From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 92


Chapter 93 Children of Fifth Year

"Selma student, it saves a A lot of drowning people, and it's too unfair for you to still think about it."

William decided to give her one last chance - just talking about it can teach, not teach it and kill it unacceptable.

"I know, otherwise I would have done it a long time ago. Although it is estimated that it will not start in the end, but the ideal has to be there. Maybe one day I can convince it to dedicate a leg to it."

Does your persuasion mean using wand? Why does it give you a leg so well!

While William was considering whether it was deduct points or confinement, Thelma student had already sorted out the perch and handed it over.


The eighth day of Hogwarts

【broomstick is really good! Although there were some accidents during the test flight, this did not affect the charm of this flying sport. When I returned the brooms to Madam Hooch, she was very happy that I could borrow the school brooms anytime - 'They are a bit old, but I promise they are no different from new ones. '

She really is a generous person.

Buying your own broomstick should be on the agenda, it's more useful than I thought, and in special situations, Disapparation doesn't have it as convenient. It seems that the craft of eating before has to be picked up.

Oh, by the way, Hufflepuff, who made a lot of rhetoric, was spared today. Although the fourth year's student's aspirations are a bit crooked, it is still remarkable - mainly that she disappeared a little quickly.

Well, the sea bass is delicious, I asked Bart specifically, but it said the canteen elves don't know this dish, but they can try it. ]


"New week, new beginning, long time no see, children."

On Tuesday morning, William stood at On the podium, moved towards all the students showing a sincere smile.

Although there is no smile that can be voted as the most charming smile like Lockhart, this smile is full of self-confidence and love of life, which will free anyone who is trying to be decadent from the dilemma of giving up themselves.

Unfortunately, all the students present did not pay attention to their smiles, and their expressions even had a bit of panic and anxiety - and the source of all these negative emotions was the one on the podium. A thick paper bag as heavy as a hill.


The swallowed saliva made a loud noise in the classroom, making Nancy want to lower her head immediately and hide herself.

But fortunately, everyone's attention was attracted by the thick bag on the podium, and no one noticed her embarrassment.

'It's another exam question, and it's such a difficult exam question? '

While Fifth Year students like her have been working hard to enrich themselves throughout the week, the fears from the exam questions a week ago were not so easily dissipated.

"Okay, I think you've guessed what we're going to do - yes, the exam, but this time it's a simple one, and I can guarantee that everyone here will pass, after all, This is a First Year question."

As William's voice fell, there was a panting voice in the classroom.

As soon as the papers were handed out to the students, Nancy was not in a hurry to do the papers, and started to review the papers quickly.

Well, it really is the first year exam question, not even the whole content of the first year, this kind of question is really too simple for Fifth Year students - this is still in the case of the theory test, if it is practical Operation, it can even be considered easy, right?

'Professor thinks the last question was too difficult, so this time you will give us a little more confidence? '

"Speed, speed, students, this is a first year exam question, don't you think that I will give you half an hour or more to complete it? If you hold With such a plan, I suggest you go to the First Year to study, although there is no such precedent in the school, but if I want to report to Professor McGonagall, she should agree."

Professor smiled. The voice of interest urged on the podium, but Nancy didn't think there was anything wrong - did it really take Fifth Year and First Year the same amount of time?

As for borrowing, what are you kidding, the child of First Year will die of laughter?
Taking back her thoughts, Nancy took the quill and started writing quickly. On the podium, the professor's voice continued;
"Twenty minutes, you can do as much as you can. , what do you think First Year students will say about this exam?"

'Professor, shut up! '

While complaining, Nancy quickly used quill to sketch on the test paper - 20 minutes did not seem to be that short. The test paper was not a long discussion, but half of the answer. Choose multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, and a few essays.


'If they were asked to complete the First Year's exam questions at the beginning, they would not be so obedient, but now, the First Year's questions are all very happy, although they will use spell , but students are still students - after all, use spell is just that, and I will too. '

William opened the textbook with a smile—he wanted to talk about the content of the First Year, and he also impossible to give up the course of the Fifth Year.

A little bit more is a little bit, these children have finally become less disgusted with knowledge. Anyway, they will double their self-study after the test, so they don't need to worry about their ability to accept problems.

After all, the test paper is simple in the front, and there are many tricks that can be played in the back.

But this time, he controlled the difficulty of the test questions. Unless he is a person who has been around all day and has been close to failing since the first year, he can get a passing score, but, think about it. Get a high score - whoever can pass the test, William really dares to give him the right to study by himself without using the classroom.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and William got his test paper.

“The content of the self-study book, read twenty pages, and then we will talk about the paper once and review the content of the First Year, and we will continue with the new class.”

William clapped his hands On the thick test papers, the students who moved towards quiet were given tasks.

The classroom was a complete mess, only the sound of flipping books could be heard, and there was no whispering at all—some students were still wondering why in life, why are the same questions on the same paper, and the simple ones in front It's like giving it away, and then it's like I've never learned it?
This time the examination paper was not too difficult to correct, and William completed it easily in less than half an hour.

“There’s good news and bad news—which one do you want to hear?”

The exam paper was placed on the table by William, tapped with his knuckles.

"Nobody's talking? Okay, let me tell you."

"Everyone passed the test, and no one failed, which is a good thing compared to the last exam, but There are only three E's (good), and the rest are all A's (passing), but that's a First Year title!"

(end of chapter)

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