From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 721: The Road to Heaven Under the Star Ring

January 24, 2036, the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

In Bai Qihao's restaurant, a grand banquet is going on.

Since it coincided with the traditional Western Christmas, and the Spring Festival was approaching, and Wang Jian was about to leave the Dibi galaxy to set up defenses in the new airspace beyond Auriga, this gathering was endowed with more meaning.

Those who gathered in the dining room, except for the crew of the Baiqi, most of the crew of the other three flagships also gathered here by landing ships, leaving only the necessary personnel on duty, so that the spacious and unusually spacious The dining room unexpectedly became crowded, and even the chief officers of the former enemy headquarters were squeezed into a corner.

"Old Yang, go to the office to drink? These boys are beaten down in circles, even if they drink cold water, they can't stand it."

Zeng Yuanhai unbuttoned a belt, laughed and cursed away the correspondent on his boat who wanted to toast.

"It's okay, it's really noisy here." Yang Wenzhi nodded with a smile.

As the former enemy commander, he usually behaved calmly, but today... on such a special day, it would be inappropriate to be tense. So he stood up, and in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of the former enemy headquarters, he gave a simple congratulatory speech to all the frontline soldiers—well, let everyone eat and drink well.

As for whether there will be troubles, this is completely out of his consideration-Aita's military police mode has long been launched, and it is dedicated to all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Soon, a group of commanders got up and went to the conference room.

When the robot guards served the food and wine again, everyone lost their interest in drinking, and no one knew who mentioned the training two years ago, and everyone's thoughts instantly returned to the scene at the moon base.

"Speaking of which, we've been wandering outside for more than a year." Colonel Smil's Mandarin is very proficient now, the kind that doesn't even have an accent. He picked up the wine glass and drank it all by himself: "I haven't been home for a year."

"What you said, who has been back home—by the way, has Lao Ao been back? Isn't there a man-made wormhole over there? It's easy to go back."

"He was busy picking up Miss Kerong all day, so he obviously didn't come home."

"Tsk tsk, is it true or not?"

"What do you say?"

"Fuck, next time I have to ask what it's like to see a Kerong woman."

"Isn't it the same with the lights off?"

Everyone laughed.

Although all of you here are military officers of the new era, and all of them are high-level intellectuals, among the men, playing (wu) interesting (mie) companions who are not present, and talking about women, these topics will never go out of fashion.

However, after all, everyone still had a sense of proportion and did not continue to slip.

"Old Yang, is there any news? We can't just sit here forever, can we?" After laughing, Smil looked at Yang Wenzhi: "I asked for leave a week ago to go back, but the higher-ups immediately rejected it. I think something big is brewing Son."

As he spoke, he looked at the others again: "Do you think so?"

Everyone didn't answer, and they all looked at Yang Wenzhi at the same time - this is the chief of staff of their former enemy headquarters, and he has the private communication numbers of many big bosses, even academician Ye Ming! On the well-informed, none other than him.

Facing everyone's eyes, Yang Wenzhi just smiled and shook his head.

"Old Yang, is it true or not?"

"Not really."

"Then what's the matter... fight and don't fight, and don't allow false, really just stare blankly and engage in space warfare?"

"Cold battle, now we don't even know where the main fleet is, and we don't even know the overall strength of the enemy..."

"What's more, can't a group of us have a colonel commanding dozens of nearly a hundred warships? Even the navy didn't have such a low-profile team back then!"

Everyone was chattering, pouring out the irritability in their hearts one by one.

As professional soldiers, of course they take obeying orders as their bounden duty, but they are not robots who only know how to obey.

In the Battle of Auriga the year before last, they made great contributions, and then began to advance into the Karatu galaxy, completing the Milky Way - Andromeda Galaxy - Triangulum Galaxy - Karatu Galaxy - Tara Galaxy The embryonic form of the civilization circle alliance . Immediately afterwards, they advanced into the Dika galaxy, and completed a beautiful annihilation battle in the Tara galaxy...

So far, they have been wandering outside for at least a year and a half.

Although the communication is developed now, it is possible to communicate with family members in real time without barriers, but how can this kind of virtual screen be in the same room with relatives and be in close contact with them?

