From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 47


Chapter 47 Alumni better not be colleagues

When William pays attention from that scary ceremony When the strength was recovered, there was one professor missing from the dining table of the faculty members.

William, who couldn't fit into the topics of the professors for a while, curiously calculated who disappeared based on the professors who were still at the scene, but was surprised to find that the missing professor seemed to be familiar to him.

It's potion professor Snape, an unlucky bastard who's been stole stuff and beaten unconscious by his students -- at least that's what William knows so far.

"Where's Severus ·Professor Snape?"

William asked Lockhart next to him in a low voice.

"You're asking about the old bat? (Note 1)"

Lockhart lowered his voice, as if he didn't want his voice to be heard by other professors.

"Professor William I have to tell you that in my time at school, Hogwarts had the most unpopular professor, and that professor has retained that title to this day. Guess what. Which professor is that?"

Lockhart gave his habitual smile, his teeth gleaming in candlelight.

"The least popular?"

"Of course, not everyone can win the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award five times like me, and he's always looking for black--cough , the wizard defended himself as a professor of magic studies, but even by the time I took on Huo's job, he didn't get what he wanted."

Lockhart said complacently: "I won't fail like he did, I An honorary member of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Hogwarts teachers and students will cheer for my class!"

'The co-author Professor Snape is so unpopular? No impression, intelligence gathering failed. Also, although this Professor Lockhart looks arrogant and looks like he came to sell books at Hogwarts, he may have an unexpected hand. Those awards are always impossible, right? '

William simply compliments his new colleague - Azkaban's life makes William no stranger to it.

The compliment from a colleague obviously made this man very happy, and the screen opened like a peacock.

"I'm telling you, most of the professors at the school know me, I've only been out of Hogwarts for less than ten years, and Snape wasn't even a professor when I came to school."

"Not a professor?"

"Yes, no, I was a student at that time, I remember clearly, I was enrolled in 1975, when Snape was older than me Fourth term, tsk tsk, if I didn't really want to speak ill of students, I could even vividly tell how Snape was hanged there by his classmates."

But you've pretty much revealed the bits and pieces by now.

William believed that if the Professional Snape had heard the conversation just now, he would not have been a little relieved that Lockhart had kept him a secret.

But Lockhart's talk is very elegant, and his desire to perform has just been aroused at this moment.

"I'm from Ravenclaw, so I'm not familiar with those two house people, but Snape was a thankless existence at the time. When he was hanged by the Gryffindor people, one of them was willing to help him. Slytherin doesn't have any."

So, it's better that your colleagues are not in the same school, otherwise you don't know how much the other party knows about your dark history.

William felt that judging from the long list of words just now, if he was Professor Snape, he might have already started a duel with the nonsense.

At this time, a new student was assigned to Ravenclaw, which just caught Lockhart's attention.

He stood up and congratulated the new student.

The little witch who was assigned to Ravenclaw's face flushed instantly, and he almost forgot to return Sorting Hat and rushed to Ravenclaw's table, then pulled a girl of the same age and whispered something— —It looks like a fan who just got an autographed photo.

Looking at this scene, William remembered another identity of this new colleague who seemed a little bombastic - the author of the enjoyment book, or the adventure Legendary novel based on his own experience.

'Am I the one with the most dishes in this table? '

William was lost in thought.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but feel a little anxious - after drinking a lot of wine with Hagrid in the afternoon, his thoughts drifted and he didn't know how it happened.

"Sorry, I have to go out."

William walked around to the entrance of the hall from where no one was paying attention. He was not familiar with Hogwarts' castle, so he could only choose what he remembered. Several toilets solve the problem.

But as he turned the corner, William saw two strange silhouettes, dragging, carrying suitcases, and not very tall - which reminded him of the time when he had to leave at noon. The reason why the train bought a double Knight Bus ticket.

"Huh? New student?"

Wand grabbed wand with one hand, ready to pull it out at any time, and asked very easily.

Although he is a new student with a high probability, considering the reason for the curse, he is still preventing possible accidents.

The two dragging figures stopped, and then, William found a third silhouette-Professor Snape, who was walking in the forefront.

"Oh? Professor William, I think you should be at the opening ceremony at this time, not here."

The first sentence of the formal conversation, William understood instantly Why is this professor so unpopular in Lockhart's mouth?

"I got off the Hogwarts Express at noon for the sake of these two students, and then made a special trip to King's Cross Station in China. Now I see these two students come to ask, there is nothing that can't be said, right? "

We don't know each other, what do you think when we first met?

If Azkaban newcomers are so easy to be instructed, they can basically cover the whole cell. The original William was not so offensive, but after Azkaban came out, he was the first The response is to push back, neither soft nor hard.

"I'm Potter's professor!"

"It's unfortunate, so am I. I still think you're the head, but when students report at noon, read, I remember they were Gryffindor?"

William felt a pair of icy eyes look over from the opposite side, and there was absolutely nothing in their eyes that was almost mad before - that was William often when he had just been imprisoned. what the prisoner saw.

'What happened to him? The rush to punish the students has led to the loss of normal judgment, so I have lost my mind and ordered me? '

William pretended to inadvertently took out the wand while thinking about it - after thinking about it, if he was brought down by another professor in front of the students, he would have no face.

"Okay, very good, then ask Professor William to come and see Potter and the others, and I'll find someone who can pack them."

Unexpectedly, the conflict did not continue. Going down, Professional Snape quickly left the aisle and moved towards the auditorium on the side.

Note: Snape studied from 1971 to 1978, and returned to school in 1981 to seek a job as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but as a Potions' Professor.

Lockhart studied from 1975 to 1982, and happened to experience it all.

(end of this chapter)

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