From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 412 The Possibility of Ten Thousand Years

Lao Niu came very quickly, and that night he took a military plane and arrived in Xichang. Along with him, there is also a domestic liaison officer from Taiyue "Taiyue" - who is currently in charge of the specific work of "Taiyue".

This means that the discovery of "discovering traces of engine jets on the asteroid" really affects the hearts of high-level officials.

Without too much pleasantries, Director Niu went straight to the topic.

"The above needs a specific... model, or inference is also fine." Director Niu drank half a jar of herbal tea in one breath, staring at Ye Ming with a serious expression: "Then do a safety assessment, and if necessary, you may need to You come to do a public science popularization and explanation.”

Ye Ming also frowned, but nodded.

In just two days, the news of the discovery of explosion traces on the asteroid spread overwhelmingly on the Internet. Not to mention, the almighty netizens even found and pieced together a picture that almost 100% restored the impact surface of the asteroid based on the live video. .

And netizens, how could it be so rigorous like Ye Ming and his group of scientists?

As a result, the news that an alien spacecraft had appeared in the asteroid belt spread like wildfire, and some people even added fuel to the idea that the trip to the asteroid belt was broken by that alien spacecraft.

How did it break up? Of course it is the legendary Star Destroyer—the aliens who arrived in the solar system thousands of years ago! Certainly omnipotent.

Why do you say it was a thousand years ago? Of course, it is because no planet-level star has been found in the asteroid belt since human beings recorded it.

It's just a guess, most of the netizens still look forward to a confirmation letter from the asteroid research team.

But this quasi-letter... is really hard to give.

Ye Ming pursed his lips, looked at each other with Director Zhang beside him and Professor Xiao who specialized in explosion traces, and then said softly: "Although from a scientific point of view, we don't agree to directly judge it as Where the engine jets are — unless we can find the same in the asteroid belt."

After a pause, Ye Ming immediately added: "Of course, the probability of this is very small, because the asteroid belt is not like the dense scenes of film and television works where a stone hits every now and then, it is extremely empty."

"But from a long-term and complete perspective, we should really regard it as a trace left over from an alien civilization entering the solar system."

"Here, we don't make assumptions about the origin of the asteroid belt."

"Then there are currently three possibilities."

"The first one is that civilization was born in the solar system at the beginning of the birth of human beings. It may be Mars or Venus. Of course, it may also be the earth or within Europa-here, we don't have any evidence, just guessing. "

"The second is that the aircraft of this civilization has mastered a very high speed that can travel between stars." Ye Ming paused again as he spoke: "Well, to be more precise, it must be faster than the speed of light."

Director Niu immediately asked, "Why are you sure it's faster than the speed of light?"

"If it does not exceed the speed of light, then the distance between the civilization where the spacecraft is located and us has a relative upper limit, and we are very likely to receive their signals, or simply observe them."

Seeing that Director Niu was still a little hard to understand, Director Zhang explained on the sidelines: "If it cannot exceed the speed of light, the civilization where this spacecraft is located is very likely to be in the next door to our solar system—because a spaceship that cannot exceed the speed of light is going to travel between stars. It's unlikely to run too far."

Ye Ming also added: "From the perspective of modeling, the jet flow of this model has an upper limit of distance. According to the upper limit, we believe that the output power of this engine will not be much greater than that of Yaoyue, at least not exponentially. And judging from the use of jet propulsion, the spacecraft should not be beyond the scope of our imagination."

Hearing this, Director Niu breathed a sigh of relief and motioned Ye Ming to continue.

"The third possibility is that the spacecraft is similar to the Yueyue, and it also uses controllable nuclear fusion jets, and the level of civilization will not surpass ours by much."

Director Niu's eyes lit up for a moment, but then he became puzzled: "Then you said...?"

Ye Ming knew that what Lao Niu was referring to was that the third possibility was contradictory to the second possibility—similar to the Yaoyue, which meant that it would not travel farther than the Yaoyue.

No matter how powerful a civilization is, it is impossible for a spaceship to run for decades or hundreds of years to conduct detection—unless the human beings there live a long life, or time and space are distorted, and the spaceship runs for hundreds of years. The location is only a day away.

But that would... be too much.

"We discussed it and planned to rebuild the black hole model." Ye Ming said succinctly: "Perhaps, this black hole does not conform to all known black hole models. It is a combination of black hole and white hole."

"To be more precise, it is a two-way, stable wormhole."

As Ye Ming's voice fell, Director Niu frowned deeply.

He knew that Ye Ming was just listing all the possibilities as rigorously as possible from a scientific point of view.

"So, which one is the most likely?"

Ye Ming raised three fingers.

Yes, although there are three possibilities, the first and second are currently unproven—just like God.

It can be explained, but not verified.

But the third one can indeed be put into action and can be verified.

How to prove it?

The black hole is there, and it was meant to be drilled.

At this time, the "Taiyue" liaison officer who had been silent and listening carefully asked suddenly: "I have a question, when did it come?"

Ye Ming fell silent.

After half a day, he gently gave a time.

"Maybe... ten thousand years? Twenty thousand years."



It was night, with a breezy breeze.

Ye Ming walked side by side with Director Niu in the small garden of the space center.

Sitting under the moonlight, Director Niu looked up at the sky, and then he lit a cigarette with a click.

Ye Ming watched him puffing, hesitated for a few seconds and then said softly, "I'll have one too."

"Come on?"

"Come one."

"...Okay, just one, don't get addicted."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Director Niu lit the fire for him. Ye Ming took a sharp puff, but was instantly choked to tears, and immediately threw the cigarette on the ground, and finally stepped on it.

Director Niu laughed loudly: "Where is Hua Zi, you are such a waste."

Ye Ming took a few deep breaths, put his hands behind his head, leaned on the back of the bench and looked up at the sky.

This afternoon, Lao Niu has reported all the information.

Let's put it this way, a battleship may have appeared in the solar system 10,000 to 20,000 years ago, when humans were still tribes... This knowledge is indeed a bit too shocking.

If in the past, the opposite was really a civilization that was tens of thousands of years ahead of mankind... then how far will it develop in these ten thousand years?

At least it must be a star-level civilization, right?

It's the kind that can easily use the resources of the entire star system, even Dyson spheres, right?

Compared with human beings, it is estimated that people from primitive tribes in Africa have arrived in the space city... there is such a gap...

How do you greet people?

Or are you really pinning your hopes on the kindness of others?

Therefore, even Ye Ming, who derived the concept of "relics" from system tasks, dared not make up his mind without a way out.

That's not to mention the above.

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