From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 492 Lord of the Jungle

"Brother Qun, watch out for the ground."

While arranging the light sticks on the ground, Li Dongsheng carefully reminded Li Zongqun and others behind him.

There were five people who went down to the ground this time, and six people were left behind to do ground experiments and transport materials.

"Well, the degree of weathering is very high. It seems that it must have lasted for thousands of years." Li Zongqun agreed with his mouth, but his eyes never forgot to glance up. All his attention was placed on the ruins in front of him, for fear of seeing Missed a glance.

Undoubtedly, no matter how advanced the technology is, how high the pixels of the drone's camera are, and how sophisticated the long-distance communication is, it is still impossible to perfectly simulate the magnificence that can only be witnessed by the human eye.

Li Zongqun shot the searchlight at the top of the dungeon, and suddenly a group of bat-like creatures took off in a hurry, and disappeared into the vast darkness before the light caught them.

"See, this is a natural underground cave. Although there are traces of artificial carvings on it, there are no traces of installation."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that when the dungeon was built, there should have been stalactites or something on it. They cleaned it up to avoid falling down, but they didn't lay pipes on it, and made a suspended ceiling. It was a building that was completely adapted to local conditions. This This way of thinking is the same as that of human beings." After a pause, Li Zongqun continued: "This means that their way of thinking, or the way of solving problems, is consistent with ours."

At this time, Ye Ming's voice sounded, and he asked with interest: "And then?"

"And then, as a highly developed civilization, even if they enter the dungeon, they must have the same thirst for sunlight as we do. I think... there should be an artificial sun here."

"Makes sense."

"Let's go, let's go to the center of the city. If we guess well, there should be a surprise in the center of the city."

"What surprise?"

"The Tower of the Sun!" Li Zongqun looked at the center of the ruined city, feeling extremely emotional: "Thousands of years have been preserved so perfectly. It can be seen that their site selection is also very skillful, and they have not encountered natural disasters such as earthquakes at all."

Li Dongsheng had already stopped and waited for them to arrive, and said with a smile: "But unfortunately there is still nothing of value, so I can only go and see the storage room."

"That's not necessarily the case, these architectural ruins can speak..."

At this moment, an exclamation sounded suddenly.

"Teacher Li, help me!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar from far and near was clearly transmitted to the earphones.


In the brain-computer center, Ye Ming opened the door of the office and strode towards the remote control center.

The sound of hurried footsteps continued to be heard in the corridor, and then joined him.

Including Ye Ming, everyone's faces were extremely solemn.

——Just half an hour ago, after Wen Tao, Li Dongsheng, Li Zongqun and others led a team into the ruins of the dungeon, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the originally quiet jungle. roared angrily.

It is as if they are declaring to humans that they are the masters of this jungle.

After arriving at the remote control center, Ye Ming directly connected Aita to a high-altitude reconnaissance drone, and then generated a holographic projection above the control center hall.

Under the projection, several attack drones on the Asterisk had already taken off, flying towards the depths of the jungle with a shrill sound of breaking through the air.

The hatch of the Asterisk has been opened, and several heavily armed soldiers are constantly jumping down.

"Didn't you say that these dinosaurs are very docile? Why did they attack suddenly? Is it territorial awareness or something?"

Ye Ming frowned deeply. He glanced left and right, and then looked at Zhao Kaiming, who was taking over from Mo Gu.

Professor Zhao Kaiming is forty-two years old this year. Compared with Mo Gu, he is a pure biologist. Not to mention Mo Gu's departure, even when Mo Gu was around, he was still in charge of the biological domain.

Zhao Kaiming is also very big-headed at this time. It stands to reason that he should not be in charge of Canglanxing's affairs, but since Ye Ming asked, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Territorial awareness should not be, because through the past one Years of observations, this area is not their territory. It can also be found from the observations of the inspection team yesterday and today that there is no excrement on the ground."

"Well, what could that be?"

"For the time being... don't know."

At this time, someone beside him whispered: "Could it be that they are intelligent? They specially drove away the investigation team?"

Hearing this, Ye Ming turned his head to look at the source of the voice, and saw a little girl immediately closed her mouth with a nervous expression on her face.

"If dinosaurs had the intelligence we understand, then humans would never have appeared." Ye Ming glanced at her, but then pondered for a few seconds, frowning slightly: "It can only be said that they may have genetic instincts."

The girl hummed immediately.

Ye Ming called up the vision of the attack drone again.

On the temporary camp, three girls hid behind the box and shivered, and three mech warriors and engineering robots "topped" at the front—in the jungle ahead, three or four giant monsters with a height of five or six meters were visible to the naked eye. He stared at everyone with fist-sized eyeballs, and kept roaring.

