From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 70


Chapter 70 Recognition from Colleagues

I don’t know that William left the Weasley brother when he was catching someone The accomplices, or other students listened to them when they complained, or there were Seventh Year students in the store at the time, anyway, by Wednesday evening, almost all the students in the school knew about the new magic self-defense professor. Great.

That's right, it's very leisurely - this is the unanimous evaluation of the new professor by all students in the school.

A professor in charge of teaching the senior grades five, six, seven, and three ran outside the school to arrest the Fourth Year students. What other behavior can be used to describe this kind of behavior other than idleness?

That's off-campus, not on-campus!

"Congratulations, William, for less than a week on the job and being named the most disliked professor -- but seriously, I think it's a bit late."

Adams taking The sound of pleasure in other people's misfortune started right after dinner.

"Indeed, I think you should have done it the day you failed all the students. It's actually a bit late. The last person to be disliked by the whole school so quickly seems to be Professor Snape? Maybe? You guys have an unexpected common thread - oh, yeah, it's not a year or two that Professor Snape doesn't like the wizard self-defense magic learning professor."

Professor alchemy, who returned to Hogwarts, seemed to be saying something from It was like liberation in silence, and he spoke quickly and for a long time, still wishing to choke people to death within minutes.


William moved towards the two sarcastic people rolled the eyes, in a tone without the fear of being an unwelcome target by the students—so far, He hasn't received a single negative emotion box yet.

He would have liked the students to list him as an unpopular professor, as they said, how many boxes would be swiped at that time!
Unfortunately, no.

"Just punishing two students who skipped class - it's normal for any professor, it's nothing more than a topical grabbing off-campus, to be honest, if I don't punish them, maybe there will be a bunch of them Students feel that it is unfair, and no one will object to the punishment.”

“As for the failed exams, all the papers are real questions over the years. As far as I am concerned, at most they all failed the subjects beyond their expectations - there is no way, they are really bad."

William seriously put the blame through, just talking. I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

The two who were listening attentively realized that something was wrong and wanted to say something, but in the end they couldn't help laughing along. Professor McGonagall, her sharp eyes swept over, so that the laughter did not trigger a chain reaction.

However, it didn't take long for Professor Kettleburn, the only old professor of magical creatures in the school who was not afraid of Professor McGonagall, to slip over on crutches. The expression of an old child who I didn't hear or didn't have.

"What, something interesting happened?"

He supported his head with his only remaining arm and asked in a deliberately low voice.

"The two students we caught in the afternoon and sneaked to Hog's Head."

Adams responded to the old professor's question almost instantly.

"Hog's Head, that's a great place, I've bought a whole bunch of amazing creature kits from there, and I'd say Knockturn Alley might be full of stuff, but when it comes to surprises, it's better than anything else. Not on Hog's Head!"

Is this an endorsement from Old Senior?

William looked at the half of Professor Kettleburn's limbs and couldn't help but agree with the old professor.

Although he knows almost nothing about magical creatures except for potion materials, as far as he knows, magical creatures that can cause such dark magic damage and cannot heal wounds are all powerful. And the rare ones - all the magical creatures that can cause magic and can't repair wounds are either killed by batters and aurors in groups, or only those who live in the protected area are left. It is too difficult to find one. .

Seeing everyone's convinced expressions, the smile on the old professor's face couldn't be contained.

"I told you youngsters that Hog's Head is a scam, Knockturn Alley is terrible, and many of those guys are contract liars. It's annoying to be disgusted once."

"Diagon Alley is regular, but they don't dare to sell things that are a little out of the way. To buy something exclusive, you have to go down a few famous alleys-"

"For example, the second-hand bookseller on the most remote corner of Diagon Alley has something you youngsters like-"

“cough cough!”

A cough from Professor McGonagall interrupted Kettleburn, who was getting louder.

The latter made a grimace before turning his head with a serious face: "Oh, Minerva, I suddenly remembered that my animals haven't been fed yet, Hagrid is a great young man, but I still don't. Gotta go and see how the little fellows are eating."

"Okay, please go, Professor Kettleburn."

Professor McGonagall looked serious, like Just as nothing happened.

"The knowledge that feels strange has increased."

William added quietly, eating a lamb chop in earnest.

"Me too, Professor Kettleburn seems to know everything, and he can catch whatever we're talking about - I bet Prof Dumbledore can't, it's hard to imagine Professor Dumbledore coming over to us with all seriousness. Discuss contraband.

"How is that possible - Dumbledore, illegal? How can these two words be related? "

"I mean, that's Dumbledore—by the way, William, how did you punish those two students this afternoon." "

"Copying A History of Magic for a month, you can't let them wash the chamber pot, right?" "

"A History of Magic? "

The two looked at each other, then started laughing wildly at William.

What's so funny about A History of Magic, aren't these two guys crazy?

[You have been approved by a magic creature and received a treasure chest x1]

[You have been approved by a magic creature and received a treasure chest x1]

The system prompts came one after another. If William guessed correctly, it should be the two in front of him.

"A History of Magic, You're quite something, I doubt Professor Binns will mind you. Do it together with his share. Adams feigned admiration.

"I don't think - since I came to Hogwarts, or even as a student, Professor Binns didn't give a shit, he kept the timetable. Be more attentive. "

"Don't be too good, I'm afraid you have to be a part-time professor of A History of Magic, which is the only subject in the school that doesn't have a second professor, but I think no matter what you do, it will Two students will not like your A History of Magic class. "

Adams was serious about giving advice, but he didn't hold back the last sentence.

So, Professor McGonagall looked over again.

ps: Tomorrow , before the sun sets (can't it be any later?)

(end of this chapter)

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