From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 40


Chapter 40 Reality taught William a lesson

The two rechecked the path used to block The barrier of sight, from the outside, confirmed that someone had touched him.

"Obviously, someone turned on the magic that is usually used to block passages. That should have been done by me."

The unlucky guy guarding the station is 20 this year. It looked like nodded, and after a long inspection, I came to the conclusion that it was useless.

He probably also felt something was wrong, and quickly added:

"Professor, I will go to the other side to check, maybe I can find some traces."

This child was so afraid of the teacher when he was in school - William's nod, he resisted saying that he had already checked things over carefully.

It can be seen that this graduate who was sent to guard the train station can't wait to show his capable side immediately. He will stop him at this time, and it will also discourage the other party's enthusiasm too much.

William, who seriously thought about how to praise the other party later, took a few steps behind, glanced around and saw that there was no who, and went straight through the barrier.

At the next moment of passing through the barrier, the sound of a magic spell passing through the air came directly into William's ears.


William quickly chanted Shield Charm, then pressed his body to the side, while not forgetting to cast a Sleeping Charm in the direction of the moved towards spells Accio.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."

The sound of falling to the ground came, and the one who got up first was William who fell.

He dealt with the dust he had just stained, and then looked at the two wizards, one big and one small, falling to the ground, and fell into contemplation.

Child Bear will only stop because of motion sickness, and will not change his habits.

William didn't know this before, but life taught him a good lesson.

A child who dares to lie and run off the train is destined to stop, even if she has just been obedient for a while due to the effect of motion sickness.

Although I didn't see the previous part clearly, William has guessed the bits and pieces just by guessing.

Just now, the little Gryffindor who told her to stay there obediently did not hide obediently and honestly as he expected, but hid in a corner that was not easy to find, and then raised it. wand stared at the entrance and exit.

After she found out that the person who came in through this entrance was not a professor, the adventurer Divine Idol, who had been temporarily suppressed, was stimulated by the puffer fish and swelled directly, when the person was not paying attention. , and a blast of spells came straight from the cold.

But the sound of spells flying was heard by the new William, so William subconsciously counterattacked the opponent directly.

William, who was sure of his spells, ignored the cursed Gryffindor and went to see the volunteer Ministry of Magic staff.

That little daredevil deserves to suffer—he shouldn't be soft-hearted. Could it be that when a woman looks pale and drinks brown sugar water, she can forget how she twisted the skull with her bare hands?

He's careless!
The attacked Ministry of Magic employee had recovered from the spells as William trotted past.

How big is the Binding Curse formidable power that Second Year students cast?

He just accidentally hit the trick, and basically the effect is almost canceled when he falls to the ground - the magic power of the junior wizard is not enough, and it is not a powerful attack for the adult wizard at all. .

But that doesn't mean he doesn't doubt life at the moment.

When he was in the square earlier, he found that William caught the attention of muggle, he wanted to sneak up on William, handle the accident handsomely, and warned William with a mature attitude that the wizard should not have caused it in such a place. Big sensation.

As a result, with three or two strokes, William not only bypassed his gaze, but also backhanded his wand.

Fortunately, after learning that William is Professor Hogwarts, his dissatisfaction turned into admiration - as expected of a professor at the school, he is really good at dealing with emergencies.

Students, it's not ashamed to lose to a teacher, even after graduation.

But now, he can't clean himself up.

Sneak attacked by a child, a child who is still in school at Hogwarts.

I still didn't have time to fight back, and I didn't even have time to dodge successfully.

It's more humiliating than getting deduct points in school at the time.

William looked at his red eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

There is still an excuse to switch to a higher grader and be put down by a lower grader...

William simply changed the subject and acted as if nothing had happened.

"The station has been in use for more than ten years, and it has not been properly maintained. The road is still full of potholes. Look at my ashes."

He pointed to his own body. In a clean place, while using wand to dispose of the dust for the two of them, he asked:
"By the way, at the Cross Station, did you find two eleven or twelve-year-old children who had to stop because they didn't enter the station? Returning."

"That's not true, Professor, there was a couple who didn't know why they had a conflict with muggle, and the train was about to leave, so I just stared at it. Prevent them from having any bigger conflict with muggle."

After thinking for a while, he added:
"In retrospect, the conflict between those two seems a bit too abrupt, as if someone It's like using magic to create conflict, maybe the barrier was blocked by someone at that time."

In the middle of the conversation, an owl suddenly Accio, hovering for a while, landed directly there On a Ministry of Magic personnel.

He hastily apologized to William and ran to the side to read the letter.

And William took this opportunity to slowly walk to the student who was knocked down by Stunning Spell.

Tsk, he's quite a good student when he's quiet. If it wasn't for the previous two incidents, William thinks such a student would have to be a class representative or a study committee member or something - if Hogwarts had any. talk.

Unfortunately, Gryffindor students are good everywhere, they just move.

William hesitated to untie the spells, thinking that it would be easy to provoke the Deputy Headmistress - if it weren't for the unethical nature of carrying a female student, if he were a boy, he wouldn't even untie the spells. Can carry Hogwarts to the other side.

"Right, confiscated the wand first."

William grabbed the opponent's wand and sealed the opponent's wand with spells the moment he woke up. speaking ability.

"Now, I say, you do it, no need to talk, no need to wand, no need to run around, follow me obediently and honestly, when I see Professor McGonagall, I will wand I'll give you the ability to speak again."

In the angry eyes of the other party, William gave the order arbitrarily.

Sneak out of the school bus, use magic off-campus, attack the Ministry of Magic staff - if you don't stop it, then attack the professor.

"wu wu!"

A very spirited revolt, which I thought was not a good word, but William ignored it.

After the staff member reads the letter, let's see how the Ministry of Magic arranges it - he still has to explain to the Ministry of Magic what happened just now.

(end of this chapter)

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