And they are willing to wander like this, in addition to performing their bounden duties as soldiers, in addition to protecting the glory of human civilization... They also hope to be able to win battles and fight, and then rise all the way.

This is human nature.

Soldiers don't fight wars, so they have to slowly get through their qualifications... It's not that they can't get through... But is it time to get through it?

Obviously not!

Who here doesn't want to see that one day, the human fleet will flatten the universe under their leadership.

"Let's not talk about this, we mainly wait now. Everyone must believe that the headquarters is definitely more professional than us, and considers it more comprehensively." Seeing that everyone was full of complaints, Yang Wenzhi picked up his glass and said with a smile: "Come on. ,drink wine!"

"Still drinking? Are you really not afraid of the enemy's surprise attack?" Zeng Yuanhai smiled and shook his head, but he also raised his glass.

"Well, you can't wait for the enemy to come over, right? Then you can run away after a fight?"

"Cut! If the enemy really wants to come here now, it will only explain one problem. They know us well, and then they have internal responses. Otherwise..."

Just before Zeng Yuanhai finished speaking, Aita's voice suddenly sounded above his head.

"Commander Yang Wenzhi, after receiving the communication from the Taiyue command center, it will automatically connect in 30 seconds, please prepare."

Hearing Aita's voice, everyone was startled!

Zeng Yuanhai's face was even more strange—couldn't it be true? Taiyue, did you receive any news?

But then, everyone came to their senses and quickly put away the wine bottles and glasses.

Thirty seconds later, the light curtain came down, and Lao Qin from Taiyue Command Center appeared on the screen with a serious face.

"It's good that everyone is here. The former enemy headquarters."

"Here!" Yang Wenzhi immediately realized that it was a military order when he heard Qin Weiguo's voice, and stood up immediately. The rest of the people looked at each other and stood up.

"Accepting the order of the Military Executive Committee of the Human Community, order the former enemy headquarters Baiqi, Alexander, Mengtian, and Mercury and their fleets to enter the first-level combat state immediately. The tasks of the former enemy headquarters Wang Jian and its fleet remain unchanged , go to the Auriga-LC galaxy for strategic garrison.”

Yang Wenzhi's expression remained unchanged, he didn't even shift his gaze, and he didn't answer right away—he knew that there must be orders next.

Sure enough, after a pause, Qin Weiguo went on to say: "At the same time, the former enemy headquarters must complete the in-depth simulation and deduction analysis of the enemy's surprise attack within a week, collect and sort out all the results. Pay special attention to the chain reaction caused by the second-generation rice grains." .”

"Yes!" Yang Wenzhi responded instantly with a flash in his eyes.

"En." Qin Weiguo's serious expression softened a little, and he said with a slight smile: "Don't make random guesses, just wait for the next order."

"Boss, what you said, how can we not guess randomly!" Zeng Yuanhai immediately hit the snake with the stick: "Is there going to be a battle?"

"That's none of your business."

"I..." Zeng Yuanhai was at a loss for words.

"Okay, I know you are drinking today, I wish you all a happy new year and a merry Christmas."

"Then, get ready, boys. If you really want to fight...then next..." Qin Weiguo glanced at everyone one by one, with a serious and resolute expression: "This is not about fighting, not about sacrifice, but about, the whole The issue of strategic planning of human civilization in the coming decades or even hundreds of years, the issue of confidence in the entire human civilization!"

"So, we must not lose!"


The picture of Qin Weiguo disappeared, but everyone in the office fell into collective silence.

It's really good to have a battle.

But when there is a huge disparity between the enemy and the enemy, it is necessary to complete the battle that must be won... This kind of pressure instantly makes everyone feel as heavy as Mount Tai on their backs and speechless.

After a few seconds, Yang Wenzhi's eyes flashed, he took a deep breath and sat down quickly.

"Continue to drink!"

Five hundred million light years away, the sacred galaxy.

Mobius star, a fourth planet located in the outer ring of the habitable zone of the main sequence star. If viewed from distant space, this planet has long since lost the shape of a natural planet.

With the planet Mobis as the center, there are several extremely huge artificial star rings surrounding the planet Mobis.

