Home, command center.

Lieutenant Colonel Cao Yuwei sat next to Haierke, controlling the command center's command device for Haierke and many of the generals on the Home. Don't think of this job as that of a cinema projectionist. In addition to receiving signals from humans, In addition to the battlefield information maps shared by the Mercury during this period, he was also responsible for converting Helko's instructions and the instructions from the former enemy headquarters, and finally implemented them on every Blue Star participating ship.

After all, the Blue Planet's Sword of Vengeance fleet is an independent fleet, and in a hurry, there are not so many combat robots to complete the unmanned replacement of the entire fleet, so they have to rely on this more "original" " "Shout" method to complete the swarm attack.

Because of this, the human soldiers at the enemy's headquarters did not have too "big" hopes for the Blue Star fleet.

Therefore, in the entire "drag knife" plan, the main responsibility of the Blue Star fleet is to lure the enemy deep. After the human warships complete the turn and encirclement, the fleet will quickly turn to meet the enemy with high-speed flanks and lure them in. Enemy, providing opportunities for both human and Kron fleets to seek out fighters.

The advantage of this is that the Sword of Vengeance fleet with the largest crew can better avoid direct confrontation with the enemy's main warships, thereby causing unnecessary casualties.

The disadvantage... is that they cannot participate in the cluster attack and gain maximum results.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they have no chance to participate in the war - they all find their own fighter planes. As long as they can complete the mission well and find the safest and most appropriate position, then it is naturally good.

In the projection at this time, the human and Kron fleets had "quickly" passed the position of the Halko fleet and were quickly heading towards the VSC-61 south jump point.

The Mercury and the huge resource fleet farther away are about to arrive at the VSC-61 star gate and are about to leave the battlefield.

As for the enemies, not to mention, they had already completed their turn and were pursuing the coalition forces at high speed.

Occasionally, rays of light continue to rise in the virtual projection.

That's when the pursuing enemy is firing its main gun forward.

The conference room was quiet, and everyone was looking at the projection seriously.

According to the current speed of the enemy, they will catch up with the Sword of Vengeance fleet "falling at the rear" in ten minutes and cover the Sword of Vengeance fleet into the best effective range.

To be precise, not the effective range, but the effective hit range.

"General Hai." Cao Yuwei touched the earphones lightly with his hand and then turned to look at Halko: "Command command, we can speed up."

"Yes." Halko looked with burning eyes at the large red dot following his fleet on the light screen. His whole body remained motionless, and the expression on his face did not change at all. Instead, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After a few seconds of silence, Halko looked at everyone and then at Cao Yuwei: "Lieutenant Colonel Cao, I wonder if you know what those relatively backward civilizations think of the Executor Legion's fighting style?"

Cao Yuwei was slightly startled, thought for a while and then tentatively said: "Invincible?"

As a human warrior, he could only think of the fear the Kron people had towards the Executor Legion before - it was a spine-breaking, bone-deep fear, so that for a long time, the Kron people were In the eyes of humans, especially in the eyes of human warriors, it has a very bad reputation.

There are even some radical thoughts and remarks that believe that humans should directly push back the Karatu galaxy of the Kron people first...

Perhaps feeling this, after joining the coalition and arriving in the Sophie system, Governor Azshara showed unusual radicality - they did indeed use certain sacrifices in exchange for considerable results in the initial contact battle. .

And this kind of sacrifice, when spread to the human world, changed the human perception of the Krong people.

"Invincibility was a fact before." Herko shook his head, his eyes became a little deeper, and after a moment he smiled slightly: "Before I served as War Ceremony, I went to many galaxies as the leader of the pioneering fleet, and experienced many experiences. More than thirty years of interstellar voyages.”

"During those thirty years, I saw many ancient battlefields and the survivors of those civilizations, and learned many stories and legends."

"I even contacted the escape ship of a civilization that had just been destroyed by the Executor..." Halko said slowly, seeming to be lost in memories: "And according to those records, all civilizations attacked by the Executor, The greatest fear of the Executors is that...their fleet has no command center, no flagship."

