From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 388 Overbearing Cooperation Plan

"Before I talk about the engine, let me give you a report. The country has now started to establish the National Nuclear Heavy Industry Corporation, and it may come up with a plan before the end of the year at the latest."

Ye Ming held the teacup in both hands, put it on the document, and revealed a bit of news to everyone: "The establishment of SNHI means that the country will promote the business plan of fusion engines and even spaceships."

His words startled everyone, and Professor Chang Wendao immediately asked, "Do you mean to export it?"

"Probably it can be understood as export, but it is similar to the shipbuilding industry, it can be regarded as commissioned manufacturing."

Immediately someone asked again: "Is the spaceship a complete restoration of the current Yaoyue?"

Ye Ming smiled: "Since we want to export, obviously the technology must be completed. Otherwise, what's the point of building a Zhanshen for others?"

This sentence fell in the ears of everyone, and immediately attracted bursts of laughter.

In their view, the Ares is indeed a product that is more than a generation behind.

"Will the technology be leaked? For example, anti-gravity design."

Everyone looked at Ye Ming as soon as they heard it.

Everyone knows that the technical secrecy of the anti-gravity device is ridiculously high-the reason why Ye Ming is so busy is because every spacecraft now needs him to design the anti-gravity structure himself.

At this time, Professor Chang Wendao explained with a smile: "We are the absolute strong side, and Aita and ultra-distance communication, what technology can be leaked?"

Ye Ming also coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "If I can't even do this bit of technical secrecy, then I might as well go home, wash up and sleep - the gravity device involves an unpublished gravitational field formula."

"Isn't that equivalent to buying a spaceship, and others only have the right to use it?"

"It should be called limited ownership." Professor Chang Wendao added, and finally looked at Ye Ming: "Is it a bit too domineering?"

Everyone laughed.


Don't say how long it takes, just push back thirty years, is it rare to encounter this kind of thing in China? And even if it’s like this, they won’t even give it to you!

In contrast, the domestic model is simply a good person, okay?

"Okay, let's look at the overall design of the space city first."

Ye Ming started to get down to business.


Ye Ming stayed in Jiangcheng for a week, during which he hosted several online and offline design and planning meetings, and finally finalized the design plan for the space observatory.

As a part of the space city and also as a "pioneer", the space observatory will adopt the design of solar panels in the early stage, and then introduce artificial gravity. In the planning, it will be completed in two phases.

Since part of the modular design scheme of Yaoyue was adopted in the design, its construction period will be greatly shortened. As long as an order is placed, the first phase of the project will be completed this year, and then it will be transported to heaven next year.

In the design, the area of ​​the first phase of the project will reach 2,000 square meters, adopting an expandable double-layer structure, with a single floor of 1,000 square meters and an inner space height of 2.5 meters.

From the point of view of the space interface, it is similar to a commercial and residential office building structure, which not only provides space for living, scientific research, dining, etc., but also provides entertainment and exercise places...even a canteen!

After all, nominally it is an observatory, but in reality, it is part of the city of the future.

The second phase of the project will further expand on the double-layer structure, and then stack up to four floors.

To this end, the design team also considered the future elevator structure.

——When the space city is fully completed, it will form a huge multi-layer circular building complex with a diameter of thousands of meters, similar to a steering wheel structure, and theoretically it can be superimposed infinitely. will probably become a cylinder by then.

Such a huge Jian ethnic group, if there is no elevator, it will really kill people.

But where to design the elevator is not an easy task - because you can't design it inside the space city, you can only hang it outside.

In addition, the space city also needs to consider the dock of the spaceship.

The current idea is that after the space city has a certain scale, it is still necessary to stack blocks to build a capture station specially used to receive navigable spacecraft. The aircraft recovery technology of the space carrier was quietly implemented by the factory to capture the spacecraft.

It's just... these can be regarded as super projects, so don't rush, take your time.

