From Azkaban to Hogwarts Chapter 97


Chapter 98: The Failed Opening

Although he really wanted to be alone, William knew very well that he would In his current situation, it is better to go to the dining hall and stay with the students.

"William, what's the matter, your face looks like you've been crushed by a dragon?"

In the dinning hall, Adams, who had already sat down, gave William the first time. Kind regards.

What wonderful parable is this?

William looked at Adams angrily, but because he was in a bad state, the look wasn't quite right.

"No way, really being overwhelmed by dragons? I saw Unicorn in Forbidden Forest - but are there really dragons in Forbidden Forest?"

The misunderstood Adams issued exclaimed.

"So, do you need some fresh fertilizer for the greenhouse?"

Singed's rant was still as sharp - William's first reaction in a weak state.

"Shut up, Singed - I'm doing it for your own good, you're not sleeping well, I know a few recipes, and applying medicine mud to your face every day will effectively improve the situation. ”

Adams had a good-for-you look all over his face, but if the recipe he said didn’t contain fresh dragon dung, William could eat the plate in front of him.

"No, I don't think it's a pity that I don't have time for breakfast, but you, the rainy season in October is coming, prepare some for the rainy season in October, it will be a disaster. ”

There is not a week in October without rain, which is not a good day for herbal medicine, Professor Sprout is getting old again, and there is no doubt about who will take care of the precious herbs in the greenhouse when he wakes up in the middle of the night. .

Adams, who was hit by the ball he threw, looked at Singed with a depressed expression - everyone was joking, how could you really stab him?

Singed whistled triumphantly, and he won this round.

"Huh? Why haven't the food been ready today? Peeves went to the kitchen to make a mess again?"

Professor Kettleburn looked at the bickering two and asked a question while laughing— - He's been leaning in lately, claiming that the youngster's activity would make him a lot more comfortable, but William seriously suspects he's trying to hide from Professor McGonagall.

"Isn't it supposed to make trouble, right? Usually he will go to the bathroom to play pranks on rainy days."

So you all figured out the rules?
But William suddenly remembered a probability - in the morning, it seems that Professor Lockhart ordered a lot of candy for the elves?

Before he could say this conjecture, a large amount of candy suddenly appeared on the originally bare plate.

That's right, the same one William had in the morning.

"I can't believe it -- candy is the first serving of school lunch."

Singed stared at the plate for three seconds, then Caught one out.

"It tastes pretty good, Professor William, would you try it?"

William is very kind. As for Adams, he already took one and stared at the wrapping paper. The white teeth are exposed above, and the smile is extremely public.

"Excellent idea - if I say it, you should have some youngster energy and don't keep trying to imitate Minerva."

Professor Kettleburn laughs Give the young professors life experience - William thinks his words would be more convincing if he hadn't been on an internship this year.

"By the way, speaking of Minerva, I suddenly remembered what happened in the morning."

Professor Kettleburn patted his head with his remaining hand, "Actually, Daily Prophet also Someone came, trying to do an exclusive interview about Lockhart's club, but the Daily Prophet reporter's request to visit was rejected by Professor McGonagall, but she still reluctantly agreed to the needs of Professor Lockhart's other activities, today is a very lively day."

Daily Prophet? So much trouble?

Also, Professor, do you know all the gossip in the castle - you're about to retire!

“I couldn’t agree more—look over there.”

Before William could ask a question, Professor Singed had already discovered the blind spot—following his finger, William saw a pink robe.

There is no doubt that there is only one professor who can wear such an arrogant look in the castle.

Professor Lockhart.

"Everyone, although the weather is not very friendly, there is no doubt that today is a warm day!"

"Yes, that's right, I, Professor Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class recipient, honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League, five-time Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award recipient of Defense Against the Dark Arts -- well, magic self-defense professor, made a pretty big deal today. Decided!"

"That's right - Lockhart is the troubleshooter club for you, just tonight, what are you waiting for?"

William suddenly felt his arm being pulled down , is Singed.

"Adams has been obsessed since morning - in the morning I hear Professor Lockhart chattering to everyone about the letters he's getting from students and I just..."

William patted his shoulder with a look of your own blessings.

After all, in addition to being a professor, Professor Lockhart is also a Legendary adventurer and best-selling author. It's okay to like to show some things. William's roommate back then, didn't he finally choose to compromise during the pig-dog war, did he still fight?

However, William couldn't take it any longer - after Professor Lockhart gave his speech.

A group of dwarves in tuxedos came over with musical instruments, and their unpleasant singing made William suddenly understand what was a tougher time than Azkaban's days - while sitting in Azkaban, there were little The dwarf is singing.

'If I'm still in prison, I'll let the big guy pick this new guy! '

He thought fiercely, and then the whole person felt lightened - is this fight poison with poison repercussions lifted? Or is the time for repercussions over?
William closed his eyes and began to think desperately.

Thanks to the knowledge he had acquired during this period of time, he soon had a vague conjecture.

'This is a recognition of the good memories of the past to offset the mental shock of dark magic? '

I don't know - the research on dark magic will never be said on the surface, even wizards who are proficient in these things will quietly hide.

When William opened his eyes again, the horrific ordeal was finally over.

"I bet Professor Lockhart didn't ask them to be good at singing when they hired the dwarves."

"No, I suspect he didn't pay the final balance last time. It's the team that came to collect money."

William quickly retorted.

Even Adams, who has always supported Professor Lockhart, couldn't help but click nodded - this song is really too ugly.

Professors on the dinning table also began to whisper, it seems that this opening ceremony is indeed a failure.

The only exception is Professor Kettleburn, who now looks hazy in his memories.

"Professor Kettleburn?"

Adams whispered, wondering if the professor also had a story with a friend who sang badly.

"It's been so long, I forgot how long it's been since I've heard an opera-like sound at Hogwarts - the last time I heard it, Albus wasn't the headmaster!"

(end of chapter)

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