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, but soon understood, nodded and said: "Without a flagship, there is no weakness."

Cao Yuwei's words made everyone nod their heads.

"Yes... among the civilizations I have seen, only humans have the same fighting method as the Executors." After saying this, Halko stared at the screen, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again: "Look, like this The way we fight...was our biggest dream before."

This compliment that cannot be said to be flattering was very useful to Cao Yuwei, but he was always reserved, so he just smiled and nodded at this time.

At this time, a bright light rose, and the entire command center suddenly fell into daylight for no reason.

It's like being hit by a huge searchlight, making people blind instantly.

There was silence in the entire conference room.

A second later, Helko's voice sounded calmly: "Don't worry, if you are hit, the shock wave of the engine explosion has already been transmitted."

When Helko's voice sounded, the room immediately returned to normal light.

Only the visual residue caused by the sudden bright light reminded everyone that an enemy main gun just passed by the porthole.

Halko squinted his eyes slightly and looked back at the projection.

On the combat map, the marking lines of the human and Kron fleets have already listed the turning routes.

Halko exhaled softly, a smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

But he still looked at the combat map quietly, and moved his gaze to the north jump point "above" the star map - that was the star gate where the enemy appeared.

According to the calculations of the human Taiyuan headquarters, the enemy's large fleet that entered the Dibis 1 galaxy a week ago should appear today.

Based on this judgment, the coalition's "drag" time was extended by a full five hours compared to the original plan, and they traveled an extra five hours - in order to completely distance themselves and at the same time give the fleet with sufficient admission time.

Only in this way can the enemy confidently and boldly catch up with the coalition forces to show off.

Time flew by quickly, and the light of the main gun continued to streak across the distance like meteors.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly and planned to remind him again - if he didn't speed up, he would be bitten by the enemy.

At this moment, Haierke said softly: "Accelerate to five thousandths of the speed of light, and keep out of the effective attack distance of the enemy ship."

The order was instantly transmitted to the entire fleet through Aita's long-distance terminal, and soon, the real-time data was transmitted to the combat map.

Cao Yuwei breathed a sigh of relief, but only for a moment, his sight fell on the North Jump Point.

On the three-dimensional map, a small pink spot appeared.

At this time, Haierke's voice sounded slightly high-pitched: "Continue to accelerate! The enemy decelerates immediately after decelerating, and shifts towards the Z13 axis!"


"Beautiful! Ursa Minor, you are all accelerating along the direction of X5648/Y125/Z-14. Ursa Major, you are all accelerating along the direction of X1522/Y386/Z-06. Azshara, your position remains unchanged!"

Standing in front of the battle map, a slightly excited blush rose on Yang Wenzhi's face. Although his voice still sounded calm and calm, everyone could tell that he could no longer contain his excitement at this time.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the entire former enemy headquarters was already excited.

Needless to say, Helko's fleet, especially Helko's massive flagship, attracted the enemy's attention so well that all of the enemy's attention was focused on him. And when the enemy came back to his senses, the coalition forces had already begun to turn around.

Today, the pocket array formed by the three major fleets is moving towards the enemy.

"Attention all ships, the target has been assigned, and the first salvo will be fired in three minutes!"

"The Andromeda Fleet is maneuvering around the VSC-63 star gate to pin down the supporting enemies! Baiqi's main gun is ready to charge!"

Yang Wenzhi kept giving instructions, and his gaze was fixed on the enemy fleet without blinking: "Has the enemy's position not changed?"

Azshara immediately replied: "It seems that it hasn't changed."

Olaf frowned: "Are they idiots? Didn't realize they were surrounded by us? Or did they think they could fight us?"

"Maybe you want to eat Helko's fleet, right?"

"Impossible, the Krong fleet is very fast, and there must be no problem in escaping."

"Perhaps they thought they could survive our siege until reinforcements arrived?"

