From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 1111: Sun Wukong: Is sister-in-law at home? my grandson is coming in

  Chapter 1111 Monkey King: Is sister-in-law at home? My grandson is coming in!

  The seven great saints of the demon clan are quite popular in the demon world, especially the monkeys who made troubles in the heavens and became famous in the demon world.

  If the issue of "immortality" is not involved, many monsters should still be willing to sell each other's face.

  However, for Monkey King who reported his name, the demon soldiers guarding the city were only slightly surprised, but there was no look of fear on their faces.

   Instead, he said with a businesslike expression: "Even the Monkey King, there are no exceptions, in Youyu City, the order of the city lord is everything.

   Besides, it doesn’t matter if you are another great sage, Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King is still a relative of my city lord. "

  After hearing that the other party didn't take his title of "Monkey King" seriously, Monkey King was still annoyed and planned to continue.

  However, when he heard the second half of the other party's sentence, he immediately restrained his original anger.

   "After a long time, it turns out that they are all from my own family, so that's easy to say.

  If your city lord is a relative of the Bull Demon King, then it stands to reason that you and Lao Sun should also be related to each other. After all, my Lao Sun is also the sworn brother of the Bull Demon King. "

  Before Monk Sha, Sun Wukong felt that Lao Niu not only helped him, but also gave him enough face.

   Now I met the relatives of the Bull Demon King’s family again. Based on the kindness of the last time, it is really inappropriate to beat people directly, so Monkey King put away his stick again and started lobbying.

  However, the demon soldiers obviously didn't believe what the monkey said. At this moment, they only thought that the monkey was bragging, and they clung to their relatives in order to enter the city.

   "If you can invite the Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King here, what if we will not only let you enter the city, but also kowtow to you and apologize?"

The monkey can't be provoked the most, when he was provoked by the demon soldiers in Youyu City, the monkey immediately laughed angrily and said: "How dare you, then I will let you guys who look down on people know, my old grandson will It is the famous Monkey King!"

   "Master, please wait outside the city, my grandson will come whenever he goes.

  When my old grandson finds the sworn brother, these little monsters will kneel down to welcome us into the city. "

  As soon as the words fell, the monkey turned into a ray of light and flew towards the sky, obviously planning to go to find his "good brother" Bull Demon King.

  As for Tang Seng and the other three, they found a shady place outside the city to rest, waiting for Monkey King to come back.

   Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha have no doubts about whether Sun Wukong can find the Bull Demon King. After all, the last time Monk Sha was caught, it was the Bull Demon King who released him.

   Besides, Hou Zi didn’t say much about how strong his relationship with the Bull Demon King was. If he wanted to invite the other party for a walk, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

  The owner of Youyu City is a relative of the Bull Demon King, and Sun Wukong is the sworn brother of the Bull Demon King. They are also Sun Wukong's master and younger brother. After rounding up, is it not that Youyu City is the same as their own home?

   "According to the previous passers-by, this Youyu City Lord is a rare monster of great kindness. I don't know why he has such a big prejudice against my Buddhism?"

  Tang Seng sat under the shade of a tree, still brooding over the fact that Lord Youyu hated Buddhism.

  In Tang Seng’s view, he followed the decree of the Great Master Guanyin and went to the Western Paradise to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. As a highly regarded Buddhist, does he have the responsibility to resolve Youyucheng’s prejudice against Buddhism?

   "Master, don't worry, when the senior brother brings the Bull Demon King over, we will be able to meet the Youyu City Lord when we enter the city.

   At that time, the master will naturally know the cause and effect of the matter. "

  Monk Sha was still consoling his master, but Zhu Bajie was also lost in thought.

  Speaking of which, when he went to beg for alms before, the fairies he met seemed to hate the monk very much. Now the Lord of Youyu City is actually doing the same, so is there any connection between the two?

  As for the other side, after leaving Youyu City, the monkey used somersault clouds to quickly fly to the Eight Hundred Li Huoyan Mountain, and found the Banana Cave through the guidance of the land.

   "Brother Niu is at home? Is sister-in-law at home? My old grandson is Monkey King, and I happened to be here to visit an old friend and ask for a drink by the way."

  When he came to the door of Banjiao Cave, the monkey started to call the door as if no one else was there, and his yelling sound soon attracted the lazy little demon's attention.

   "Hey! The little monster from there dares to yell here and disturb my wife Qingxiu.

  Do you know where this place is, who our king and wife are, and who my wife's younger brother is! "

  The little demon in Banjiao Cave used to be crazy, but now his attitude is even crazier than before.

   In the past, their king was the Great Sage Bull Demon King of Pingtian, and all the monsters of the Yaozu would give his king a little face.

But now the backstage of their Banana Cave is even tougher. His wife's younger brother is the famous Nether King, the Daluo Jinxian strongman. The real peerless monster!

  Under such a background, the Banana Cave demon does have the capital to be mad. In the past, he only dared to be mad at monsters. Now, even some unknown gods are ignored by him.

   "I am Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and I am sworn brothers with your great king, the Bull Demon King. This time I just passed by here, and I want to catch up with my sworn brother. I wonder if he is in the cave today?"

  Hearing Sun Wukong who reported himself as his family, the expression of the gatekeeper demon showed continuous changes in a short time, and then hurriedly ran into the cave to report the situation.

  He doesn't know the reason for Monkey King's visit, but Xiao Yao knows it. His wife and king hate monkeys to the bone.

  Especially the wife, Princess Iron Fan, who always has a cold personality, but always gets angry every time she talks about monkeys.

  Princess Iron Fan was cleaning up in the cave, but she was suddenly disturbed by the loud noise, so she walked out of the room.

  At this moment, the little monster guarding the gate, after seeing Princess Iron Fan, hurried over the maid who blocked the way, threw himself in front of Princess Iron Fan and said, "Ma'am, someone came to visit outside and said they wanted to ask for a glass of wine."

  Hearing the little demon's report, Princess Iron Fan frowned and said, "It's Lao Niu's cronies again, who want to get to know my younger brother through relationships.

   Tell the other party that the owner of the cave is not at home, just let them do what they want. "

  Lao Niu likes to brag when he's too drunk, and under his bragging, many people will be fascinated by You Dou for a long time, and because You Dou is either elusive, or has been retreating.

   These people suffer from the fact that no one can introduce them for them, so they will find themselves or the jade-faced fox. Therefore, Princess Iron Fan often encounters characters like this recently.

   "No ma'am, the other party is not looking for King Nether, but our King.

  He said that his name is Sun Wukong, Monkey King, and he is the sworn brother of our great king. He was passing by this time and wanted to ask for a glass of wine..."

  (end of this chapter)

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