From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 617 Antimatter Fountain

Li Dongsheng's voice echoed in the office with a bit of smile and unrepentance.

"According to our country's ship captain responsibility system, as the captain of the Asterisk, I have the right to temporarily modify and execute the mission and route of the Asterisk."

Ye Ming was stunned, and then furious: "Fart! When did you become the captain?"

"I was authorized when I boarded the ship. The manned spacecraft must be equipped with a captain during the mission."

"Grass...meaning you tell me the rules?" Ye Ming's teeth were itchy: "Or do you think I don't have the authority to let Aita control the Asterisk and return immediately?"

Up to now, there is only one spaceship built by human beings, and its flight control program is completely designed based on Aita's ultra-distance control. It's just that two sets of parallel control systems have been implemented on manned spacecraft. As long as the control center is willing, it can take over the ship at any time.

Of course, this kind of intervention is an extremely rare scenario, and so far, it has not been carried out once.

After humans entered the space age, the responsibility system for spaceships is still the traditional system of the highest officer in charge of ships and aircrafts. The reason is that humans have to determine the boundaries of the use of technology and super AI. Therefore, forcibly remotely taking over the spacecraft from a manned spacecraft requires extremely high authority.

Today's Ye Ming has many titles, such as the chairman of the Federation of Human Sciences, academician, professor, chief consultant of community science and technology, strategic consultant of Taiyue, etc... But there are only two serious positions.

One is the director of the Provincial Communication Brain-Computer Center, and the other is the commander-in-chief of human space exploration.

All non-diplomatic, trade, and military space scientific investigations and exploration operations require him to make the final decision.


Hearing that Ye Ming wanted to use the authority to return the Asterisk, Li Dongsheng was quiet for a few seconds, and put away his previous hippie smile.

"Boss Ye, I really want to go there."

"I didn't agree with you to go over." Ye Ming quietly called up the screen in the cabin, and saw that besides Li Dongsheng, three other people were standing behind him. Judging from their expressions, it seemed that these three soldiers also recognized it.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming said softly: "Captain Li, I admit that I really want to see what is on the other side of the star gate earlier, but..."

Ye Ming glanced at Director Niu, only to see the seriousness on the latter's face.

For space exploration, Ye Ming can of course have the final say, but the head of the CNY department is not a puppet who can only nod. If Lao Niu strongly opposes it, it is Ye Ming who has to consider the consequences.

"You have to know that there is going to be a war ahead."

"That's why we have to go and go back quickly. If the front can't stand it... we will have no chance."

"Damn..." Ye Ming was amused: "You haven't thought about it, what if you run into an unreasonable enemy? Will our fleet be attacked in the belly?"

"You are right!" Li Dongsheng took a deep breath, with a smile on his face: "In case, there is a powerful fleet on the other side - according to the performance of the Tula, even if there is no fleet, there are only a few A battleship suddenly emerged from planet No. 4 to avenge us for stealing their spaceship, what should we do?"

Before Ye Ming could answer, Li Dongsheng exhaled slowly: "So, let's go and see first. If there is an enemy, we can run if we can. If we can't, we will kill the wormhole directly!"

"Get rid of the wormhole? Have you drunk fake wine?"

"We can't kill wormholes, but we can kill underground hangars and passages."

Li Dongsheng looked at the camera, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Don't forget, there are mushrooms on the Asterisk - we have put it in the underground hangar, if there is an accident, we will detonate it directly when we come back - if we can't get back Come on, that will also directly detonate."

"So, don't worry?"

Ye Ming frowned deeply, and roared in a low voice after taking a few deep breaths.

"I don't worry about you ghost!"


Time passed by second by second.

When the Asterisk began to drive towards the wormhole at high speed, Ye Ming clenched his fists subconsciously.

This is the first time that human beings have directly entered a strange wormhole with their "flesh body". Once danger occurs...the consequences will be unimaginable.

Director Niu's voice sounded from the side: "Li Dongsheng wasn't so reckless before, right?"

