Zhou Xuchen followed Ye Ming step by step to leave the physics center and return to the brain-computer center.

He can clearly feel that there are too many responsibilities and pressures on the mentor.

These, of course, are all because of that piece of "advertising" news.

In the past few years, the science and technology of human civilization has advanced by leaps and bounds. There have been voices saying that human beings are moving too fast and too radical. Once they encounter danger from extraterrestrial civilizations, they cannot resist with the current strength of human beings. You can hope that the civilizations you encounter are all "dead" or "good".

Of course, if it's a low-level civilization or a primitive ecosystem, that's another story.

Although this kind of voice has always existed, under the torrent of technology, there has been no market.

But it's different now.

In the past ten hours, the whole world has begun to pay attention to this "extraterrestrial information" that is highly related to the artificial wormhole experiment. At this time, the "danger theory" that Ye Ming had always upheld before became the best way to attack this experiment. evidence of.

The most mainstream view at present is: the artificial wormhole has disturbed the advanced civilization, and they issued a warning.

Although this is just speculation, although the mentor still has enough reputation and authority, no one dares to point the topic at him. but……

The Canglan Star civilization is thousands of years more advanced than human civilization, and it still doesn't have the power to fight...

What if?

What if the earth meets the fate of the blue star?


Back in the office, Ye Ming asked Zhou Xuchen to close the door, while he lay down on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

He discussed with Ita last night until three o'clock in the morning, and presided over an expedited deployment of Xun Xing in the morning, and then took a helicopter to fly directly to the provincial capital, and came to the physics center when he landed—he was so busy that Even lunch is eaten on the helicopter.

He does feel a little tired.

Zhou Xuchen knew his instructor's itinerary well, so he hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to wait for the instructor to rest for a while before telling him about the progress of deciphering and those important contacts.

After closing his eyes and resting for about five minutes, Ye Ming opened his eyes, and then he looked at Zhou Xuchen: "Xiao Zhou, what's the matter?"

"Um... nothing too important, the main reason is that some teachers couldn't contact you and sent the message to me."

Zhou Xuchen settled down, and immediately reported the main points to Ye Ming, especially the contact on the question star - he knew that the question star was the tutor's special concern.

When he heard that the Asterisk has successfully entered the deceleration stage, and then formed a deciphering team there, Ye Ming nodded with a smile, then he was silent for a few seconds, looking at Zhou Xuchen: "Is it true that the whole world is now Follow the news?"

Zhou Xuchen was startled, and then nodded. He knows the character of his mentor too well. As a great scientist, he cannot tolerate the information he receives being "polluted" and "disturbed": "Yes, and according to the analysis, it seems that there is some power Deliberately...leading, saying that the current experiment is advancing too fast, without considering the consequences."

"Well, and then?" Ye Ming hummed, and then as if remembering something, he smiled slightly and said, "No one walks or parades?"

Zhou Xuchen shook his head: "Not yet—even if there is, I don't care about those people who love to walk... The experiments are all done by our country, and the technology trees are all climbed by us."

Ye Ming became happy.

Although he was a bit reluctant to admit it, he had to say that human technology is advancing so fast now... it actually tastes like "coercion" - technology can never stop.

Or add an attributive that does not directly endanger the technology of human beings themselves.

After laughing, Ye Ming closed his eyes again and sighed softly.

"Human society has developed and evolved to this day...in fact, the ability of human beings to analyze and think about problems...has not evolved at the same level as technology."

Zhou Xuchen coughed lightly: "I think it's descended..."

"No, don't be blinded by the illusion of reality. The growth of human intelligence and ability is on the rise as a whole-do you think about a hundred years ago, and now?"

"The reason why you have the illusion is because of the voice and right to speak in the past... Well, we don't talk about this. But we can't deny that our ability to understand and analyze the world has not kept up with the explosive development of our technology. "

"Hence, what you say, has the power to guide public opinion—but actually, simply think about it."

Ye Ming leaned his head on the chair and said softly: "It is an obvious fact that there is a communication and observation gap between us and other civilizations in the universe, and this gap is deeper than we imagined."

"Why do I always have confidence in the current level of civilization of mankind? Of course it is because...we are double-blind with civilizations outside the system."

"However, as a rising star, we can guess the upper limit."

"If the entire universe is regarded as a ring, then we have seen the moves and strengths displayed by our previous opponents. And our strength...the opponents don't know it."

Seeing the strong confidence on Ye Ming's face, Zhou Xuchen's heart surged again - only a person like a mentor can make people feel at ease.

"Teacher, does that mean we don't care about that information at all?"

As Zhou Xuchen thought about it, a sense of resentment arose spontaneously.

"No, of course we have to."

Zhou Xuchen: "..."

Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Don't you wonder what those messages said?"

Zhou Xuchen was teased a little by the instructor, blushed slightly, and coughed lightly: "But to decipher this information, it is more difficult than deciphering the Canglanxing characters..."

"So we'll just guess."


"Really, I guess..." Ye Ming exhaled lightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I guess the message is a warning."

Ye Ming smiled and looked at Zhou Xuchen: "Don't spread the word. I said so."

Zhou Xuchen: "..."

Ye Ming closed his eyes and sighed again.

He discussed three points with Ita last night, and tried all kinds of possibilities in an almost exhaustive way—before Zhou Xuchen reported to himself, he knew the current progress of deciphering in the world, including Li Zongqun's proposal on Wenxinghao. various schemes.

He especially recognized Li Zongqun's ideas.

Even if it is to send a "warning message" to humans, it needs to send a message that humans can understand, otherwise the act of sending a message is meaningless.

What? What kind of common language do you think people send in case?

For example, "Advanced Civilization Club" and the like - assuming that mastering artificial wormholes is the threshold for entering this club.

Then the question arises again, human beings have no communication with foreign civilizations at all, so does it make sense for him to post this? Then there is only one explanation - they still know nothing about humans.

Therefore, Ye Ming is not in a hurry.

Now, it is "the enemy is clear and we are dark".

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