There is no doubt that they are opposed to the establishment of human camps here.

But they also seem to realize that the humans in front of them are not easy to mess with, and they are just driving them away instead of launching an attack rashly.

Hmm... From this point of view, they may indeed possess some intelligence.

At this moment, Mo Gu's voice came from the hall: "Ye Ming, I'm going to go down."

Ye Ming was startled, then raised his eyebrows: "What are you going down for?"

"We have never collected the DNA of these big men. This time is a good opportunity."

"How do you collect them?"

"What do you say?"

"A tranquilizer gun?"

"Well, the dosage for an elephant should be about the same." Mo Gu said after two seconds of silence: "If the same drug operation can be achieved on animals of this size, then..."

Mo Gu didn't continue talking.

But Ye Ming understood.

After a few seconds of silence, he called up the camera again, only to see that Mo Gu also led people off the spaceship, and then walked to the nearby helicopter.

Ye Ming frowned, and then exhaled softly.

After personally setting foot on the Canglan Star, he keenly discovered... the entire scientific community has "defaulted" to the high similarity between the Earth and the Canglan Star.

It is similar to copy.

As a result, many people believed, and some even asserted, that human beings could migrate to the blue star without restriction.

However, this always made Ye Ming feel vaguely uncomfortable.

Because a high degree of mutual respect means a high degree of interference!

Human beings can now migrate to the Canglan Planet. Does that mean that people from the Canglan Planet... can also migrate to Earth? Even to that point... Is it because they interfere with the earth that they plan to emigrate to the earth one day?

Don't forget, the murals on the gold foil show that Canglan Star lost its satellite and most of its population in a disaster, and they chose to live in the dungeon as a last resort. In the years of the dungeon, their technology has been further improved, and they have the ability to travel in space-if it is replaced by earth time, that is five thousand years ago.

Is there a possibility that they came to the earth thousands of years ago and actually interfered with the earth?

Don't forget, they are good at biotechnology!


In the camp on the ground, Jiang Haitao held an automatic rifle and aimed steadily at the huge head twenty meters away, with the infrared beam directly between his eyebrows.

Although he was a little panicked by these things just now, he absolutely believed in the guy in his hand-this is just a carbon-based creature that looks a little like a dinosaur, not some invulnerable Godzilla.

If there's only one problem, it's...

Even though they didn't have any psychological burden to shoot, and there was no such thing as a "Holy Mother" on the entire Star Questioner, but...they were a scientific expedition team after all, not hunters.

It is easy to shoot, but if such a big guy is killed, it will inevitably affect the biosphere of the entire area, which is contrary to the mission and purpose of the scientific expedition team.

So Jiang Haitao comforted the girl behind him softly while aiming, "Don't be afraid, as long as they dare to attack, we will shoot immediately."

A girl hid behind the supply box and shivered: "Brother Jiang, what if I can't be killed? Can this animal be pierced by bullets?"

"...Look less at Zhihu, this is not Godzilla."

"...What if?"

"No chance." Jiang Haitao glanced up while talking, and saw that the top three large attack drones had arrived.

The attack drone was two meters square, and a huge warhead dropped from below. In the sunlight, the black six-barreled Gatling gleamed.

In this world, there is no carbon-based creature that can withstand the power of Gatling armor-piercing bullets.

When seeing the drone, these "dinosaurs" obviously showed a little "hesitation", and one of them hissed differently from the previous roar.

After a few "communications", they did not recede, but continued to growl in a low voice.

And as they roared, there was another roar from farther away, as if they were responding.

Hearing the sound getting closer and closer, Jiang Haitao also became nervous immediately, his finger was only pressed against the trigger, and he would open fire immediately when the animals showed signs of attack.

At this moment, a loud propeller sound broke through the air.

Jiang Haitao looked up and saw a military helicopter with two-winged propellers approaching rapidly.

The movement of the helicopter... is far from what the drone can compare, not to mention the powerful airflow of this large helicopter, which oppresses the entire jungle and sways continuously, and all the grass fell down collectively.

As for the dinosaur-like animals, when they saw the arrival of the helicopter, they were immediately taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, they roared again as if they were unwilling, and then retreated slowly.

On the ground, Jiang Haitao slowly let go of his index finger and let out a long breath.

Then, the helicopter opened fire.

"Quick, get ready to follow."


In the brain-computer center, Ye Ming has been controlling the camera, tracking the fleeing "dinosaurs" on the spot. After counting silently in his heart, he found that the last dinosaur fell down instantly.

Its companion simply glanced back, then let out a mournful sound, and then continued to flee without looking back.

Ye Ming pursed his lips, and glanced at the girl who guessed whether "they" were wise just now.

Such a big man, can he really have wisdom?

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