From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 36


Chapter 36 Drunk
"Professor, I want to know what happened to Harry?"

It is hard to imagine that this four-meter-tall giant would speak in such an almost twisted tone.

Professor McGonagall lifts the head and looks at Hagrid with surprise.

She hesitated before replied:

"Okay, Hagrid, Albus won't let me talk, Potter broke the secrecy law, got a warning, and he got him Our relatives are under house arrest, and we're trying to figure out a way."

Almost as soon as Professor McGonagall's voice fell, William felt that something terrifying was happening in front of him, and the giant in front of him seemed to be awakened by a tiger. became so offensive that he couldn't help but put his hands on the wand.

"Let me deal with it, Professor."

William could hear the pent-up anger in his voice.

"No, Hagrid, trust Albus, he has a better way of handling it."

Dumbledore's name brought the giant back to his senses.

He nodded heavily, moved towards the door in frustration, and only remembered William when he was about to go out.

"Thank you, Professor William."

"Let's have a drink together?"

William kinda likes this stupid big fellow, although this guy is impulsive, fair and reasonable character, but simple characters can't be annoying.

"I still have a bottle in my room, if you don't mind."

The two said their goodbyes to Professor McGonagall.

It didn't take long for William to reappear at Hagrid's little wood house.

A barrel of wine was opened and filled into two cups, Hagrid mumbled emptied the barrels and pushed the smaller cup to William.

"Successful employment for you!"

The two of them picked up the cup and took a sip.

"Dark magic in school - ahem, well, I've never understood it, wizard self-defense magic learning, probably like this, the professor of this class, is very dangerous."

"Dumbledore told me before joining the job, but there was nothing I could do. I was still in Azkaban at the time, and no matter how dangerous it was, it was better than that hellish place."

William told a lie against his will.


“Azkaban, I am doing potion business in the black market, but I messed up two orders. Loss, while looking for the materials I destroyed."

William took a sip of wine and added:

"As a result, Fudge took office and caught smugglers hard, so I went in. I'm done."

"That's unfortunate, but it's good to come out."

Hagrid said nonchalantly - apparently smuggling was nothing to him.

"Yeah, that ghost place, you can do anything, the most terrible thing is a group of dementors, looking at you coldly, like looking at food."

William shuddered and grabbed wand by the hand that didn't hold the goblet.

An encounter like that was bad enough, he desperately read books and studied magic just to avoid such a powerless situation from happening again - next time, he would never let himself fall into that kind of incompetence again. in a supportive environment.

"The dementor is the least cute magical creature ever! Those guys just can't communicate well!"

Hagrid tapped hard on the table, anger in his eyes and—maybe It was William's delusion, it was fear.

"I tried to raise dementor, but it was almost a disaster."

Hagrid made William awe-inspiring with just one sentence - that group of rotten smells Guys, does anyone really dare to keep them as pets?

"Respect to you, I'll keep that guy for you!"

Hagrid took a sip and said with frustration and fear;

"If It wasn't Albus coming over, I don't know what's going to happen, the half big dementor attacked me and made the smaller half Forbidden Forest dead, I almost felt like I was going to die there, it even wanted to give me a dementor The kiss--"


William went out of admiration.

The word Forbidden Forest is not just in name only, but also in reality, and he thinks it's no surprise that Hagrid keeps a dragon in it.

Keeping dementors is more disgusting than keeping mosquitoes. If you can keep such creatures, Forbidden Forest probably has no impossible existence.

"That bastard reminded me of all the unhappy things in one day, I can hardly imagine what hell Azkaban is like."

The two faced each other again. Had a drink.

"I don't know what's going on with Harry now, and how Dumbledore is going to save him."

Hagrid asked in a low voice, but he quickly answered himself.

"Dumbledore is definitely fine, nothing can beat Dumbledore."

"Those muggles, they torture Harry all the time, you don't know I met a year ago How skinny was Harry when he was there!"

Hagrid, each minding their own business, took a sip, then put the goblet on the table and turned to look for something.

William was stunned for a moment, then took out his wand and tapped on the goblet lightly.

Refill mantra, simple and practical, the favorite of drunkards - although there are all kinds of restrictions, but in the face of heavy drinking, these restrictions are not difficult.

"Oh, thanks."

Hagrid put back the umbrella he just found, and took another swig from his glass.

One spoke, one listened, and the story of Hagrid and Harry quickly passed an hour over the wine.

William was a little too drunk at this point.

Fortunately, the opposite is more drunk.

"I tell you, Hagrid, as soon as I open my eyes, it's Azkaban, do you understand that despair?"

"Yes." Hagrid's tongue got bigger.

"A cell is full of scum, the dementors outside are more annoying than mosquitoes, their eyes are like Divine Idols that want to eat people, they look like food every day, everyday all makes you think about it. Those unhappy things are all over again."

"Uh, uh."

"Just like that, you have to rack your brains to make up stories, or you have to sleep on the toilet Next to it, you can’t see the sun all day long, and you can wash the floor, wipe the toilet, do the laundry, and do all the dirty work for you.”

“I can eat and wait until I die. Dude and I—hic."

William kept his mouth shut in time, and Hagrid, who was opposite him, couldn't say anything more than ummm.

Not even a drunk can say that.

William sneered at himself, took another fiercely drink, and filled Hagrid with magic.

Today, if you get drunk once, it will probably last for three months?
After that, you have to continue to study magic to improve yourself - otherwise, you will not dare to get drunk casually.

With this thought in mind, William slumped directly on the table.


Waking up again, it was almost evening, Hagrid had woken up, but not much better than William - his goblet was bigger, at least he drank seven more Eight times as much wine.

Rubbing his face, William and Hagrid say goodbye - Hagrid sends William back to Hogsmeade Village, before waving back to Hogwarts with alcohol.

"Ah—" William stretched, ready to get rid of the last trace of alcohol before going back.

The system arrives slowly.

(end of this chapter)

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