From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 712 Leniency for Confessions, Strictness for Resistance

Facing the wind, Ye Ming walked slowly towards the school gate.

He now somewhat understands why some great scientists behave a little "goofy" after they have achieved certain achievements.

Well, the "divine chatter" here does not mean that the end of science is theology, but more philosophical thinking.

Didn’t Eros say—“If philosophy is understood as the pursuit of knowledge in its most general and broadest form, then obviously philosophy can be considered the mother of all scientific research.”

So philosophy, of course, is what God talks about.

Ye Ming has always believed that he is more of an engineer than a scientist, so in the past ten years, he has never thought about the principles of life and death at all - there is no doubt that how to face the end of life, then is a philosophical question.

But these days, he's starting to think.

And it's not from a personal point of view, but from the point of view of the end of a civilization.

What is the end point of a civilization's evolution? Or, is there an end?

Is it the pursuit of eternal life, or the eternal existence of thinking? And eventually live and die with the universe-or lead to the birth of another universe?

At this time, Mo Gu quickened his pace and walked to his side. She hesitated for a moment, but still asked softly the doubts in her heart.

"Why do you suddenly think of eternal life?"

"Huh? What?"

"I said... why did you mention the word eternal life?" Mo Gu pursed his lips, and his eyes became serious.

As the deputy director of the former brain computer center. Now the chief scientist of the Canglan Star scientific system, the "integrator" of human beings and the biotechnology of the Canglan Star people, she can be said to be one of the people who are at the forefront of human beings in the field of life sciences.

The current longevity protein of human beings comes from her.

Therefore, she knows Ye Ming too well - even as the group of people who are most qualified to receive the "longevity" reward in this world, Ye Ming is not the first two groups of people who receive longevity protein. It's not that Ye Ming is timid and afraid of side effects, but that Ye Ming doesn't care much about extending his life.

If this reason is not sufficient, then the "Heaven Project" proposed by the Western group before was aborted because of Ye Ming's disapproval, which should be able to show Ye Ming's attitude.

"Because..." Ye Ming stopped, looked at Mo Gu, and said softly after a few seconds of silence: "Sister, do you think that eternal consciousness and eternal life are the same concept?"

"Huh?" Mo Gu was slightly taken aback, then thought about it.

But Ye Ming didn't wait for her to answer, but said to himself: "The two concepts are different."


"Do you still remember when Musk and his gang were clamoring for digital life, the Heavenly Project?"

"Remember, you are against it."

"Well, because I think that simulating consciousness through programs—even through hardware simulations, is not fundamentally different from electronic pets." Ye Ming said, looking towards the direction of the empty sea, and his voice became leisurely: "Suppose, from now on, we have the ability to copy a current me into a quantum computer, and then that digital me has the same way of thinking, the same memory, and even the same personality as me... Do you think that would be me?"

"Eh..." Mo Gu was stunned, and after frowning for a few seconds, he said uncertainly: "At least, is it you in my memory?"

"Yes, it's just me in the memory of others, not the consciousness and personality carried by the human body of Ye Ming now."

"You... are a little messed up."

"It's a bit messy. What I want to express is that unless I live forever and become a celestial body, any consciousness generated and continued apart from my brain cannot be called the continuation of my consciousness. Therefore, the so-called digital life is nothing more than It’s nothing more than keeping an electronic pet—even if this electronic pet has outstanding knowledge and powerful logic ability, it is a super intelligence that can really call supercomputing.”

"It can never have the creativity and vitality of a life-based consciousness."

// Note: I hold this view on all "upload conscious" digital beings.

Mo Gu thought quietly for a few seconds and then stared at Ye Ming again: "Then you haven't told me why you suddenly thought of this—is it because someone on earth wants to engage in this digital life again?"

"No, it's because...someone may have done this."


"An NB civilization ten thousand years ago—of course, I have no evidence for whether they did this, but only my intuition." Ye Ming squinted his eyes slightly, and said softly: "The Promised Land is said to be a place with countless knowledge, and life can last forever." The place."

"But how can life be eternal? You are a creature, you know, life is at most extended, how can it be eternal? Even if it is a lighthouse jellyfish, it is just self-destruction, asexual reproduction similar to cloning."

Mo Gu was stunned, then nodded slowly.

At this moment, Aiwen, who had been listening quietly, suddenly asked: "Teacher, if... keep your brain alive and connect it to the computer, then the consciousness displayed should be yours. I, right?"

Ye Ming glanced at it: "You're talking about a brain in a vat, of course it counts."

"Oh, then this technology can be developed..." Ai Wen stared at Ye Ming with wide eyes, eager to try: "You have such a great brain..."

Ye Ming was stunned, and raised his eyebrows instantly: "Stop! I don't want to be a specimen! If you dare to do this, I will break your leg right now!"

Ai Wen was taken aback, and then felt aggrieved.

"Teacher is so fierce!"

Ye Ming hummed lightly, then looked at Mo Gu: "By the way, have you tested the pheromone collector?"

" won't delay you."

Ye Ming nodded, then strode towards the school gate.

The two captives of the empire seem to have learned that too much talk is bound to fail recently, and they have been unable to get useful information from their mouths for a long time, and from the observation of the two, the antennas on the foreheads of the two people are always Move around.

Needless to say, that is the organ through which they exchange pheromones.


Three days later, Ye Ming boarded the Asterisk and embarked on the road back to Earth.

According to his temper, he originally hoped that he could directly return to the solar system directly through the artificial singularity, but the higher authorities firmly forbade... The reason is very simple, although the test was successful, it was immature after all.