"Well, I'm a little skeptical, this guy wants to fix me up." Ye Ming looked at Director Niu, sighed slightly while frowning, and then hummed again: "This guy... probably thought I wouldn't dare to deal with him. "

Director Niu looked straight at Ye Ming, and suddenly smiled after a few seconds: "Why are you so anxious to label yourself? I don't mean to sue."

Ye Ming's thoughts were seen through, and he coughed immediately.

Li Dongsheng, Peng Xiaofei and others are almost his closest friends at present, and they have also played a leading role in Jizhi Technology and even the entire human space exploration and construction field-this is certainly due to his reasons on the one hand, but It is undeniable that these brothers of his are really good, and they have never made him feel bad.

Now Li Dongsheng is driving the spacecraft to explore the wormhole without authorization. This kind of violation of discipline... Although it can be big or small, it still makes him very embarrassed.

Instead of asking others to bring it up, it's better for him to drink three glasses of wine first - he can't really deal with Li Dongsheng, and won't let him go into space in the future, right?

Director Niu smiled, and said thoughtfully: "Actually, sometimes I think, our current method of coordinating and responsible for exploration... in the long run, is it right after all?"

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, and signaled Director Niu to continue.

"Hundreds of years ago, apart from technology, the main reason for the rise of great powers was the opening of the great age of exploration in the West." Director Niu looked at the approaching wormhole, and said softly, "We humans are actually in this period."

"But how did the Age of Discovery start? It was not started by Zheng He's voyage-style national fleet, but by adventurers and various interest groups—the national level is only responsible for support."

"Li Dongsheng is one of the people with the most extensive space navigation experience in human beings. I believe that after experiencing so many interstellar travels, his desire and understanding of interstellar different from ours."

Director Niu tapped the coffee table lightly, looked at Ye Ming, and frowned slightly: "Do you think we still need adventurers now?"

Ye Ming was startled again, and immediately understood the meaning of Director Niu's words.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked Director Niu: "Is this... the leader's intention, or do you want to discuss it with me?"

"Well... this is the current thinking trend of quite a few people." Director Niu smiled: "Of course, the premise is that we must gain an advantage in the military - if we can't win, then go out to take risks and trade. It's food delivery."

Ye Ming hummed lightly.

"If we really want to use the model of the Age of Discovery to promote our exchanges with other civilizations, it will undoubtedly be much faster than now, and from the perspective of scientific research, it can also save a lot of money. After all, our current exploration outside the system , mainly to discover galaxies and draw star maps.”

"Well, let's stop here first." Director Niu smiled, and then looked at the projection.

After seeing a ray of light, an extremely dazzling starry sky appeared on the projection screen.

And as all the detection equipment on the Asterisk was activated, a scene that made the scalp tingle appeared before everyone's eyes.

Countless spaceship wreckage is floating in a dense meteorite belt, exuding a faint cold light. In the center of the meteorite belt, several huge broken asteroids mark the source of these meteorites—they must be a completely destroyed one. planets.

And in the extremely distant area, opposite to the main sequence star, Aita simulates a cool fountain light source.

"Fuck... which unlucky civilization is this?"

"Also, what is this star?"

"Fuck, the gravity here is a bit strong..."

In Li Dongsheng's "nonsense", Ye Ming got up instantly, grabbed the microphone and said in a deep voice: "You point the detector at the main sequence star!"

After a while, the modeling of the main sequence star was completed instantly.

Looking at the main-sequence star that exudes a cold light and is not even as big as a satellite, Ye Ming took a breath for a moment.

"Fuck! Neutron star!"

When Director Niu heard the neutron star coming out of Ye Ming's mouth, he also stood up and quickly moved to the front of the projection: "Is it true? Can neutron stars exist for civilization?"

"I don't know." Ye Ming felt his scalp tingle at this moment.

A neutron star is the densest star except for a black hole. It is one of the few end points that may become after a star evolves to the end and undergoes a gravitational collapse and a supernova explosion. The star that has not reached the mass that can form a black hole collapses at the end of its life. A type of star between a white dwarf and a black hole.