On the star ring, there are countless man-made cities. In the night sky, every city is brightly lit, like a pearl. The star rings connecting these cities are also extremely bright, like strips of lights in the night sky.

At the intersection of the star rings, a huge fully enclosed sphere exudes dazzling white light. It is extremely huge, like an artificial sun, shining brightly in space.

Countless spaceships are docked at various exits of the star ring, and spaceships take off and land from time to time, and then fly to a giant artificial ring in space.

If humans see it, they will know at a glance that this ring is the legendary man-made singularity.


The light flowed on the ring, and in just a split second, a spaceship appeared from the void. After a while, it started quickly, grazing towards a corner of the artificial star ring.

On the spaceship, Hall sat by the window and slowly opened his eyes.

He first glanced at the star ring like a light strip, and then looked at the light ball like a satellite that was connected to the artificial star ring. In silence, he lowered his head slightly while stroking his left hand on his right chest.

It's every Holy Empire man's tribute to the promised land.

Yes, that ball of light is the "paradise".

After leaving behind the miraculous buildings of the universe, the god-like ancestors of the Holy Empire all went to the paradise, and never appeared "in person" again.

But everyone knows that the ancestors have not disappeared, but have been guarding the sacred civilization, guarding their descendants, and giving the descendants a legacy that can shine forever.

After saluting, Hall slowly retracted his gaze and closed his eyes again.

Half a month ago, he left the base of galaxy 31. Originally, he planned to return directly to his home planet, but before leaving, he changed his mind and went to base 32 and base 30 first.

The numbers of these two bases are close to his base, and the location is also the closest to his mission area. In other words, in case of an out-of-control situation, these two bases can directly support him.

It's just that the people in charge of these two bases don't have much contact with him at ordinary times, so they can only be regarded as nodding acquaintances. Therefore, in order to get their assistance suddenly, besides direct orders from the legion, he also needs personal relationships That's all right—fortunately, the people in charge of those two bases are pretty good, and after he promised phase-change metals, these people quickly agreed to support him.

Well, Hall knew that these people were willing to help him, probably more from the perspective of having fun—these two bases have been stable for hundreds of years. In their words, they are almost fucking bed sores.

There is an enemy that looks quite interesting, and they naturally don't want to miss it.

And they also recognized Hall's idea, that is, compared with such a rapidly developing civilization, although the executive legion is powerful, many technologies still originated thousands of years ago. The craftsmanship is familiar, the cost is low...but it is also behind!

A non-military organization like the Sumaya Enlightenment Association, the spaceship can run so fast... How can you embarrass the legion?

The extremists of the legion have long proposed to destroy the group of Sumayas, but as soon as they mention the spaceships of Sumayas, their teeth itch with hatred—they can’t beat them, but you can’t catch up either. !

Now, if there is a chance to get the new technology of the Enlightenment Association and complete the upgrade of the legion's equipment, it will always be a good thing for the legion.

Even if human beings are not a piece of cake, they can counterattack Sumaya in the future and use his bones to boil his oil!

"Master Executive, the merge will take place in a minute, please get ready."

Hall heard a reminder from the autopilot system, and Hall opened his eyes again.

At this time, his spaceship has come to the top of the star ring.

Looking from a distance, the entire star ring belt can be seen in a panoramic view. He could even see the fast-flying orbiter in the transparent ring above, as well as some pedestrians who were taking a leisurely walk.

And looking down, he can still see the "farmers" who are "upside down" weeding and plowing in the farmland.

Well, farmers here, they are pure retro lovers.

As early as ten thousand years ago, the sages of Paradise established artificial food factories on the ground, which completely freed civilization from labor, and also led the people of the empire to... a road of no return.

The spaceship docked, and Hall slowly walked out of the dock. A moment later, a legion's exclusive orbiter stopped in front of him.

"Mr. Hall, where are you going?" The driver was a young man, and when he turned his head, the young man made no secret of his admiration for Hall.

After all, Hall is one of the top ten CEOs out of 108.

"Well, go to the Prophet's Academy first."

"Okay, please sit down, we will glide down for 200,000 kilometers."

As the young man's voice fell, the passer began to slowly start, and after a while, it drove into a road pointing to the ground.

This road is directly connected to the ground and is called Tongtian.

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