From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 761 Leading to Nothingness

After the two chatted about Shivata for a while, they changed the topic to the front line.

As the Grand Priest of the Blue Stars, Uda certainly knows all the battle reports and battle conditions on the front line, but he does not know much about the follow-up deployment and arrangements on the human side as well as various response strategies.

"When I was passing through the artificial star gate, I saw a lot of warships parked in front of the airport. Are they prepared?" Uda asked casually while drinking tea comfortably.

"Yes. At present, the warships we send to the front line for supplies and support all pass from the shipyard in the Triangulum Galaxy. Then next month, the first batch of warships in the Karatu Galaxy will be rolled off the assembly line." Ye Ming also said casually. He replied: "When the decisive battle comes, the fleet of the Tara people will also be deployed on the front line, so that we will have greater initiative."

Uda nodded with deep understanding. He knew that in the past few months, a steady stream of fleets from the Executor side had appeared in the early warnings on the star map, and then continued to converge towards the Sophie Galaxy.

As of now, the total number of enemy fleets in Sophie Galaxy has reached more than 1,200 ships, including a huge super battleship.

In comparison, the number of coalition forces is a bit small, with only more than 400 ships.

But even so, the enemy has more than three times the strength, and still has no idea of ​​​​starting a head-on confrontation with humans. Instead, it maintains the intensity of the battle on a small scale - for example, it only sends a force of about two to three hundred battleships each time. The fleet came to conduct a tentative attack on humans.

It has to be said that the enemy's tactics are very effective.

In the past, humans relied on powerful fire control technology and sub-light speed missiles to often achieve a victory result of more than 1:5 in head-to-head duels. However, as the two sides fought more small-scale contact battles, the stalemate became longer. , the enemy's ability to "hide" human main guns and defensive missiles will be stronger.

Just three days ago, a small-scale conflict broke out between the two sides. Humanity lost two "Falcon" class battlecruisers and three "Eagle" class cruisers. As a result, only eleven enemy battleships were destroyed... The exchange ratio is unprecedentedly close to 1:2.

Of course, this is the result of humans deliberately not releasing rice grains - in order to deter the enemy, humans did not release rice grains after guessing the enemy's intentions. But even if the rice grains are released, according to the current enemy's cunning and familiarity with war, the interception rate of rice grains that are not released on a large scale will definitely be extremely high...the gain outweighs the loss.

Even so, the enemy still did not launch a full-scale attack, but continued to wait for the arrival of reinforcements. This can only be said that the enemy intends to confront humans in the Sophie galaxy until the end of time - or to maintain the upper hand in the confrontation.

It is obviously impossible for humans to make their enemies get what they want. Therefore, the stronger the hidden power, the more trump cards humans have at the moment of launching a decisive battle.

"How many fleets can you pull out by the end of that year?"

"About three, including a super battleship." Ye Ming said without reservation, "And the first batch of anti-matter battleships are probably almost ready for service."

Uda's eyes narrowed: "Is it the Enlightener level?"

"Well... but we are called the Dirac class." Ye Ming corrected Uda's statement - although humans have captured two anti-matter warships, from the introduction of anti-matter to the engine and main gun technology behind them, they have always been at par with the enemy. Unrelated: "Dirac, the earliest human scientist to propose the concept of antimatter."

Uda didn't mind what he said. He took a deep breath and looked straight at Ye Ming, his eyes full of hope: "You mean, from now on, the main fleet will be anti-matter warships?"

Ye Ming knew what Uda was thinking and laughed: "Don't worry, Uda, in fact, regardless of whether there are antimatter battleships or not... as long as we win the decisive battle in the Sophie Galaxy, we will definitely advance to the Ella Galaxy quickly. .”

Uda smiled slightly and took a long breath.

As the great ceremonial secretary of the Kra clan and even the Holy Star... I have not mentioned it before. The continuation of the clan is the first responsibility in everything. Now it has an added layer, which is to save the original clan members.

After the two chatted casually for a while, Uda looked at the time and stood up: "I have to leave. I have to go back to organize the resettlement work - I have to borrow your ETA for two more days."

"It's okay, you can use it as you like." Ye Ming said with a smile: "Your ship will arrive in two days?"

