From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 755 The Enemy Who Can Learn

The sudden request from fans to take photos did not affect Ai Wen's interest. On the contrary, she was quite surprised by the shyness.

After happily agreeing, she held her chin with her hands and sat on the chair with the girl, making a very cute pose.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Oh... don't call her that." Egwene felt embarrassed when the girl called her "Your Highness" and waved her hands in embarrassment. Seeing Tang Yutong on the other side was extremely happy.

After the small interlude, the robot waiter brought the pot base and side dishes to the two of them one after another, setting a full table.

While simmering the hot pot, Ai Wen looked around carefully. Suddenly, the lights in the entire hall brightened, and then the light curtains lowered from the ceiling, painting a beautiful scenery of blue waves in the hall.

Immediately afterwards, a soft voice of explanation also sounded at the same time: "Customers and friends, welcome to our restaurant to dine. The picture that will be demonstrated to you below is a video of the Myat submarine civilization from the fourth planet of the distant Sophie galaxy. I hope Helps you enjoy your meal.”

As the voice rose, bursts of joyful exclamations suddenly came from the hall.

Egwene was slightly startled after hearing this, and then a smile appeared on her lips - she naturally understood where this Myat submarine civilization came from.

From the front line of the current confrontation between the Virgo Supercluster United Fleet and the Executor Corps.

She also heard that in order to protect this underwater civilization and planet from the destruction of the war, the coalition forces had deployed their battle front in front of the Sophie 4 planet.

But what she didn't expect was that she could actually see such cutting-edge scientific research scenes in an ordinary restaurant.

"Are all restaurants like this now?" Egwene asked.

Tang Yutong also shrugged, saying that she didn't know either - like Ai Wen, she had spent the past year on the Blue Star.

As for the life on Blue Star, due to insufficient development and lack of materials, life there is not much different from the Earth more than ten years ago, far from being "science fiction".

"It seems that this meal will cost a lot of money." Ai Wen said cheerfully. She has been observing for a long time and found that the human customers who come here generally don't look poor.

"It doesn't cost much. Like Blue Star, this restaurant accepts Ai coins. Our subsidy is in Ai coins, so it's a good deal to eat here."

The so-called Ai Coin, in fact, the full name is "Digital Local Super Galaxy Group Currency", but because it is circulated and settled based on Aita's settlement terminal, it is generally called "Ai Coin" or "Ta Coin", or "Aita Coin".

It’s just that no one calls it “local currency” or “digital currency”.

Since the monetary policies and economic conditions of various countries on the planet must now be taken into account—to put it bluntly, various political issues—Ata currency has not been forcibly promoted, but a multi-track currency circulation policy has been implemented. Moreover, in order to promote the circulation of Aita coins, various payment reductions and exemptions and preferential policies will be implemented in many cases.

"That's okay!" Ai Wen immediately felt relieved when she heard this.

Her account is full of alta coins...and there are so many that she feels like she can't spend them all.

At this time, as the virtual video played, the entire lobby seemed to have entered the bottom of the sea. Blue waves were rugged above the head, and ancient stone buildings gradually emerged under the water.

Groups of swimming fish alternately shuttled through the air, as if they were about to jump into the bottom of the pot in the next second.

Obviously, the video deliberately increased the brightness of the seabed to avoid sensory discomfort such as "deep sea phobia".

Egwene was also attracted by the restaurant's new tricks and let out bursts of admiration. Unknowingly, as the deep sea exploration progressed, the side dishes in front of the two of them continued to decrease until only the bottom of the pot remained.

After checking out and going out, the two deliberately returned to the place where the aunts were preparing to dance in the square. Sure enough, they found a group of aunts waving their hands and stepping in the middle of the square, doing a "dance" silently.

The passers-by around him turned a blind eye and just walked leisurely and chatted.

Egwene paused and watched for two minutes, then giggled when she noticed that the aunts were almost completely repeating simple movements.

"Tong, I can also dance this way."

"How about you try it?"

"Haha, I don't dare - but I can record it and let my mother learn to dance."

