From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 624: The Era of Great Interstellar Navigation

Ye Ming was taken aback by Qi and Mo's idea of ​​killing his brain.

As a scientist who claims to be an engineer, he immediately began to think about the feasibility in his mind - as the cooperation between humans and the Canglan Star people deepened, he already knew that the working principle of the intelligent brain, or the birth principle is What.

To put it bluntly, it is to use special bioelectricity to add the trained consciousness to the "Slanzi matter" - this is usually done by the "master brain". The "computational model" comes out. Then, through various complex designs, this "calculation model" can be connected with countless individual neurons, and finally a powerful "intelligent brain" can be integrated.

In this model, Slanzi Matter will act as a "smart storage device" and a "task distribution system".

It can be known from its principle that the more individuals connected to the brain, the stronger its computing power will be.

And in order to ensure enough individual neurons to perform calculations, as far as the Canglan Star people are concerned, their entire clan sleeps with brain-controlled devices.

This has led to the fact that when you sleep, you don't dream - the Kela people don't have dreams.

But if you want to invade the brain, you can't just rely on knowing these things. At the very least, it is necessary to connect to the brain, or to thoroughly understand the principle of its work assignment.

"Hmm... Wait until Hailin and the others come over to see if we can study their brain access devices."

Ye Ming glanced up at the window on the ceiling, shaking his head to dismiss the idea of ​​paint and ink: "I know that there is a wind blowing in the AI ​​​​academic world now, and I hope that human beings can also create an intelligent brain. After all, there are so many human individuals..."

"Well, there are indeed quite a few papers in this area."

"But I always feel that this kind of thing deviates too much from the existing scientific and technological direction of human beings, and I am a little uncertain."

Qi and Mo laughed: "So there are techniques that you're not sure about?"

"That's too much!" Ye Ming said with a chuckle: "For example, antimatter collection, I don't have a clue now."

When it comes to antimatter, the topic of the two naturally turns to Li Dongsheng who is exploring the LC galaxy. Qi and Mo stared at him with Brin Brin's big eyes: "Talk about Team won't really deal with him Bar?"

Ye Ming froze for a moment: "Yo? He asked you to be a lobbyist?"

"What are you thinking! I'm just asking..."

"Scared me, I thought this guy would dare to find your relationship to blow my pillow!"

Paint and Ink gave him a twist.

Ye Ming laughed and said: "It must be dealt with, otherwise people really think that they can do whatever they want if they get in my car."

Qi and Mo showed a look of embarrassment, frowned slightly, nodded slightly after sighing: "Indeed, you are now... not an ordinary person."

"That's why Team Li made me very passive."


"The temporary plan is to come back and stay on the earth for a while to cool down. No matter how great the credit is, how can we do without organization and discipline... He is a technical consultant sent by the country, and he is responsible for the dual responsibilities of the entire community and the military. When you're done, just go into the wormhole without saying a word, do you really think you're Columbus?"

"Uh... Speaking of Columbus, it seems that public opinion is now calling for the release of folk exploration... Is it possible to let go of folk exploration?"

"Well, this has to be done step by step. When my sister comes back and reports the specific situation of the blue star, it will probably be activated. After all, the significance of this victory is too great. It can be regarded as a reassurance for the high-level leaders of the community."

"What? Sis is coming back?" Qi and Mo automatically ignored the meaning of victory, and jumped up when they heard that Mo Gu was coming back.

"Uh, what you told me just now... let's go back to the hotel and tell you."


As Ye Ming said, the significance of this victory is significant enough, not only did it reassure the top management, but with the press releases that were simultaneously published on major media around the world, the entire human world finally knew that human beings have been in the past few years. what are you doing.

——There has never been an impenetrable wall in the world. Even if the global political forces have never made public the news that mankind is about to be wiped out and the enemy is on the way, those urgently built space battleships that are like dumplings are hiding it. Not everyone.

In the past one or two years, especially in the last few months, too many smart people have judged that mankind is about to face a space war through various clues. enough.