After all, there is also a space factory - the tonnage of spaceships in the future must become larger and larger, and they do not need to fall in a gravity environment, and are only used for interstellar travel.

In short, this week, Ye Ming and the others were planning and imagining while designing, and the dozens of top leaders in the entire joint team were all dreaming, happy like children.


Ye Ming's office.

Zhou Xuchen, who had just been admitted by Ye Ming as a graduate student, sat opposite Ye Ming.

His butt only touched half of the sofa, his waist was straight, and he stared at Ye Ming "fixedly".

The reason why he stared in quotation marks is naturally because... his eyes are fake.

——Four years ago, as the first batch of blind patients who received artificial eyeballs, he gave up the offer to be admitted to T University and chose to take the naked test and save the payment. Then he was "selected" by Ye Ming and became a "disciple" who received preferential treatment when he was an undergraduate.

In the past four years, he has not dared to relax for a moment. Not only has he completed the professional course of quantum artificial intelligence, he has also completed the credits of bioengineering—two majors, and his professional knowledge has never fallen behind the top three.

In addition, taking himself as the experimental subject, he also participated in many projects and experiments of the Mogu team. Now that he has just graduated from undergraduate, he has one CNS-level first work and two second works in hand. The other nominal ones... basically don't count.

In other words, he has already become a well-known "young scholar" in the brain-computer field after he graduated from undergraduate.

After all, he is already smart, and he also has the superior condition of electronic eyes...

Needless to say, with such an excellent resume, he was favored by countless schools when he was still in his junior year.

It's just... who can snatch away the student Ye Ming likes?

In other words, who can provide more resources and knowledge than Ye Ming?

But even so, facing Ye Ming, Zhou Xuchen still did not dare to relax in the slightest.

"Xiao Zhou, your undergraduate stage is very good." Ye Ming pulled the chair and sat opposite the other party: "Don't be nervous, this is not the first time we have met."

Zhou Xuchen smiled coyly: "Teacher, it's impossible not to be nervous."

——Compared to Ye Ming, he is actually more familiar with Mo Gu and He Mo. And he even secretly asked Mo Gu for advice on what to do if he was nervous and how to get along with Academician Ye.

At that time, Mo Gu told him, just say what you think, just be honest.

Ye Ming laughed loudly: "I don't eat people, why are you nervous?"

He really likes this kind of candid character, and he even thinks that candor is a necessary quality for a scientist.

"Well, then let me tell you clearly. I've been really busy these few years, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped teaching graduate students for so long. So in the future, you may rely more on yourself—I think that for you Say, is that okay?"

"...Teacher, there is a problem..."

"Haha, that's because you haven't started it yet, and you know it's all right." Ye Ming waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "But I'm not saying that I don't care about you, but I don't have time to give you a systematic graduate class—— It’s all up to you to do it yourself.”

"That's fine."

"Look." Ye Ming laughed: "As for scientific research, the main thing is to read more papers, understand more papers, then form your own ideas, and finally put them into action."

"During this period, if you have any questions, you can ask me any time and in various ways. You are welcome, this is what the teacher does."

"Of course, if it involves biology, Professor Mogu may be better at it. You can also ask her."

Zhou Xuchen nodded immediately: "Okay—may I ask Teacher Ita for advice?"

Ye Ming glanced at the direction where Ita was charging—obviously, Ita was still in class.

"Of course, Teacher Ita knows everything." He nodded with a smile.

While speaking, Yita's unique footsteps came from outside the door, followed by Qi and Mo with a slightly serious expression.

"What's wrong?"

"A certain country in East Africa, which has been in a truce for several years, is fighting again. One of the parties announced that it does not welcome Teacher Aita, detained our robot teacher, and expelled our joint construction team with the iron tower."

Ye Ming was stunned, he subconsciously looked at the mobile phone on the table.

After a while, Director Niu really called.

(The remaining 2 chapters are still a little later, at least three hours...)

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