From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 59


Chapter 59 When Professor William thinks he's not good

"Good morning, Professor."

"Well, you're early too."

Another unfamiliar student greeted him, and William returned with a standard adult smile.

Professor Lockhart suddenly became popular after his class was revealed last night - obviously he just took his first class, and only met those students at the opening ceremony. .

Also, the students in the upper grades don't matter, what are the children in the lower grades doing?
It's too early for you to fall into my hands!

When William finally sat down on the dining table, he felt his face freeze a little.

It's only been a few minutes?
Letting out a breath and relaxing the muscles on his face, William started to add food to his plate.

'Probably that's why Professor McGonagall and his older professors like to have a straight face. Laughing is more tiring than a straight face. '

Just when he was thinking silently about whether he should pretend to be cold to reduce the frequency of laughing with the students, Adams, who smelled of earth, was already sitting in front of him.

The naughty big man slapped William on the shoulder and stated in an extremely exaggerated tone:

"My God, I'm finally back alive - you I don't know how scary the Professor Sprout is today, I took almost an hour to check the herbs planted by the second year students yesterday, and the Professor Sprout didn't laugh during that time!"

"It's so exaggerated. ?Professor Sprout seems to have a good temper?"

"Most of the time, but today is an exception - Professor Lockhart went to the greenhouse again in the morning, saying to check on the help he helped yesterday How's Whomping Willow's recovery."


William couldn't help but exclaim - it was such a big problem in Professor Lockhart's class yesterday, and today Can you run and watch Whomping Willow recover?
Is this the strength of a professional adventurer? No matter what kind of setbacks you encounter, can you always face life with optimism?

But apparently Professor Adams was mistaken. He probably thought William thought Professor Lockhart and Professor Sprout were in conflict.

"It's not a conflict or anything, Professor Sprout is very nice and patient with students, but he doesn't like others talking too much, and prefers people who do things seriously, and Professor Lockhart likes them. Express yourself, so Professor Sprout doesn't like Professor Lockhart very much."

You're talking under the covers, right?
Just for what you just described, Professional Sprout must have been sulking all morning.

Probably one is a professor whom he respects, and the other is his idol, so Adams doesn't know who to favor.

"Okay, don't worry about that. It's definitely more important for Professor Sprout than your experience in handling herbs in the greenhouse."

"Yes, Hufflepuff So many students and professors can handle it well, and this time it should be fine."

As Adams said, he began to make sandwiches for himself.

"By the way, William," Adams directly ignored the title behind, "I heard from the students, you can get wand away at once, is it true?"

This is What strange rumor?

If I had that ability, would I need to stay in Azkaban for that long, obediently and honestly?

"How could it be possible—I would believe that the protagonist of the rumor is Dumbledore, me?"

William pointed to himself and said in a rather confident tone:

"Just like me, Headmaster Dumbledore hit ten without panting, are you believing or not?"

"What the students said, it's prudent, and it's spread all over the seniors-- Said you just got rid of the wand easily."

What did the students say?

How come people are so good at spreading rumors?

William had a sudden realization—the students were probably exaggerating the fact that they wanted him out of the students.

After all, it's stupid to be accidentally stolen by a professor, but if the professor can use magic to make the wand disappear, it's none of his business.

Given the homework they left yesterday, it's not uncommon for the guys who get caught writing the thesis to brag.

"Hey, the students exaggerated a bit, it's just a silent Disarming Charm, it's nothing more than a slight modification, they hadn't noticed it before, so they were a little surprised, but that's what it is."

William is not easy to say that it is a method of stealing, ready to fool the past - the effect is similar anyway.

"But then again, I didn't see you in class from last afternoon to the evening?"

"Late night, when they were with the Seventh Year student, they said that there were approvals in the greenhouse. The eucalyptus is blooming, and it must be collected in the early morning, which is just an eye-opener for Seventh Year students."

"There is such a good thing in the school greenhouse?"

William stared directly. Big eyes.

He does know this plant, and many high level potions need this material.

The muggle world also has related legends, but just like Dragon, they are all exaggerated, but this does not affect the preciousness of this herb.

"Of course there is, this is Hogwarts!"

Adams said as it should be by rights, his face full of pride - it's interesting to tell stories when you meet someone who knows .

Yes - this is Hogwarts.

Hagrid's room still has a bundle of wand cores hanging from it, and it's not unusual to have a collection of scarce materials that are barely visible to the outside world in the herbal greenhouse.

"Sell me a little bit at the market price, can you get it?"

Although it was not long before we met, the temptation of this precious material made William reluctant to care about everyone's ignorance. It's a familiar fact - even the black market is out of stock for eight or nine months a year.

"Six at most, I need both for Professional Snape and Professional Sprout. That's all that can be sold on the market. Twenty Galleons each, I have to buy fertilizers and other things."

It's already cheap to die - it's a bargain on the market.

William then realized that Professor Adams in front of him was not only an ordinary teacher, but also most likely the top herbal master in the entire magic world.

'Maybe all the professors in the school, except me, can rank among the top ten in the country? '

William couldn't help thinking of this.

Then he realized that he really seemed to be brought over to make up the number--Professor Lockhart would never give lectures again, and he was still a first-class adventurer.

"Professor William, what's wrong? Too expensive? Or is the quantity too small?"

"No, no, the quantity is enough, even a little more than I imagined, I brought I don't have enough cash, so I'll go to Diagon Alley to get the cash on the weekend before I can give it to you."

"Okay, I'll keep the herbs for you later - don't worry about the money, I'll be there next month. If you are too lazy to get it, you can just give me the salary slip for this month, anyway, I have to make a trip and take care of it by the way.”

Adams' eloquent speech made William feel that he was the best, and he secretly made up his mind - 'Add a little more to Fifth Year's questions and make a good grade, and never let others feel that they are making up the number. ! '

(end of this chapter)

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