 22


Chapter 22 Determination and Retreat

"Calm down, you can do it now, though It's complicated, but it's a lot better than being in a prison you don't know when you open your eyes."

William controlled his breathing, trying to calm himself down.

He had already made up his mind about leaving Hogwarts, but now it looks like he'll have to start all over again.

He doesn't know much about the entire magic world, and what he knows a little bit about now is only the general trend of Hogwarts in a certain year in the future.

He couldn't confirm the exact time of that year, but he clearly remembered everything he knew when the kid named Harry Potter played the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. will happen.

And at that time, the caster of the curse he had just suffered—the one whose name could not be mentioned, would be resurrected from the magic ceremony.

There is no doubt that the curse he suffered will become the most offensive at that time, and if he does not want to take more risks, it is best to find a way to restrain the curse before then, or simply Kill the man whose name can't be mentioned before that.

That means he'll have to stay at Hogwarts until the so-called Triwizard Tournament is ready, instead of having an accident at the end of the year and a few hospital stays, as previously planned. Successfully left Hogwarts after a month.

He rushed to the bathroom a few steps, used cold water to wake himself up, and then said to the wet face in the mirror;

"Crossing over, you have worked hard enough. The dementors of Azkaban didn't break you, and the unusual rules of the prison didn't stymie you. You stayed in that place with all black and no daylight for half a year, and you didn't use it as a curse material after you got out of prison."

"You don't know much about the Harry Potter series of movies, but this is not the reason for you to give up. You have an adult body in the magic circle, enough magic reserves to eat in the magic circle, you have For the prophet of a certain year in the future, you know who is the one who will defeat that guy."

"You even have an inexplicable system - you shouldn't be afraid, you should be afraid of the curse. Your people."

He wiped his face hastily, suppressing the fear of you know who.

William has never seen the you know who, but in Azkaban he has heard countless stories of those who are locked in the deepest part of this prison.

Every inmate in the light cell shudders at the mention of the guys in the depths of the prison - most of the guys who call themselves Death Eaters, have been locked up in the depths of the prison for nearly ten years After that, it can still maintain mental stability under the pressure of dementor.

William, who has dealt with dementors, knows very well how terrifying this is, and those Death Eaters are just followers of you know who.

"Starting in hard mode, the handicap has been changed to hell difficulty, what else can I do, and let's play it, if it's not good, I'll clear the level."

He moved towards the mirror The guy showed an ugly smile.

"Next, I'm afraid I don't have time to get in touch with potion - just at my current level, it's still possible to get a salary for the first half of the year. After a long time, I'm afraid that even students will not be able to teach. ”

Stepping out of the bathroom, with a completely different mood than before, William directly looked through the attachments of the letter to find the textbooks chosen by Defense Against the Dark Arts professors over the years.

Potion and making money can now be completely put aside.

For him at present, the most important task is to buy back all these textbooks, and then dig out a series of textbooks that are most suitable for him to study from the selections of these professors, and follow them in the next step. Hogwarts had a good grasp of the most suitable textbooks for him some time ago.

The most researched potion, the magical creatures that interest him the most, the vast A History of Magic, these things are all in the bottom of the box - Hogwarts lacks wizard self-defense magic learning professor, so he will do Well a wizard self defense magic learn all the preparations of a professor, then be competent for the position and avoid all surprises during the tenure.


The following days were boring and tasteless, he politely turned down the two orders given to him by old Tom, and ordered the food every day at Leaky Inside Cauldron, apart from the required one hour of exercise every day, he spent all his time familiarizing himself with the textbook.

For two full weeks, William took the initiative to cut off all contact with the outside world, and stayed in the house wholeheartedly. After reading the twenty books he moved back, he read it carefully. A Second Year textbook for a full set of textbooks.

Fortunately, magic in the lower grades is not difficult for adult wizards, and in the wizard self-defense magic course that William forced the school to change its name, the study of magic does not account for many grand competitions. , which eased his worries a lot.

During this period, there has been no letter from Hogwarts. Old Tom also expressed his understanding after William showed his appointment letter. Everything was fine. If there is any letter from the outside world, it is Flourish & Blotts. The Boss, in the middle of William's research on those books, sent William's money to buy all the books in owl, and also attached a bunch of newly published books on Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Without exception, these books are the existence of second-hand books that are not available in the latest editions.

After cursed swindler inwardly, William shoved those new books to the bottom of the box.

He doesn't have the slightest idea of whether he can become a qualified professor or not. He still thinks about going to school and copying his predecessor's teaching plan. How could he suddenly set a new textbook - Hogwarts There would be no protest against his behavior, but he might want to stay for a while longer.

On the seventeenth day William was in retreat to study those books, there was a knock in his room.

"Little William, someone is looking for you."

Old Tom stood outside the door, his voice uncontrollable.

The bookstore boss didn't receive a reply, and came to the door in person?
William was stunned for a while, and immediately thought of the letter from the previous day - he was so busy that he didn't even have time to reply to the letter, so he simply let the owl fly back empty.

The next textbooks are always selected from the books he bought, and he doesn't worry about the problems of not speaking after receiving the books.

Could it be that that guy is really greedy, running here to choose his new book as a teaching material?

William originally wanted to tell old Tom that he rejected the person, but after thinking about it, he decided to give old Tom a face - to make the words clear, and the Boss simply gave up.

I really want to provoke him, he directly uses the oldest and most published books as textbooks, let's see how many books can be sold this time!

(end of this chapter)

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