And this main sequence star is a neutron star, which means it has experienced a supernova explosion!

——This is one of the largest energy releases of a single star on a cosmic scale. Although it is not as good as star collisions, black hole mergers, etc., under the explosion of a supernova, nothing in its galaxy can survive.

Not to mention avoiding the supernova explosion, even the expansion stage of the red giant star is enough to swallow most of the stars.

And... Judging from the battlefield, it seems that there is another planet here!

So... how could civilization exist?

In other words, what kind of civilization is it that would come here to fight?

Ye Ming clenched his fists and looked above the neutron star.

In the modeling, there is an extremely high jet of matter there, which is constantly releasing energy.

Pursing his lips, Ye Ming took a deep breath, and then grabbed the microphone: "Captain Li, don't run around, release the detector first, and return immediately after finding other wormholes!"

"Are the wreckages of the battleships ahead?"

Ye Ming stared intently at the battlefield ahead.

In just a few seconds, Aita completed the scan of the entire battlefield—this is a vast starry sky over a million kilometers. According to the statistics of the wreckage of warships based on its reflection, at least nearly a thousand ships have been counted. !

"It's enough to release the detector to take a look. By the way, first determine the eruption area, see whether the bottom ejecta is ejected from the neutron star or from other places, and whether there is another gravitational source."


Ye Ming ended the communication, then closed his eyes, and sat down slowly.

After a while, he turned on the computer and began to quickly list the modeling formulas.

Director Niu walked behind Ye Ming in two or three steps, and saw that Ye Ming's formula looked up and it was E=mc2.

"This is?"

"The mass-energy equation."

"...I know, what I'm asking is, what do you want?"

"I'm thinking... maybe this is a mine." Ye Ming raised his head slowly, staring at Director Niu: "Antimatter mine."


An hour later, Li Dongsheng determined that there was another huge gravitational source in the area where the material was erupted before.

This discovery immediately made Ye Ming unable to sit still. He declined the pre-war meeting at the Taiyue base and directly started the super simulation. The data detected by the Asterisk was transmitted to the super simulation, and ita carried out a thorough new reconstruction. mold.

Then, Ita got the same conjecture as he did.

The matter ejected above the "neutron star" is indeed not the remnant ejecta after the superstar exploded, but a fountain of antimatter—or to be precise, antimatter ejected by a massive unknown celestial body.

In other words, this galaxy is a binary star system, only one can be seen, and the other cannot.

Li Dongsheng's movements were fast—or Aita's speed was very fast. After a while, Aita determined that there was another unknown celestial body in the galaxy, and according to previous experience, this celestial body should be another wormhole.

The discovery of the new galaxy quickly attracted the attention of the entire space exploration agency. After all, everyone now knows the ins and outs of the Tula.

During the discussion, everyone immediately divided into two factions. One faction believed that the Tula was a spaceship that survived the Great War—the probes sent by the Asterisk had identified some of the wreckage of the spaceship and the Tula, that is, The enlightener mentioned by the population of Canglan Star has a very similar structure.

This assumption undoubtedly means that the enlightener is gone.

The other faction believes that the Tula should have come from another wormhole and stayed here, that is to say, if it passes through the only wormhole, it is very likely that it can be traced back to the enlightener.

Of course, for Ye Ming, he believed in the latter.

Because... this spaceship, he knew, would be used by someone!

But now... all his energies are focused on the binary star system with one bright and one dark, and that antimatter fountain!

——If it is determined that this place is an antimatter mining area, coupled with the understanding of other civilizations so far, then it is logical that there is a "base" where antimatter can be mined and utilized.

Since there is a base, then there is a war... so it is logical.

Of course, all the conclusions need to be explored in more detail before they can be finalized.

And the prerequisite for doing all this... Naturally, the uninhabited planet YBTL04, which is the entrance to the wormhole, is firmly under control, and no mistakes are allowed!

In other words, the upcoming war will be one that cannot be lost.

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