Three months later.

Mobis home planet, Prophet Tower.

The rising sun rises slowly across the shallow loop. When the sun sets on the eternal sundial on the top of the Prophet's Tower, it also means the beginning of a new working day.

Lianna walked into the tower carrying her small deerskin handbag. She smiled and greeted familiar friends along the way until she pushed away her office.

To this day, her position is still Assistant Prophet - in fact, being able to keep her current position is considered as her teacher having great authority.

After closing the door, Liana put her handbag on the desk, and then made herself a milkshake.

After sitting back on the chair, she took out a letter of biscuits from the drawer and slowly ate the biscuits while drinking milkshake, while her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

It has been almost half a year since she returned to her home planet as requested by Hall.

The task given to her by Hall is to show the most real battlefield and the most real strength of mankind, so that the people who are still intoxicated with "the invincibility of the empire" can wake up...

She "completed" this task very well - or in other words, she didn't do anything deliberately at all, and the entire empire was shocked by mankind.

After all...battle reports may be deceiving, but the battle front cannot.

Four months ago, humans dispatched an anti-matter warship no less powerful than the Tula-class combat research ship on Frost Star, and broke through the blockade of the fleet from Base 32 that went to Frost Star to support the defense deployment, and then... Han Frost Star was declared to have fallen.

After the humans captured the Frost Star, they did not stay much longer. Instead, they started heading straight to the Aila Star at Base 31 along the Main Star Road.

Now, four months have passed, and the human fleet has arrived at the galaxy that is only one channel away from Ella.

According to the speed of human progress, it will only take a week at most for humans to appear in the starry sky where Ella is located.

After thinking about this, Liana put down the biscuits in her hand and began to fall silent.

After a moment, she pressed the button on the table, and a light curtain instantly appeared on the table.

"Call Hall."

Mechanical synthesized female voice: "Okay."

The beeping lasted for about ten seconds, and Hall's voice sounded tired and hoarse: "Na, I'm here."

"Hmm... Hall, how are you doing over there?" Liana crossed her fingers and stared at the white screen: "I want to see you."

"Don't look at it. My image is very bad now, which damages my greatness in your memory."

"Nonsense...I've seen your mud monkey appearance when I was in school. Hurry up!"

The screen flickered, and Hall's appearance appeared.

As he said, his image at this time was indeed a bit bad. His hair was very long and looked messy, his beard was unkempt, his eyes were sunken, and even the spiritual touch on his head was drooping.

Liana was startled, her eyes suddenly became bitter, she pursed her lips hard and said softly: "You don't need to make yourself like this."

"I don't want to, but now we are at the forefront of the resistance. I need to coordinate the fleets of seven or eight bases. There are endless meetings every day, endless material arrangements, endless arguments... I really don't have time. "

Liana frowned deeply. After hesitating for a few seconds, she asked softly: "How many battleships are there in Aila Star now? Can they... stop the enemy?"

"More than six thousand ships have arrived now, including eighteen Tula ships and five orbital ships - if they cannot be resisted..."

Hall didn't finish.

If even this cannot resist humans, then...

Liana held her breath and shook her head vigorously, trying to throw that terrible thought out of her mind.

——When the size of the fleet reaches a certain level, quantity is no longer the decisive factor.

What really plays a decisive role is combat capabilities and technological capabilities.

But the more she wanted to put it aside, the more she couldn't help but think about that - because she had witnessed with her own eyes that humanity had grown from a weak civilization with only a dozen warships to over a thousand ships in just a few years. Battleships, and a powerful civilization that is also technologically advanced.

To this day, regarding human beings, although the Seer Academy has not announced yet, it has reached a consensus.

That is: human beings are a truly primitive civilization.

Although there is only one word difference between primitive civilization and primitive civilization, they are vastly different.

Primitive civilization refers to the kind of low-level civilization that is primitive and backward in terms of civilization level. The first-level science and technology has not been able to break through, and even writing has just been invented.

The original civilization is a civilization that has independently developed a complete scientific system and has a cognitive system for the entire universe - it is not used to describe the strength or weakness of a civilization, but to describe whether a civilization is on the right track. on the right path of cognition.

There is no doubt that human beings... are such a civilization.

They were not enlightened, nor did they communicate with other civilizations. They relied solely on their own wisdom to awaken, thus reaching the sky in one step and creating miracles.

Just like...the sacred civilization from thousands of years ago.

After taking a deep breath, Liana finally couldn't hold it in anymore. She stared at Hall's tired face and whispered: "Then... have you ever considered..."

Hall seemed to have guessed what Lianna was going to ask, and he immediately shook his head: "No."


"Base 31 is my position, my battlefield."

Listening to the determination in Hall's words, Lianna's eyes tightened again. She bit her lower lip hard, veins bursting out on the back of her hands, and stared at Hall hard.

"Are you really not considering it?"

"Nana, don't worry. The enemy has probably guessed the power we deployed on Ella... They have been outside the system for three days." Hall smiled softly: "Thanks to your assistance, humans underestimate They underestimated the importance the legion places on them, and at the same time underestimated the legion’s heritage.”

"And in a sense... this is a good thing." Hall lowered his eyes and said softly: "The Supreme Council finally understands that if you fall behind, you will be beaten."

"Although we can't launch an attack now, we definitely have the strength to defend. As long as we can hold on, then we can rise again."

Liana hummed slightly and relaxed her hands a little.

"By the way, is it morning on the home planet now?"


"What's your job today?"

"Today is to write a report and summary about human civilization technology... I have been procrastinating for several days." Liana shook her head mockingly as she said this: "I've become lazy with you."

Hall laughed: "Who asked you to keep a maid?"

"That's my student!" Lianna snorted softly, dissatisfied with Hall's description: "By the way, Gloria and his tribe... how to arrange it?"

