Director Niu accompanied Ye Mingyu. . After finishing the chat, I got into Ye Ming's car.

The two sat in the back row and naturally chatted about the "Space Defense Force" initiative jointly launched today.

Almost everyone agrees with this initiative - the only thing that needs to be considered is everyone's motivation and appeal.

Draw the bottom line for convenience.

During the chat and exchange between the two, Ye Ming had a more detailed understanding of the international relations and wrists a while ago.

"Obviously, their initiative should also be a continuation of the impact of the previous conflict in East Africa." Ye Ming looked at Director Niu and said seriously: "It can be seen that our neighbors in Asia are not willing to be our enemies."

"Yes, that's why Mao Zi and the third brother did a very good job..." Director Niu also praised him greatly, and said with emotion: "This step has instantly resolved the most acute potential conflicts, and paved the way for future relations and regional relations. Peace provides a bottom line of stability."

Ye Ming nodded.

No matter how ignorant he is of politics, he still knows that once there is military-level cooperation such as the formation of a joint force, the possibility of armed conflict will be suppressed to a very low level.

For the neighboring countries, the safety of space is secondary, and everyone's safety is the most important thing——Lao Mei created an enemy out of Beiyue at the beginning, and it is impossible to do this in China.

But in the name of space security, the establishment of such a military organization in which everyone has a share is quite welcome in China.

As the sender of pillows, they must also have appeals, and they can guess with a high probability that this appeal should be in the two aspects of aerospace technology and space residence.

These two points... are naturally negotiable.

Of course, it’s impossible to give technology, but it’s okay to give products—to take the words of the leaders after the meeting, as long as they are willing to pay, they can build the next space battleship!

You see, this is the mind!

It's just that unless you have a serious brain disease... I guess no one would do it.

"By the way, what is the progress of your communication base station in Ethiopia now?"

"I heard from Li Dongsheng that there is a lot of cooperation there, and the iron tower is moving very fast. Not to mention other places, the place in Ethiopia will be fully covered by next year at the latest." Ye Ming laughed: "In the past, the old It is said that they are China in Africa, well, they are still there now—just according to the data of the African headquarters, in the past half a month, thousands of domestic companies have newly registered there.”

"It can only be said that their BOSS is still courageous. When I came to the capital last month, I paid homage to various departments and several major Internet terminals. Now it seems that the results are good."

"Yes, among other things, Teacher Aita has worked in Africa for four years, and at least the quality of higher education has been improved. As long as you stick to it, you can see better results in three to five years at most. It's gone." Ye Ming said with a sigh: "So many opportunities for Mr. Aita!"

Director Niu laughed.

Ye Ming said that Mr. Aita exchanged opportunities, referring to the fact that the Ethiopian authorities directly recognized the losses caused by the PFD, and then chose to hand over the telecommunications network to Jizhi Technology.

However, Jizhi Technology does not have an infrastructure team, so it backhandedly invited the Iron Tower Group to enter.

It can be said that after this battle, Ethiopia is also determined to become a "XX enclave" in the Western population.

But frankly, they are not at a loss at all - if they stand in the position of being responsible for the happiness of the nation.

The country has clearly embarked on the road of the new industrial revolution. Obviously, the long-term consideration is low-end industries, or industries that require labor.

In theory, robots can indeed complete all production, even manual work, but for those industries that are not convenient for assembly line production, it is still more efficient to do it manually.

However, as a party that rose up in the country to undertake low-end manufacturing in the past, even in the new industrial revolution, it does not mean that many industries just don’t want to stop—this is the case with the introduction of various policies to “rescue the unemployment rate”.

Then there is a contradiction here.

——The country is destined to embark on the road of "leading all mankind", or to put it another way, it is the road of "harvesting" the whole world.

But before that, how to maximize the well-being of these more than one billion people, and then "benefit the world", is a special test of operation.

It stands to reason that these industries should be transferred to Asia, especially some populous countries. is that possible?

Now it is a bit too much to say "distance and near attack", but "checks and balances" between far and near is necessary.

Transferring industries to Africa is obviously more in line with the strategy of safeguarding national interests and balancing multiple parties.

Of course, these are not accomplished overnight, but it will take several years or even longer to complete, and a high degree of integration and reconstruction of resources, production systems, and trade networks are required in the middle.

And the premise of all this is education first.

——The students educated by Mr. Aita obviously will not oppose Aita, nor will they oppose the common destiny of mankind.

The two chatted briefly for a while, and Director Niu left.


Because He Mo was away, Zhong Lei and the others were in the next room, so there were only Ye Ming and Ita left in the room.

Ye Ming lay down on the sofa and saw Ita sitting beside him charging quietly again, so he asked with a smile, "Ita, what are you doing?"

"Analyzing data."

"Huh? What data?" Ye Ming immediately became interested and sat up straight.

"Analyzing the mutual interference data of two different dimensional waves, I think the formula can be summed up."

"...Okay, then you conclude." Ye Ming lost much interest when he heard it.

It's not for nothing that he calls himself an engineer every time.

He really doesn't like dealing with pure theory, especially mathematics. These cross-dimensional theoretical models and data are all public. It is better to leave things like finding rules and formulating formulas to others.

Besides, he didn't think that he would be able to do better than the current Ita--Ita was really a supercomputer, he was just a fake supercomputer.

After lying down again, Ye Ming put on his glasses, opened Aita's engineering library, and entered the space city project.

The current first phase of the space city plan, that is, the space observatory project, has already started, and various related contractors are proceeding with various projects in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Aita.

According to the country's experience in building space capsules and aerospace warships in the past few years, building a space city is not complicated, and now it is a little more troublesome to use an elevator, but the most important sealing technology has been overcome by the Space Technology Bureau-adopted many Layer gas sealing technology combined with multi-sensor automatic alarm can completely realize a solution similar to indoor transfer.

The real trouble is actually the follow-up dock.

As a cake maker, Ye Ming needs to complete all the techniques.

After some inspection, he closed his eyes, entered the simulation space, and began to review the plan.

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