Everyone's eyes stayed on the pink dots that kept jumping out of the VSC-63 star gate - in just one minute, more than ten warships jumped out, which shows how fast the enemy's jump speed is.


Following Azshara's voice, everyone could only see that on the star map, the formation of the "main" fleet consisting of more than two hundred warships pursuing the Halko fleet began to split into two.

One of them is still continuing to pursue Helko, while the other is heading in the direction of the Ursa Minor fleet.

The two fleets gradually formed a V-shape, forming an obvious intersection with the paths of the two oncoming fleets Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Seeing the enemy advancing instead of retreating, everyone's eyes were fixed at the same time! Lost in thought.

There was silence in the room.

In the human plan, the enemy is absolutely able to realize that human weapons are already stronger than them - so the enemy will start to fight "guerrilla" after the first wave of defeats, trying to use this method to hold back the coalition forces.

But now... the enemy really doesn't care about the loss of the fleet at all?

It's unlikely that the enemy has already prepared tens of thousands of warships to come over!

Yang Wenzhi frowned, staring at the speed of the two fleets getting closer and closer, seeing that they were about to enter the effective targeting distance.

At this moment, Azshara suddenly said: "Could they be trying to rely on high speed and shields to pass through the fleet directly?"

Yang Wenzhi was slightly taken aback, then his eyes flashed, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "They have a good idea!"

Azshara looked at Yang Wenzhi in confusion: "You don't have secondary guns, do you?"

"Although we don't have secondary guns, our main guns are just enough to form crossfire." Olaf answered for Yang Wenzhi: "And the main gun of the Falcon-class battle cruiser has a firing angle of thirty degrees."

While speaking, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer until they enter the effective aiming distance.

"The first round of joint attacks begins!"

As the voice fell, countless rays of light quickly cut through the night sky, completely illuminating the hideousness in the darkness.

Ella Star, Base Conference Room 31.

The meeting room was quiet, only the sound of Mai's heavy breathing and the continuous tapping of the control keyboard.

And... the sound of constantly reminding the battleship to go offline.

And on the lowered light curtain, Zhinao used the information from the shipboard reconnaissance equipment to accurately restore scene after scene of the battlefield.

I saw countless rays of light flashing continuously in the void, occasionally mixed with thick and huge rays of light.

After each set of rays of light, one of Mai's warships went offline.

Everyone was silent, watching the loss of warships on both sides change from 0:0 to 10:1, and then to 20:3...

When the numbers jumped all the way, the loss ratio between the two sides had reached 181:27.


When another battleship under Mai's personal command disappeared into thin air, Mai raised his head.

His eyes were red and crazy.

"My jump generator is still there, can you send an orbital ship?"

Everyone also looked at Hall.

Hall's brows furrowed deeply. He slowly turned his head and stared at Mai, but did not answer.

"Hall, what on earth do you think?"

Hall remained silent.

Seeing that Hall remained silent, Mai almost spoke from between his teeth: "Do you still think our battleship has an advantage?"

"So, Lord Prophet, do our current warships still have an advantage?" Hall finally spoke, but he looked at Prophet Dieter and said it.

Prophet Dieter also frowned deeply like Hall. In silence, he slowly shook his head. After a few seconds of silence, he looked at Hall: "How about trying the orbital ship?"

Hall looked around, nodded slowly after a moment, and then looked at the camera on the ceiling.

"Qiu, stop dealing with the enemy and return to support Mai's logistics fleet."

"Obital ship No. 1 is preparing for the jump."

Hearing that Hall finally agreed to dispatch the orbital ship, Mai gritted his teeth and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Even if all the warships are destroyed here, I will still capture the flagship!"

After speaking, he quickly planned the target direction of all the warships with his hands flying.

He already knew that the fleet that lured him into the human encirclement was the warship of the remnants of the Kra tribe.

And these Kra clan warships are manned.

At this time, only the dissipation of living things can make up for the anger in his heart.

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