So there's never a lull on social media in the months following the departure of the Human Fleet. There are even some stupid magic sticks who lead humans to be condemned by God, saying that they are about to face the wrath of God and so on. In short, they are not human words.

But now, the community has graciously admitted it.

Yes, humans did wage a space war not too long ago.

This war is to defend the galaxy group! Fight to defend the allies of Triangulum! Moreover, judging from the results of the war, humans won.

As a result, the entire Internet and social media are completely boiling.

Of course, even in boiling, there are different sounds.

The mainstream voice is naturally proud of the fact that human beings can achieve such results and have such power.

But there are also some Madonnas and Reflection Monsters who took the slant of the sword and began to analyze the deep-seated reasons-why do humans go to the Auriga constellation thousands of light-years away to fight with humans? That is not the territory of humans... Besides, who is the enemy? Did they come to invade the local galaxy group?

There are also people who are worried that for humans, war is nothing more than the loss of some machinery and equipment, but for aliens... If they do not have remote control technology, it means that the destruction of every warship will bring success. Hundreds of thousands of deaths, isn't that a little too much? Can humans not live in peace with aliens?

These noises quickly disappeared into the boundless ridicule.

And not long after, another blockbuster news appeared on the Internet.

- The Commonwealth will form a brand new department of "Sea and Air Trade and Customs".

This department will not only undertake customs clearance services for the trade and exchange between human beings and foreign civilizations, but will also issue space navigation licenses to civilians.

As soon as this news came out, it almost instantly overwhelmed the previous information of human beings defending against enemies from light years away, bringing the entire human world collectively to a climax.


"Sloppy! Damn it!"

In the Taiyue combat center, Yang Wenzhi ended the communication with his wife and son, and looked back at Lieutenant Colonel Smil who was looking like a ghost, and was a little stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Yang! Damn it, I want to retire!" Lieutenant Colonel Smil handed the pad to Yang Wenzhi, stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and walked around the small room.

The two of them, because of their outstanding performances, were directly promoted to a higher rank, from major to lieutenant colonel, and won second-class merit.

Of course, in this battle, one counts as one, and each has a badge to start with-this time it is a collective third-class merit.

As for the job promotion, there are only the two of them.

At this time, a week had passed since the combat day, and they had just completed various reports and commendations, and then resumed communication with their families. While charging, they were also discussing the tricks for the next attack and doing various tactical simulations.

Therefore, life quickly becomes boring and monotonous again.

Yang Wenzhi took the tablet handed over by Lieutenant Colonel Smil, and after only looking at it, he was instantly stunned.

"Issuing photos of civilian space travel? Does this allow civilian spaceships to go out of the earth?"

"if not?"

Since mankind entered the era of great unification and formed a community, all human space behaviors have been included in the "plan". Not to mention private companies such as SpaceX, even the space agencies of various countries, all belong to NASA—all countries , all space activities ceased.

For the entire human race, the only ones that can fly into space are the Inviting Moon, Sky Surveyor, Asking Star, Seeking Star, Asking Moon, Ring Moon and various warships... These may be able to pass through the star gate, or only Various spaceships that are used for commuting between the earth and the moon, or can only be used to replace airplanes.

And these spaceships, no matter whether they are going from the capital to London, or from the provincial capital to the moon, or from the moon to the blue planet, to Mars... one counts as one, and they are strictly controlled.

Now, the Commonwealth says it is ready to issue licenses, but also establish customs?

"Yang, the age of great voyages has come!" Smil shook Yang Wenzhi's shoulders, his eyes burning: "Don't you want to board the ship yourself, and then travel to other galaxies?"

Hearing Smir's temptation, Yang Wenzhi was stunned for a moment, his eyes burning hot.

But just for a moment, he calmed down.

After quickly reading the announcement, he put down the tablet, shook his head slowly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Smil, I can't buy a spaceship—and besides, it seems that spaceships are not sold out now, right?"

"As long as we can win at the front line, the production line can definitely be adjusted! With so many shipyards and such a strong manufacturing capacity, we can't build all warships all year round, can we? One thousand ships are sent to the sky every year... I'm so obedient, we are going to fight with Who fights?"