"Well, your Foreign Affairs Office said there are still two days left." Uda took a final sip of tea and sighed with satisfaction: "Director Xia from the Foreign Affairs Office is such a good person - you didn't even make arrangements for me, but she helped me arranged!"

Ye Ming laughed, stood up at the same time, and sent Uda to the top of the building.

Ten minutes later, Ye Ming returned to the office, and Eta, Ewen, and Shivata also arrived.

"Sivata, how does it feel to be back?" Seeing that Sivata was about to get up, Ye Ming pressed his hands, smiled and sat opposite Sivata, and then glanced at the remaining tea on the coffee table. Ewen: "Clear the coffee table."

"Academician Ye, I'll do it." Shivata stood up immediately, holding two cups with just one hand, then walked to the sink in the corner to pour out the tea leaves, and while cleaning the teacups, he replied: "Saw it in space At that moment on Earth, the memories of school came back instantly.”

"Well, have you contacted your former classmates?"

"There is contact, but many people have graduated and gone their separate ways." Shivata quickly made four cups of tea and brought them over, and then handed the second cup to Ita who was sitting next to Ye Ming. .

Ita looked up at him, and a series of big question marks popped up on the facial display.

Pfft... Ai Wen across from her was smiling brightly, and Ye Ming couldn't help but laugh.

"Teacher Eta, I'm sorry!" The bear boy scratched his head, sat aside and kept rubbing his hands.

"It's okay. Next time, design a mouth for yourself, and then design an embedded garbage bag." Ita was inspired. She turned to look at Ye Ming: "This way I can ostensibly accompany you to eat, you how do you feel?"

Ye Ming immediately thought about the scene and suddenly felt a little creepy. He immediately shook his head: "It's not very good, don't do it!"


Egwene giggled: "Aren't you afraid of fermentation? Teacher Ita."

"Oh! I forgot!" Ita imitated Shivata's patting action on the head, and felt regretful: "Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile, and then looked at Shivata. After pondering for a few seconds, his expression gradually became serious, and he asked slowly: "What are your plans this time?"

Seeing Ye Ming's expression, Shivata immediately sat upright and his expression became serious. He thought silently for a few seconds and then said in a deep voice: "Academician Ye, I think the sooner we can return to our home planet, the better."

Ye Ming nodded slowly: "Then, do you know how to work? I mean... how to control the brain."

Shivata nodded solemnly: "Uda Dashi told me all the precautions and everything about the mastermind. I think... it should be fine."

After a pause, before Ye Ming could continue to ask, Shivata added: "Actually, being the mastermind is not complicated. If we use an analogy... it is his job, a bit similar to the administrator of a supercomputing center."

Egwene looked up at Shivata beside her curiously: "Administrator? Do you want to execute orders or maintain data?"

"To be precise, it is to eliminate bugs." Shivata glanced at Egwene and immediately looked away: "The brain is guided by consciousness, and the specific process is equivalent to building blocks in a virtual space."

Ye Ming nodded slightly, and a glimmer of light rose in his eyes.

Regarding the concept of the main brain, Wu Da naturally told him. But after all...he has never experienced it personally, so no matter how Uda explains it, it is a bit too abstract.

But Shivata is different.

If you don't count the slave stamp placed on him by the Kodo people during his ignorant childhood and adolescence, you can even think that he is just an ordinary human with a slightly unusual appearance! His scientific literacy was cultivated by humans!

Therefore, Shivata knows how to view and describe the Overmind from a human perspective.

"You continue." Ye Ming motioned to Shivata to continue.

"Well...Actually, that's all." Shivata scratched his head, thought for a while and added: "Anyway, it's just the wandering of thoughts. What you see in your eyes are countless streams of thinking data..."

"Where's the end point?" Egwene continued to ask.

"The end..." Shivata frowned, pondered for a few seconds and then whispered softly: "I don't know how to describe or explain it. It can be understood as nothingness, or a black hole."

"Nothingness?" Ai Wen was confused.

At this time, Ye Ming whispered: "High-dimensional space."

Shivata's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately: "Yes, yes! It should be leading to a high-dimensional space - I once wanted to control the mind... but I always feel that as soon as I get close, my mind will be torn apart."