"There are no special arrangements - do you miss the maid? If so, I will send someone to bring her to you now."

"Well..." Liana stared at the void ahead, thought for two seconds and then slowly shook her head: "Forget it, your energy must be tight now, there is no need to waste it - unless... unless..."

Lianna said it several times, but in the end she still couldn't say the words "unless Ella falls."

The war is coming, and she must have absolute confidence in Hall.

"Then do you want me to pick her up and contact you?"

Liana hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "That's okay."

Ella Star, Gloria held a neighbor's three-year-old boy in her arms, wrote numbers on the ground with a wooden stick, and taught the little boy to count in the most primitive way.

"this is one."

"this is one."

"Don't do this, just say it directly."

"Don't do this, just say it directly."

The little boy was very well-behaved and sensible, and he understood the true meaning of learning better. He repeated every word of Gloria's words in a sweet voice.

Gloria chuckled and looked at the mother of the little boy who was sitting on the threshold knitting a sweater: "Sister Susan, little Kaka, this is a repeater..."

"Haha, what is a repeater?"

"'s...a machine that repeats sounds." A smile appeared on Gloria's lips. The child struggled a few times in her arms. She let go of the child, erased the numbers with her toes, and looked back at the wall.

On the mottled wall, there is a calendar hanging.

This calendar has been turned over page after page, and now there are less than fifty pages left.

Looking at the sparse pages, Gloria bit her lip gently and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Although it was daytime at this time, through the thick clouds, you could vaguely see the "stars" in the sky.

These stars are naturally not real stars... but battleships.

Four months have passed since she left the base and returned to the ground.

In the past four months, it is completely unknown where humans have advanced and what results they have achieved.

All she knew was that the base had been selecting maids over the past few months, and at the same time, there were more and more warships in the sky...

This means that there are many more people in the base.

Thanks to Liana's protection, she was not selected again, but she also lost all sources of information...

So, she could only wait quietly until the human army arrived.


Looking at the densely packed daytime stars, Gloria estimated that the density of such battleships exceeded at least five thousand...

With so many battleships, can humans... still be victorious?

Or...what if humans knew that there were so many battleships waiting, and when the calendar turned over, would they still come?

Looking up at the sky, Gloria's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper, and the melancholy on her face became more and more intense.

Then...she saw a ray of light quickly cut through the sky, and then the light turned into a landing ship and landed quickly in her direction.

The landing ship is getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer, and seems to be about to land overhead.

Sister Susan's expression changed drastically. She subconsciously picked up her son and planned to run home and hide.

But when she saw Gloria standing blankly, she shouted anxiously: "Gloria, hide for a moment!"

Unfortunately, the heavy landing sound of the landing ship covered up her voice. The next moment, the landing ship door opened, and two fully armed robot warriors walked towards Gloria.

"Gloria, we are ordered to take you to the Holy City. Please complete the boarding within ten minutes."

Gloria clenched her fists instantly. She suppressed the huge shock and panic in her heart. She took a deep breath and looked at the two robots: "Can I ask what the reason is?"

The robot seemed to think for a moment, and then seemed to be applying for permission. After a few seconds, a synthesized voice sounded: "It's your teacher who needs to communicate with you."

Gloria's eyes narrowed, and her tense heart began to relax slowly.

Fortunately, it's a teacher.

She believed...the teacher would definitely not be unfavorable to her.

After nodding heavily, she turned and walked into the room.

"I'll clean up, please wait."

The speed of the landing ship was very fast. In less than twenty minutes, Gloria once again set foot on the steps of the base where she had been away for several months.

Sure enough, her judgment was correct.

Compared to when she left, there were countless more Imperial people on the base, as well as countless more robots and her tribe's maids. She followed the robot guard closely, lowering her head to pass the Imperial people who looked in a hurry or with serious expressions, and walked towards the hall.

Entering the hall, her heartbeat accelerated again when she saw the situation in front of her - when she left, this hall had not yet been activated, and all combat meetings and tactical discussions were held in the combat conference room. But now, the entire hall has completely changed. It is full of various equipment and imperial people who are constantly coming and going.

To put it bluntly, there were more Imperial people in this hall than she had ever seen in her life.

After just a quick glance, Gloria lowered her head, fearing that she might accidentally offend someone with a bad temper.

She knew that in the eyes of these imperial people, sinners like herself... had no human rights.

Now without the teacher's protection, anyone here can throw her off the high platform.


While passing through countless equipment and Imperial people's working positions, a familiar voice sounded.

Gloria immediately raised her head and stood up straight: "Sir Hall!"

Then... Gloria was immediately stunned.

The Hall in front of her, if not for the familiar voice, might not have been recognized by her in another place - she hadn't seen him for just a few months, how could Hall be so haggard.

But this shock was only for a moment. She immediately took a deep breath, and her eyes turned from shock to surprise and concern.

"You...are thin."

When she finished speaking, she even cried a little eagerly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Hall's mouth: "Well, I'm indeed thinner, but that's not the point. I didn't call you here to show off to you - your teacher wants to talk to you on the phone."

Gloria took a deep breath: "Is the teacher coming back?"

"Not coming back. you still have access to Lianna's room now?"

"If it hadn't been deleted, I should still have it."

"That's not deleted." Hall said and threw a small metal tag to Liana: "Put this on, and then go to her room yourself and send her a message."

"Okay! Thank you, Chief Hall." Gloria immediately bent down and bowed, held the tag firmly and stepped back a few steps, then turned and left.

Then... the moment she walked out of the hall, a sharp voice sounded in the hall.

"Humanity launched an attack from galaxy 31919!"

Gloria's body froze slightly, but she pretended not to hear it and walked quickly towards the passage.

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