Ai Wen just did it, took out her mobile phone and started recording the video, and then quickly sent it to her mother.

Seeing her actions, Tang Yutong was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

——The elegance of the Queen of Kerong is well known. If she really learned how to dance in the square, the scene would be... tsk tsk.

"Hey!" After Ai Wen finished sending the video, she immediately put away her phone with a guilty conscience, put her hands behind her back, and followed the crowd around her towards the food stall at the end of the street.

Since I finally managed to get out on a weekend, I obviously wanted to take a good walk around.

At this moment, her wrist suddenly moved slightly, and the next moment, the teacher's voice sounded in her headphones.

"Egwene, have you finished eating?"

"Just finished eating." Ai Wen still walked lazily on the street with her hands behind her back. Judging from her appearance, she didn't look like a lively girl, but rather looked like a lazy aunt.

"Come back soon after eating."

"Teacher, I'm taking a hundred steps after dinner...and it's the weekend today!"

"A shipload of injured people from the Silver Moon Fleet will arrive at the provincial hospital later. Do you want to go see them?"

Hearing that there were wounded people, Ewen immediately stood still, and her face instantly became serious: "When will it arrive? Is... the war started again?"

"Well, I'll wait for you in the office."

Ai Wen looked back at Tang Yutong, who was a little confused, frowned hard, pursed her lips, remained silent for a few seconds, and then looked at the crowd around her.

There was nothing strange about the people on the street - it was obvious that they had not received any news from the front line.

In other words, even if these human compatriots receive news from the front line... it will not have any impact on them.

Human beings are now fully capable of keeping their enemies hundreds of millions of light-years away, and no matter how fierce the Sophie Galaxy fights, humans can still live the lives they want without any impact.

In silence, Ai Wen took a deep breath: "Let's go back, Tong."



Sophie galaxy, space carrier Mercury.

All commanders from the former enemy headquarters gathered in the conference room again.

Facing the star map on the conference table, everyone's expressions were extremely solemn - just two hours ago, the enemy fleet group of the Sophie system and the enemies of the east jump point conducted a joint "raid".

The reason why the "raid" is quoted is, of course, because human reconnaissance ships have long discovered the enemies of the Dias 2 system behind the east jump point - a fleet of more than two hundred battleships.

But since it was a "raid", it meant that the enemy's actions were beyond the expectations of the former enemy headquarters.

The former enemy headquarters did not expect that the enemy would launch attacks from inside and outside the jump point "without fear of death".

Since the last battle, the east jump point has been guarded by the fleets of the Silver Moon Fleet and the Blue Star Fleet in conjunction with human beings' high-dimensional space membrane generators. Theoretically, the two companies' more than 100 warships, combined with the Tian Mending Plan, can defend a fleet of 300 warships at no cost. Therefore, their mission is the safest...

Humanity's three main fleets were roaming, fighting, and confronting each other in the central position, engaging in exchanges with the enemy.

This situation lasted for a month.

During the confrontation, the enemy's warship group increased from the north jump point to more than 700 ships, and the human side also added more than 40 warships.

In terms of combat strength, the two sides should be equal - at least that's what the former enemy commanders judged.

Because the enemy's super battleship has not moved, and humans are also confident that they can launch the enemy's super battleship into the soul - they have not done it all because the former enemy command wanted to surprise the enemy.

But... I didn't expect that during today's routine fight, the enemy fleet suddenly deviated from the direction and headed east, and then the enemies outside the Dias Star Gate 2 suddenly jumped out...

On the whole, it caught the fleet guarding outside the east jump point by surprise.

Although the battle ended with the main human warships harvesting about a hundred enemy ships after releasing the rice grains, the Silver Moon Kingdom fleet and the Kron fleet suffered heavy losses - they lost a total of seventeen warships.

You know, their battleships are still manned.

Although there is an escape hatch, after this wave...

"Let me review first. I underestimated the enemy's learning ability." Yang Wenzhi slowly scanned the crowd and said in a deep voice: "We used to play tactics, but now the enemy is playing tactics with us..."