Moreover, it is currently in the trial operation stage. After the induced wormhole generator is used, it will carry out long-term maintenance and information collection and analysis in order to accumulate valuable experience. If Ye Ming really wants to start it again, the wormhole generator will have to be delayed again. It took a long time to reach the Karatu galaxy.

In comparison, Ye Ming returned by spaceship, wasting some time wasted.

And the two imperial prisoners were naturally also on the spaceship.

It's just that, compared to the friendly treatment before, the two of them are now subject to more restrictions. Not only have their many permissions been lifted, but there is also a robot guard guarding them all the time.

Such a standard is stricter than house arrest.

Of course, such a result is not caused by the human beings knowing the information they want to know from the captives of the empire, and then demolishing the bridge and changing their faces. It is these two people... On the one hand, they "failed" the goodwill released by human beings, on the other hand, It is human beings who have completely abandoned the illusion of using the identities of the two to carry out certain political operations within the Holy Empire, and instead put all their energy on force.

It is said that at a high-level meeting, the leader conducted self-reflection for a long time, saying that he imagined the high-level civilization outside the department too beautifully, and always put the logic of human thinking on other civilizations habitually, so that Constantly generating unrealistic images of the enemy...

The leader's review does not represent him personally.

Rather, it represents the entire human race.

It is conceivable that after making such a statement, how could human beings still "treat" the captives of the two holy empires?

The two of them are captives who need to be educated and reformed!

As for what form to reform the two of them... that would depend on the performance of the two of them.

In this regard, human beings have standards.


"Be lenient when confessing, but be strict when resisting."

Crozier quietly watched the subtitles that jumped out of the movie, with an indescribable expression on his face.

Since Ye Ming's attitude changed drastically that day, the treatment between him and Grena has visibly changed—at the beginning, he wondered if it was because humans were conducting an extremely critical experiment , but after following Ye Ming on board the spaceship and the restrictions became more severe, he began to understand that the status of the two of them had indeed become lower.

Not to mention arranging guides, it is not even possible to act arbitrarily on the spaceship.

Fortunately, humans have not completely taken them as prisoners, and will arrange a series of videos for them to relieve fatigue.

It's just... These virtual videos, in Crozier's view, are nothing more than a reminder to them.

For example, in this film about the war between human beings and a certain foreign civilization, human beings also captured the spacecraft of the hostile civilization, and then in the interrogation room, there were big slogans written on it.

"Is this a reminder to us?"

Greina lay back on the chair, with her legs folded on the edge of the bed, a strong sarcasm emerged from the corner of her mouth, and her spiritual touch trembled.

She and Crozier were allowed three hours a day to communicate with each other, and all the communication during this period... thinking with their toes, would be mastered by humans.

Therefore, all their communication is done through the exchange of pheromones - don't human beings want to see the two of them communicate? Then let them see it!

"Obviously, yes." Crozier glanced at Greiner and closed his eyes at the same time.

It's not that he can't accept the current state, but the nonsense of the woman next to him made the first prophet of mankind catch the mistake, and then made the situation of the two of them more and more passive...

There is no doubt that even from the perspective of human habits, the more information humans know from them, the lower their value and the lower their treatment.

Therefore, Crozier asks Grena every day if she has inadvertently revealed something to humans.

But he didn't know whether to be disappointed or what... Ever since he boarded the ship, no human beings have taken the initiative to talk to them. All communication and needs are done by robots.

"You said, what conditions do we have to agree to when we come to the human home planet this time, so that humans can meet our requirements?" Grena turned her head to look at Crozier: "I want to go home."

"I also want to go home." Croz lowered his eyes in silence, and then looked at the calendar on the wall - he is already very familiar with the human calendar, and it currently shows that they have stayed on the spaceship for a month, according to the TV series According to the experience summed up in the book, it takes about a month for human beings to leave their home galaxy, which means that they are about to arrive at their home star world.

"But Grena, you must prepare for the worst." Crozier looked back: "I don't believe it, you haven't realized our situation yet."

"I realize it, but what does it matter? Do humans still dare to challenge us with the lives of the entire group?" Grena raised her eyebrows, and her eyes were full of anger: "I don't believe it!"

"Even in the Holy Empire, the first prophet is not the final decision-maker! Let alone the political structure reflected in the human world these days-they are a typical parliamentary system, collective decision-making!"

"In the face of a single individual, you may be overwhelmed and dare to bury the future of all ethnic groups, but as a group... that must be rational, and you must choose to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!"

The spiritual touch on the top of Greina's head kept trembling, expressing her mood at the moment: "I know what you want to say, you want to say that the force that humans have declared to us shows that they have the will to resist the Legion...but that's what they don't want to say. Know how powerful the legion is! And even so, they should find a way out for themselves! This is reason! A group of people, a civilization must have an option in order to continue!"

Sensing Grena's message, Crozier closed his mouth tightly while exhaling slowly.

Of course he considered what Greina said, but...

The two of them are also individuals!

At this moment, a human voice suddenly came from the cabin.

Crozier was slightly taken aback, and immediately put on the earphones.

"Crew members, please note that this spacecraft is about to enter the Earth-Moon orbit and will decelerate in one minute."

"Two minutes later, the spacecraft will cancel the porthole protection, and everyone can enjoy the space scenery and the earth scenery through the porthole. Of course, you can also choose to observe and appreciate from multiple angles through virtual projection."

As Aita's voice fell, Crozier and Grena were slightly taken aback, and then looked at each other at the same time.

The two quickly got up and walked towards the porthole at the same time.

Two minutes later, the locked porthole protection device opened, revealing a bright starry sky.

Under the starry sky, a half-blue, half-dark planet full of stars jumped into view instantly.

Crozier's pupils narrowed slightly.

This is, the home planet of human beings?

Or... just this small planet can withstand the powerful force of Base 31?

They, why?

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