From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 5


Chapter 5 Munton couldn't resist
Jail days were dull and boring.

Without the dementor's regular meal once a day, life here would be plain as water - but unfortunately, no prisoner welcomes the dementor to come over and have some fun.

Even a little bit of new information is very valuable to the prisoners here. If a newspaper is handed in, the greedy prisoners are not even willing to let go of the advertisements in the cracks. Not to mention a prison room or something new to come.

The cheaters, kidnappers, murderers and arsonists were quite surprised when they first arrived, but after two months of squatting and seeing the newcomers, they knew why they came in, and they didn't even have the desire to inquire.

Occasionally a guy who commits a strange crime will be excited like a New Year's Eve in the neighboring cells - just like William and the others who committed a crime in the cell next to the Care of Magical half a month ago. Creatures method.

Generally speaking, people who violate this law are either harming endangered species or secretly breeding and prohibiting privately farmed creatures, but this one is different.

He sent himself to Azkaban for research, and he's still serving a long sentence - if he hadn't been greeted before he came in, he would have been on the felon's side.

According to his self-introduction, he has published thirteen papers on centaurs, among which is included "Research on Centaur Reproduction Behavior" and "Research on Centaur Feeding Cubs". "Study of Centaur Embryonic Development" and a series of works.

After these papers became famous, the angry centaur negotiated with the Ministry of Magic, who was indicted and sent to Azkaban - it is said that the Ministry of Magic Official took a long time to find the basis for the prosecution.

This story has been on the topic of Azkaban for a whole week, and you can see how lacking the daily entertainment is here.

And today, inmates in each cell get a new way of entertainment - last night William's method of rehabilitating newcomers in their cells has spread throughout the light prisoner through the adjacent cells. .

This new routine of letting newcomers do confession when they have nothing to do has been accepted by almost all cells.

Azkaban is a place that does not talk about democracy. There are eight people in a cell, tossing a newcomer and entertaining seven old people is such a cost-effective thing, no one is willing to do so. Others will teach him what he wills.

So when William gave up research on the system that suddenly came to study magic instead, he unexpectedly received a system message of one after another.

[A magic creature recognizes you, and you get a treasure chest. ]


Similar messages were passed on twenty-one times, and these twenty-one wooden boxes were uniformly shabby and shabby, nailed with a few pieces of wood that were about to rot. As if a gust of wind could break the wood outside.

These chests, which are even more shabby than the treasure chests provided by Mondon, can only open two cards each, and the skills attached to them are even worse.

Ignoring the different names and pictures above, nineteen of the twenty-one cards are related to theft, and the success rate is also an unbelievable certain probability - if William didn't If you guess wrong, then the source of these boxes are the prisoners who are being rehabilitated in various cells.

Because the character introductions attached to those cards all have suffixes like (hatred).

As for the remaining two cards, one is a card with a certain probability of successful deception, and the other is the only card in all the draws that is not a character image - the card face is blue, and the drawing is on the top. With a blue meal coupon.

[Meal Coupon; you can use it to offset the cost of a card use]

This is probably the only thing of value in the twenty chests.

At the same time, William also has a general idea of how to get more chests and whether only relevant character cards can be opened in the chests.

Naturally, they do not.

Being trapped in a cell and unable to get out, he does not have the ability to mine more treasure chests. This system is not very helpful to him at this moment-unless he is willing to risk being hunted and killed. Head jailbreak, and not necessarily successful.

William put away the system and continued to study magic.


It's Once a month again.

William once again declined the big man's gracious invitation and began to hang out among the prisoners.

"Massage now! Massage with potion, two chocolates for one, genuine, no bullying, half price for female criminals for a limited time!"

"Galleon changed cigarettes A Galleon is a whole cigarette, and three Wests can be a cigarette butt!"

"The canned food has been replaced by a newspaper, four cans and four cans, cheap, cheap!"

All kinds of shouting and shouting were just right - just enough to be heard by the prisoners without reaching the ears of the overtime beaters, and William felt the breath of this close to the normal human market in it.

Although some of these deals are not seen in the normal trading market, they are also Azkaban special deals.

But there is no other ancient human transaction besides killers here - it happened before, but too much joy in the air caught the attention of the dementor, those guys couldn't control their own No one can stop it.

It is said that the man is still anxiously checking advertisements in various magic newspapers and magazines after being released from prison.

While William was wandering around, Monton, who had wiped the toilet for a whole month and warned the dementor on duty, sneaked into the corner of the prison.

The batters are excitedly exchanging how much gold they can exchange for worthless things on duty this time. When they see the prisoner coming over, they all change their faces - they are not afraid that someone will sue them for this. , mainly because the new prisoner violated their authority.

Monton was controlled by magic almost instantly.

By the time he yells I want to see Mad-Eye Moody, the batter is already kicking.

"You dare to call Lord Moody's name too?"

The thin and tall batter looks disdainful - Mad-Eye Moody is Auror, the ace of the Ministry of Magic Ace, with strong strength and outstanding record, is an unattainable great character in the striker. Although he has retired, he is occasionally invited to give lessons to the striker, and his reputation is very high.

Don't look at the hitters making money, but that doesn't stop them from admiring the mad-eye man.

"I promised to be an informant, please let me know to mad-eye Han."

The two strikers in the front looked at each other and clicked nodded.

You can't do anything with a few informants -- it's not uncommon to get more information by lightening the individual offenders.

"I am Mundungus Fletcher, mad-eye knows me."

Mundung put out a long breath and said quickly to the striker.

He knew mad-eye Han for a long time and helped Dumbledore through him - but the work was too dangerous, this time his sentence was not long, and he didn't want to contact mad-eye Han at all , this sentence is far worse than the dangerous ones.

Unfortunately, after living in Azkaban for a month, he suddenly realized that it was actually quite good to help mad-eye Han and the others.

(end of this chapter)

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