The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit solemn, especially the human commanders, who were all silent.

To be honest, if this kind of 1:6 battle loss was placed in the past...or in any battle of any era, it would actually be considered a great victory. There is no need to review at all.

But in the eyes of the former enemy headquarters, if the battle damage is higher than 1:10, it is a dereliction of duty on the part of those present.

The reason is simple. Human beings currently have an absolute advantage in weapons.

The more they fought with the enemy, especially as the analysis of enemy ships from the rear became clearer and clearer, the more they realized that the enemy's warships seemed to be many, but in fact... they were really old. Especially in terms of communication, the bandwidth is seriously insufficient, and the electronic control logic of the entire ship also has extremely high delays.

Hmm... To describe it this way, the enemy's warship is equivalent to installing an old-fashioned Pentium processor as a server to be responsible for the automatic sighting and maneuvering coordination of the entire ship. Moreover, the network connections of various combat parts of the ship are still The one with 10M bandwidth...

In comparison, human warships can crush the enemy in terms of reaction speed and warhead communication bandwidth throughout the ship.

Humans are a race that has enjoyed the benefits of the information generation gap. Knowing this delay, humans will strangle enemy ships.

What was unexpected today was that the enemy found a breakthrough and began to carry out targeted tactics targeting the weak links of the combined fleet.

Listening to Yang Wenzhi's review, the leaders of the two fleets looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Aisala hummed softly first and then said slowly: "Old Yang, but this also confirms that our judgment is correct. The enemy really wants to drag us here."

"Yes, but it doesn't matter if we drag it here. The biggest trouble is that the warships in their hands are like free money." Halko said solemnly: "Of course we are not afraid of sacrifice, but when faced with such a lifeless target, we always It feels like it’s not a good deal.”

Everyone present nodded.

Their biggest regret is that it is “not cost-effective”.

Those present are all soldiers who have been on the front line. Do you think they are afraid of death? That is obviously a fallacy - if they were really afraid of death, they would not appear in the Sophie Galaxy, but would park the mothership in the Dibby Galaxy, or even hide on Earth.

But as Helko said, death must be a worthy death and a worthy death.

Now the enemy's spaceship and the human warship are exactly the same long-range, unmanned warship.

To put it bluntly, they are purely consumables.

Would you be willing to compare your life with others' consumables... and compare them with consumables that have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years?

Yang Wenzhi nodded with deep understanding.

"So, next, we plan to change our strategy. Your spaceship should gradually move back, and let us stay in front and consume it."

Azshara and Helko looked at each other again, and both of them frowned at the same time.

After a moment, Helko said slowly: "But if your warships are consumed, what will happen to the future counterattack?"

"Old Yang, Zeng Yuanhai is currently confronting a fleet of 600 ships. Our side...according to previous intelligence, there must be at least two executor bases. A conservative estimate is that there are three Four thousand warships.”

"Even if we destroy nearly a thousand ships one after another, there will still be thousands more."

Following Helko's voice, everyone fell into silence again.

Now, what everyone is most worried about is that the quantitative change in the number of enemies will lead to a qualitative change.

"Well... although all our detectors on the two star roads have been knocked out, at least we can still detect the vague movements of the enemy through high-dimensional detectors." Yang Wenzhi pursed his lips and said softly: "That's it. Personally, I don't quite believe that the enemy will directly invest thousands of warships to surround us in a short period of time. Moreover... our warship production capacity is about to explode, if we can maintain an exchange ratio of 1:10. Then We can still maintain our overall combat power advantage.”

"And don't forget, we also have super battleships."

"But, can we always maintain this exchange ratio?" Azshara looked at Yang Wenzhi solemnly: "Especially if we don't use rice grains and just use the main gun."

Following Azshara's question, Yang Wenzhi also frowned deeply.

Although... the electronic control level of enemy warships is completely inferior to humans.

But it must be admitted that if he had not ordered the release of more than 300 grains of rice today, then he would not have been able to retain these 100 enemy ships!

As long as the enemy's warships want to escape, the current combined fleet has no way to chase them.

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