From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 74


Chapter 74 When William lays down the gun

People don't suffer from widowhood but inequity.

The meaning is very simple. When the game is about to lose, everyone has a record of 0/8, and the atmosphere of the team is quite harmonious.

At the Hufflepuff common room near noon, Dennis, a Fifth Year student who finished a busy morning of classes, saw two acquaintances from Gaobushi just after returning.

“Dennis, are you coming to play Gobushi?”

The two seniors of Seventh Year sent warm invitations.

"Forget it, I'm going crazy, I don't have time to go to Gobushi, I just took A History of Magic, and after a class, I found that I didn't understand anything, but Professor Binns still Assigned papers!"

Professor Binns is the only one ghost professor at Hogwarts who can hold up to 007, except for forgetting things from time to time, his courses have not received complaints because students in class If it's not too much, the old professor will ignore it - for some students, the best thing about this professor is that he forgets to assign homework.

"Fifth Year, be patient, there are not many people in Hogwarts who study A History of Magic, you can give up when the time comes, anyway, not many professions require a certificate of A History of Magic. But Professional Binns actually remembers to set up homework, it seems that the pass rate of A History of Magic should increase this year."

"I hope so, by the way, the dark magic in the morning -- well, wizard self-defense How's the magic class, how long did it take?"

Dennis asked casually.

I've been tortured by A History of Magic for too long this morning, and I urgently need some negative emotions from others to supplement my happiness--Come on, Jacob, Pete, tell us your unhappiness and make everyone happy.

“How many times did you fail?”

The two Seventh Year students with gobstones looked at each other and finally remembered what the students discussed in the morning if the Seventh Year students took the exam. The question of how many people fail like Fifth Year comes.

So, smiles quickly appeared on their faces—more interesting than Gobstone.

"Exams? No exams at all, not only no exams, we had a pretty lively lesson, and we didn't open the textbook from start to finish, I think it was the best magic self-defense I've ever had at Hogwarts Class!"

The Seventh Year student said something that made William shy without blushing - in fact, this class didn't even take out the wand, let alone the proven magic .

But compared to the first class of Fifth Year students, as long as there is no exam, it is heaven.

Happiness is a comparison, especially since Fifth Year's friends are still complaining about the newly arranged papers, so the other one quickly made up for it.

"Well, not only is the course excellent, but there is no homework, no papers, and no magic exercises."

"Just kidding!"

"No, there is no benefit to lying to you. You can ask other people to ask. It seems that in the three grades that Professor William took, the first class is the exam only you, and the Sixth Year's course is just as interesting, but they Just one more paper."

"Huh? Dennis? Where are you going?"

"Dormitory, get that damn paper ready before lunch!"

Dennis left the two Seventh Year friends without looking back, and the Fifth Year students who followed the inquisition also dispersed in dismay, and gave twelve points to the damn O.W.Ls exam. of resentment.

Damn the exam, how could our curriculum be like this if it wasn't for it! ! !

“William, you look very happy?”

“A little - this week’s work is done, a little preparation for lessons, and the weekend is next. "

"You should see Singed, he's out of class on Tuesday..."

Adams gestured to Professor Alchemy next to him with his chin, saying that William still Knowledge is too little.

"You have to learn to adapt, Adams, people are different, there is no need to be too pretentious, learn to change the direction of thinking in everything, and you will find Things brightened up all of a sudden."

William replied sternly.

"You're talking a bit roundabout, change direction?"

"That's right, Adams, I'm not jealous at the thought that you have to get up early on Friday to work in the greenhouse. ."

In response to William, Adams made an extremely indecent gesture.

"The students are looking at you, and I don't think you want to go to Professor McGonagall's place to explain."

Professor alchemy just made up for it - his language not in the bar Pretty sharp.

While the three of them were chatting, in the hallway, Professional Snape came over with a livid face.

“Why is Professor Snape looking like this again—the potion class exploded the cauldron again?”

“Isn’t it normal to fry the cauldron, how many beginners don’t?”

William retorted with the basic knowledge of his own business - not to mention new students, even people who rely on potion for food will roll over when experimenting with new drugs, unless they want to live on their own for the rest of their lives and do a little bit of work Do experiment, frying a few cauldrons is normal.

"Breaking cauldron doesn't work like this, maybe it's being entangled by Professor Lockhart--sorry, Adams." It didn't arrive, but most of the professors in the castle knew how well Professor Lockhart could express himself. Beside him, the normal wizard even felt suffocated by the next moment.

But Adams adored Lockhart, the Herbology professor who yearned for adventures that weren't available and could only plug himself in through those readings.

"It doesn't matter, there is no perfect wizard. If he likes obscurity, I probably won't see such a wonderful adventure story in my life. But then again, why is Professor Snape so angry? "

"It's not me--as everyone knows, Professor Snape doesn't like any Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, and I'm no exception."

William kept the topic off topic with self-deprecation Transferred——Idols, if there is no fundamental conflict, it is better not to argue.

"I think it makes sense, Professor Snape deliberately sat on the other side of the table even during dinner, how could it be you- eh? What's going on with Gryffindor today?"

" What's going on?"

William followed Adams' gaze, and on Gryffindor's dining table, a small group of students were dressed in formal suits, making the small piece of dining table rather weird. .

"This group of children, it's not school, and it's not a holiday, why are they dressed so formally?"

Adams casually complained, but William suddenly felt a little bad.

Those faces, he seemed familiar.

Especially when Professor Snape complexion ashen swept over those students and his face became even more ugly, William suddenly realized that something was wrong.

ps: Chapter 2 in the daytime

(end of this chapter)

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