From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 369 Asia belongs to Asia

Linda kicked the accelerator, and the car quickly turned towards the government block.

Outside the administrative building, Linda met the cameraman who had arrived one step earlier than her, then showed her work ID and quickly entered the lobby.

In the hall, many other colleagues have gathered, many of whom are familiar with the news media from the mainland.

She greeted the others in a friendly manner while exchanging various information.

It wasn't until then that she realized that last night, while she was sleeping... the world had already become so noisy.

Western media, after a brief silence, began to collectively approve the launch of 3001.

For example, what "broke the regional balance, engaged in totalitarianism, and caused a crisis."

Another example is "provoking a new completion race and destroying a peaceful environment."

For example, "embodies an offensive posture and threatens global interests"


And so on, and so on.

In the small talk, time also slowly passed.

Just when the report meeting was about to start, she received a message from the editor-in-chief.

In terms of information, there are only two problems.

Looking at the question, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she held her breath for an instant.


ten o'clock in the morning.

The owner of the office walked to the podium amidst applause.

With his trademark smile on his face, he began waving at the media.

After saying welcome, he paused, looked at the faces in the room, suddenly smiled, and greeted in Chinese: "Friends from the media, everyone, welcome to today's work report site."

"Today, I will announce the outline and arrangements for the development of our country's energy, aerospace, commerce, industry, agriculture, fresh water and other fields that everyone is concerned about."

"Everyone knows that since the establishment of the International Controlled Nuclear Fusion Energy Organization in Jiangcheng two years ago, it has officially announced that today's society has officially entered the era of fusion energy."

"As a country that is extremely dependent on energy, we immediately joined the International Controlled Fusion Energy Organization and became a core member. We have cooperated with other member states in various fields and made many contributions."

"And with the successful landing of the Yueyue and the establishment of the Space Cooperation Development Organization, we are also actively seeking development in space, and have formulated a plan to send astronauts to the moon for scientific research and cooperation next year."

"Currently, the plan is being implemented steadily, and we will also begin preparations for the construction of the first helium-3 controllable nuclear fusion power plant."

There were bursts of applause in the meeting room.

Linda also smiled and applauded, and exhaled softly.

Frankly speaking, as a liberal arts student who has crammed a lot of Chinese history, she really doesn't want her country to have a soft figure of "Jianyu Qichu" and sit-ups.

——History is written there.

Now it seems that the master has really made a decision.

Never mentioning Laomei's plan, only mentioning Jiangcheng's cooperation, it is obvious that this controllable nuclear fusion power plant was built by the mainland.

And only mentioning the Yueyue, not the Artemis, means that the astronauts are also sent up by the Yueyue.

But Linda believes that this is not the end.

Sure enough, what followed was another blockbuster.

"... In order to promote the safety and convenience of commerce, industry and trade, we will fully access the CIPS settlement system and increase RMB foreign exchange reserves."

"...In terms of agriculture, we will vigorously promote soilless cultivation and three-dimensional farm technology to meet the needs of the people and promote the development of future agriculture..."

"...We will also increase the scale and intensity of seawater desalination to provide citizens with a more stable source of fresh water..."


The report took nearly half an hour.

As mentioned at the beginning, the report gives plans in many areas most related to the economy and people's livelihood.

If ordinary people look at it without thinking, they will naturally think, oh, the country is stable and improving, that's it.

But those present...everyone's ears heard something different.

Although there is no mention of international relations, every sentence is about international relations!

It was almost announcing with gongs and drums that I was on my lap.

At this time, the voice of the staff sounded: "Then enter the questioning session."

Linda raised her hand instantly.

She saw that the master's eyes were constantly cruising through the crowd, and finally landed on her face.

After smiling at her, the master stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Linda stood up.

"Hello ZL, yesterday the mainland conducted a test flight of the 'Qin' class space carrier, what do you think of this move? What impact will the launch of 'Qin' have on Southeast Asia and the Asian region?"

After asking two questions in one breath, she began to hold her breath.

She can probably guess why she was chosen.

There are a lot of media here, but the one that is really influential in the mainland is his own newspaper - the various "preferential treatment" he has received in the past few years is proof.

Then it is the best choice to choose to ask these two sharp questions by yourself and express a certain attitude.

The master smiled and cleared his throat.

"First of all, we would like to congratulate mankind for finally completing the space battleship. This is something to be thankful for."

As the master's voice fell, all the reporters were stunned, and even the mainland media reporters were a little dumbfounded.

Linda was no exception, her eyes widened with disbelief on her face—how could she be lucky that such a big killer from another country came out?

In the silence, a reporter finally couldn't bear it and said loudly in English: "But that's a weapon!"

"But that's a space weapon, not a ground weapon." The master looked at the source of the voice, smiling unabated: "If I could choose, my neighbor, I would definitely choose a space warship builder instead of an aircraft carrier builder."

After these words, everyone was startled again.

Linda was also shocked.

Yeah...that's a space weapon.

It is possible to go to space—even if there are no signs of aliens or meteorites threatening the earth.

But if there is any danger, then it is the savior of mankind.

In contrast, you build aircraft carriers...

Besides bullying your neighbors on earth, what else can you do with it?

"As for the impact, I think the biggest impact should be a sign that Asia's security will be determined by Asia."



Dalian Shipyard.

There were hearty laughter in the conference room.

"Hahahaha! It seems that making dumplings will work." Director Niu put his hands on his waist, looked at the web page on his notebook, and his face was filled with unsatisfactory satisfaction.

Ye Ming was also sighing and sighing beside him.

Frankly speaking, what kind of dumplings were served could only be regarded as steamed buns.

But the power is enough.

Although Ye Ming doesn't know how to deal with international relations, how to talk about it, but since "Qin" went to the sky yesterday, the west began to collectively climax, and after frantically exaggerating the domestic aggressiveness, it didn't even arrive for a day, and the broken cities in Southeast Asia , Java, Malaysia, Luzon... Qiqi made a statement in various ways.

All statements point to a logic, that is, Asia's security is decided by Asia!

And the next thing is to let the surrounding bases... get out.

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