Ye Ming nodded slowly, and then looked at Ita.

Ita also looked back at him.

The two people communicated quickly in their minds.

"What do you think?" Ye Ming asked first.

"I can't understand."

"Why do I feel like it's a bit like a super simulation?"

"It's not like that..." Eta's voice was also a little uncertain: "Theoretically, the super simulation is a space simulated by a computer. And... there is no void zone in the super simulation... How can I not know after I have been there for so long? It’s a simulation.”

Hearing what Eta said, he couldn't help but hesitate. After pondering for a few seconds, he slowly said: "Then how do you explain the void in the main brain space? Where does it lead to?"

"Who knows? You'll have to ask the creator."

The two communicated in their minds. Shivata and Egwene did not speak, but just looked at Ye Ming and Ita "looking at each other affectionately".

After a moment, Ye Ming's eyes flashed, he nodded slowly, and then looked at Shivata: "Didn't Uda say what it was?"

"Taishi said that there is a restricted area for thinking. As for the specific place it leads to, he doesn't know... His speculation is that there should be a real computing core connected there, which is the 'brain' of the real intelligent brain."

After a pause, Shivata added: "This is how I understand the entire intelligent brain system - the head-mounted terminal assigned to an individual is a terminal of a distributed computing system that can be used for input and output.

"The intelligent brain we currently know is one of the distributed servers that connect these terminals, or one of the node servers. The master brain is the administrator of these servers."

"As for the real brain, it is the final main server, with all permissions and all databases."

Shivata felt a little embarrassed as he said this: "I don't know if this is the right way to describe it... My understanding of distributed networks is limited."

"Your understanding is indeed superficial, but the structure is correct." Ita immediately turned on the teacher mode.

Shivata was immediately embarrassed.

Ye Ming glared at Ita: "It is easier to understand if the metaphor is simple. Shivata, you describe it very well."

"Thank you, Academician Ye."

"Well... but science is a knowledge that requires in-depth inquiry." Ye Ming exhaled softly and his expression became serious again: "In the future, you will also be the great ceremonial secretary of your entire ethnic group and civilization, so... you must maintain Maintain a scientific attitude and maintain the pursuit of science.”

"The Intelligent Brain, at present, is indeed a system that can quickly improve the cognition of intelligent races." Ye Ming considered the words and said slowly: "But you must also clearly realize that if knowledge becomes readily available, then... …You will lose your respect for knowledge.”

Shivata clenched her hands into fists and her eyes became extremely serious. He nodded heavily: "I will definitely keep your teachings in mind!"

"Well, one more thing, don't be in a hurry to return to your home planet."

Shivata nodded immediately without asking any more questions.

Ye Ming smiled slightly when he saw this: "Don't ask why?"

"You must have plans."

"Haha, it's true - you can rest here on Earth for a few days first, meet friends, and then some departments may also communicate with you, and then Teacher He Mo will arrange your itinerary. At that time, you have to go to Blue Planet first to Union College.”

"Your compatriots are studying in the United College of Blue Star. They will be your best assistants in the future."

Shivata took a deep breath and nodded again.

"Okay, I see your communicator has vibrated several times." Ye Ming stared at the watch on Shivata's thick wrist. Although Shivata didn't look at it from beginning to end, he heard several When the communication rang for the first time, Ye Ming smiled and said: "It must be your friends here who are looking for you. Please call back quickly and have a good time with them."

Shivata smiled sheepishly, then stood up and bowed deeply to Ye Ming and Ita.

Watching the bear man leave, Ye Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes slightly.

After sending Shivata out the door, Ai Wen returned to sit in front of Ye Ming. After hesitating for a moment, the little girl asked softly: "Teacher, is the reason why humans don't use the brain just because of the reason just now?"

Ye Ming opened his eyes.

"What do you think?"

"I think..." Egwene thought for a while and said after a moment: "Probably not - but I don't know the real reason."

Ye Ming smiled slightly, and after a few seconds of silence, he said softly: "Except for the reason just now - I don't want my thoughts to be a wedding dress for unknown beings."

"They don't quite match."

Ita, who was pouring water, turned back and added.

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