From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 43


Chapter 43 Hogwarts Express (Not) Fast

Knight Bus is much faster than Hogwarts Express There are too many - I don't know where the Ministry of Magic who set up the express train has the courage to call the slow car an express.

William lay on the bed with experience, ignoring the actions of the Gryffindor next door, who protested in an uncooperative manner.

When there is a pile of beds in a place where the seats should be placed, you should just lie down and consider why, instead of sitting there and showing no cooperation.

The next moment, the train turned quickly, all the people lying down firmly grasped the pillars that fixed the bed, but the one who was sitting fell heavily to the ground with a thud.

"Hogsmeade Village is here."

Sang Park, the conductor, came over and shouted with a smile.

"So fast?"

William asked in surprise—the last time he rode, he sat at Diagon Alley for quite a while.

"Good luck to you, there just happened to be no customers blocking the car today, so we jumped in a row, and it took a few minutes - he jumped a hundred miles."

"What a great guy."

William exclaimed sincerely, patted Sunpark's shoulder, and glanced at the Gryffindor who was struggling to get up.

"Let's go, Hagrid told me last time that lower school students are not allowed to come to Hogsmeade Village, so I'm showing you in advance."


The light in the car is not very good, William didn't understand it, but the other party walked off the bus in a hurry, William moved towards Sun Park, waved goodbye, and walked down quickly.

It wasn't even one o'clock in the afternoon when William arrived at Hogwarts with all the students who didn't make a sound out of anger.

Knocked on the door, William each minding their own business looked at the watch with a very patient look.

“Wu wu!!!”

The students around him made a noise, trying to get William to notice her.

But William was determined not to give anyone a chance to make trouble until he got him into the hands of Professor McGonagall -- and in Professor McGonagall's hands, problems weren't his concern.

"Oh, William, the professor said you would come with the students in the evening, why did you come so early?"

Hagrid started fighting all the way across the school gate. Greeted with enthusiasm.

"I have prepared a good wine, just waiting for you to come and enjoy the dinner together. It is also good to come early, but you can't drink too much. You have to attend the dinner."


"That's right, my luggage is still on the train. I had a little accident, so I had to take the Knight Bus ahead of time. By the way, is Professor McGonagall in the office?"

William thought Solve the trouble as soon as possible and send this bear child out first.

"Oh, the professor isn't in the office, she's arranging today's dinner and separate house ceremony, and she's busy."

So, owl isn't here, right?

Considering the speed of the Knight Bus, William thinks his guess should be fine - unless the Ministry of Magic uses the emergency contact with Hogwarts, but for the flying car, William thinks it is unlikely .

"Then very good, I have to go to the castle first, hand over the task at hand, and then go to the hunting ground to find you."

"Well, see you later—— Hermione?"

The giant made a sound of surprise.


The Gryffindor, known as Hermione, tried to say something.

"What's wrong with her?"

"You know each other?"

William is surprised, then realizes he's asking nonsense - Hagrid and Harry How could he not know Harry's friend?

"Yeah, she's my friend, is she cursed?"

"No, but she made an excuse to run off the train and use it outside of school. spell , and attacked the Ministry of Magic staff."

"My God! Her? If you're carrying the Weasley brother, I'd even think you're covering up their mistakes, but Hermione— She's the first."

How could she be the first to bring down the professor?
William looked at the cards in his inventory and agreed with Hagrid.


"Don't worry, Ms. Hermione, when I put you in the hands of Professor McGonagall, I will naturally disarm the magic, so please reflect on yours now. Wrong."


Probably a curse word, but William ignored it.

"It looks like she doesn't want to think about it anymore. I have to quickly hand her over to Professor McGonagall and see Hagrid back."

Hagrid's expression was a little tangled. , seems to be trying to persuade William to release the imprisoned magic, but what William said is indeed a bit too much. In the end, the giant gave up his plan to stop William - anyway, someone will send it to Professor McGonagall. , when the time comes magic is definitely lifted.

When William entered the auditorium, Professor McGonagall was assigning tasks to a group of elves. From the thick stack of parchments in her hand, it could be seen that she was very busy today.

"Professor William? You're here so early?"

Professor McGonagall exclaimed in surprise.

"very good," the professor took out a parchment from his parchment in admiration, "the school doesn't have enough candles in stock, can I trouble you to go to the owl shed and send this order form to Hogsmeade Village. Is there a grocery store?"

Professor, I am not very familiar with the road on my first day in office.

William took the order while letting out the Gryffindor who was following behind him—she had been hiding in William's shadow since entering the auditorium.

"Professor McGonagall, there's something wrong with the train."

"The train?" Professor McGonagall was stunned.

Then she suddenly remembered the ticket she sent William.

"What happened?"

The professor's expression suddenly turned stern.

"The two students were blocked outside the passage and did not catch the train. The Ministry of Magic investigators and I checked and found that they were artificially blocked, but did not find out who did it."

“Miss Granger is blocked out? What about the other one, which house student?”

“No, Miss Granger is not blocked, her two friends Got stuck and Miss Granger slipped off the train while I was getting off, so I brought her over early."

"Slipped off the train?"

Professor McGonagall The eyes were a little surprised, but she thought of more in an instant.

"Two friends? You mean Potter and Weasley?"

"If she's not mistaken, it should be."

"The two of them What about individuals?"

The professor's tone became eager.

"If my information from the Ministry of Magic investigators is correct, he's driving a flying car and he's still floating over the Hogwarts Express at the moment."

"Merlin is on!"

William swears he has the illusion of seeing an angry eagle in this brief moment.

"Slipped off the train, chasing the school bus in a speeder..."

William felt the figure beside him shrink by two points in Professor McGonagall's self-talk.

(end of this chapter)

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