"So, civilian orders will definitely be provided - aren't Musk and the others coming back soon? They must have a spacecraft if they want to make a deal with the target star."

"The problem is we don't have any!"

"Look at you... who are we? We are the commanders who defeated the Executor!" Lieutenant Colonel Smil said proudly, "Don't you think we are not qualified to be captains?"

"... despise you!" Yang Wenzhi glared at the other party, but he had to say that what Smir said was quite reasonable.

As a soldier, of course it is his bounden duty to obey orders. But it doesn’t mean that he can’t have personal pursuits—since he was notified of grounding, he has always been very disturbed, planning to fly to civil aviation after being “professional”.

In the final analysis, he still longs for the blue sky and white clouds.

Now...he has another one, longing for the stars and the sea.

Just according to the current combat mode... Frankly speaking, he is very self-aware.

He doesn't think that apart from tactical understanding, he can do better than a young e-sports guy in terms of operation and awareness.

Of course, the gap can also be narrowed through brain control—but in that case, what are the stars and the sea? It's nothing more than playing a virtual space game.

If human beings really want to enter the great voyage of the space age, then...the ones who go the farthest, and those who can appreciate the stars and seas the most, are those adventurers and caravans. Not those space fighters who just hide in the basement of the moon and "play" air combat games.

Sarcastic, right?

The fact is really like this-human technology can already realize unmanned combat, so why should soldiers die in vain?

Take the battle a week ago as an example. If those spaceships had to be operated by humans, according to the original configuration of the three warships "Qin", "Han" and "Tang", there would be at least two to three hundred people on each of them. , and humans lost a total of six ships...

In space, if the spaceship is destroyed by the main gun, there is really no bones left, no chance of survival!

"Let's talk about retiring." Yang Wenzhi handed the tablet to Smir, and then punched him with a smile: "You guy, shake the morale of the army-you really want to retire now, right? Then I have to find another partner."

"Haha! Just kidding." Smir coughed, but his eyes were still burning. "If the battle is over, I think it can really be considered."

"Well, we'll talk about it later."

At this time, Aita's voice came from the speaker on the wall: "Lieutenant Colonel Yang Wenzhi, Lieutenant Colonel Smil, please go to the combat conference room immediately after hearing the announcement."

The two looked at each other, immediately arranged their clothes, then picked up their hats and strode out of the dormitory.

After going out, the two of them didn't see many colleagues walking towards the elevator, only a few team commanders were with them.

In the elevator, everyone exchanged in low voices, and found that Aita had notified alone this time, so they were even more puzzled, so they had to make up their minds and listen first before talking.

After entering the combat command room, I saw the base's top commander, General Qin, and two senior generals present.

"Relax, everyone, sit down." General Qin stretched out his hand to press it, and glanced at a few of them: "Mika, Heros, Jiang Wenli, have you three not beaten egg whites yet?"

"Report, yes!"

"Well, later on, you go to the medical department and beat the egg whites."

"Thank you General!"

General Qin nodded slightly. After all, this was a small episode—the production of the longevity protein vaccine has not yet fully come up, and the lottery policy is still adopted, so it is normal for some people not to take it.

But it's not normal if this gang of meritorious commanders can't be defeated.

"Now, on behalf of Taiyue, I will ask you a question."

General Qin glanced across the audience, paused and then said in a deep voice, "Are you afraid of sacrifice?"

After this sentence fell, even though these commanders were all sitting upright, they still had a look of surprise.

Of course, this surprise is not about the understanding of "who is not afraid of death", but because they are surprised why General Qin would ask this question.

"Report! Don't be afraid!"

Yang Wenzhi's voice sounded first.

Immediately afterwards, the same answer coincided with each other.

"Well, then, next, you are about to board a Song-class battleship and conduct battleship command training." Looking at the crowd, General Qin said slowly: "You will be the fleet commanders who are going to go beyond the Star Sea!"

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