From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 804 The ghost above Ella

Over the planet Ella, there was panic in the Executor base.

Everyone looked blankly at the scene falling from the sky, and then... watched helplessly as one warship after another "inexplicably" exploded, caught fire, and went offline.

"Where? Where is the enemy?"

"What's attacking us?"

"Isn't the Ghost Missile finished yet?"

"Ceasefire! Ceasefire!"

Hall roared loudly, his eyes almost spitting fire: "The enemy has been eliminated!"

Du Jialuo, the chief commander of Base 38, grabbed Hall's arm: "What is attacking us now?"

Following Du Jialuo's voice, everyone seemed to have come back to their senses and looked at Hall.

This is the command hall of Base 31. Hall is the CEO of Base 31. Even though there is no fleet and a servant star has been lost, he is still the person who knows the enemy best.

Hall clenched his fists hard, his eyes fixed on the comprehensive data returned on the light screen, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

In order to fight against the human attack, Base 31 received unprecedented support from the Legion, and he also used all his connections to allow him, a defeated general, to continue to lead these thousands of warships as the leader of the frontline command team, ensuring that the final Those who know the enemy lead the battle.

In addition, in order to defend the base, the Imperial Academy of Prophets and the Enlightenment Association also put aside their previous vigilance against the legion, and a large number of advanced detectors and computing resources were tilted into the battlefield.

Even if humans started to launch a raid from the 31919 galaxy, they only mobilized bases 3 to 11 to carry out sniping along the way.

It can be said that the entire empire has taken complete action and treats humans as unprecedented enemies of life and death.

Hundreds of ship manufacturing plants throughout the universe have been fully restored, and tens of thousands of warships have entered the pre-war preparation stage. They can go to any front line with just one order.

In the mouths and eyes of many people, although the empire is in decay, it is definitely not a collection of ignorance. There will not be a scene like in novels where a rising protagonist is allowed to challenge all the way to the Yellow Dragon.

Just three minutes ago, three human super-high-speed reconnaissance ships passed through the star gate.

Under the most advanced twisted space detector, the guard fleet at the front only fired one guided salvo before wiping out the reconnaissance ship.

Then... the guard fleet began to explode without warning, one after another, inexplicably.

Hall gritted his teeth and turned to look at Dika, who was in charge of information and data: "Did the detector detect the distorted space signal?"



"Boss... really not!" Dika was about to cry without tears. Over the past year, he had lost weight rapidly after losing the fleet, and he looked extremely unhealthy: "The detector is a super weapon that can detect the enemy. Lightspeed missile.”

"Analyzing shipboard signals." Hall stared at the screen.

Just for a short while, another spacecraft exploded and went offline for no apparent reason.

"This scene does not look like the previous missile attack! Analyze it quickly!" Hall took a few hard breaths: "This should be damage caused from inside the spacecraft."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the communicator and almost shouted into the communicator through gritted teeth: "BOSS, if the Seer Academy and the Paradise still can't give an explanation... then..."

In the former enemy headquarters, all commanders of Group A fleet gathered in the operations center.

On the desk, the light screen displayed a scene that would make people suffer from trypophobia at the sight of it - under the startling glance of the ultra-high-speed detector, it successfully completed the transmission of radar coordinates, and then... died. .

Although the ultra-high-speed detector was sacrificed, it left behind a seed and drew such a radar map.

Surrounding the star gate, the enemy gathered thousands of warships, distributed in a cone-shaped radial pattern, with every warship facing the small jump port.

The picture that mankind... was most worried about finally appeared.

——Even today, humans still do not underestimate the Holy Empire, a civilization that unified the universe ten thousand years ago.

Because even if you rub it with your hands, if you take tens of thousands of years, you can still create tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of warships.

Therefore, the reason why humans gave up the relatively safe and secure stargate defense tactics and chose "quick push" was to avoid allowing the enemy to fully awaken and gather all its forces to face humans.

The protagonists of all human film and television works fight monsters step by step and upgrade to the end before facing the BOSS. This does not mean that this is the case in reality - in reality, it is more about killing the enemy in the cradle with the force of thunder.

but now……

The countless radar signals made everyone's scalp numb.

Everyone's face was extremely serious, including Yang Wenzhi.

Olaf took the lead and asked: "Is it possible that these...are enemy fighter planes?"

Kelt shook his head: "It's impossible. Although it only lasted a second, since Aita gave the model of the battleship, it must be a battleship - you see, there are several super battleships behind it."

"Then what should we do first? Continue to send the reconnaissance ship to observe?"

"Send them there to die? Of the three reconnaissance ships just now, only one had time to send back a signal."

"But if we don't send it, we won't be able to see the effect of the ghost at all - Lao Yang, what do you think?"

Yang Wenzhi also remained silent. At this time, he exhaled softly, pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slowly: "Let me ask Academician Ye first."

After finishing speaking, he dialed Ye Ming's mobile phone directly, and the phone only rang once before picking up.

"Wen Zhi, I just connected to Taiyue's venue."

"Then Academician Ye's opinion is that we should send the reconnaissance ship over now, or wait?" Yang Wenzhi paused and took a breath, his tone somewhat uncertain: "That ghost... can't be transmitted Return data?"

Ghost is the "secret" weapon Ye Ming delivered to them after letting them wait for several months.

Yang Wenzhi didn't understand the specific principle, but he knew that this weapon was very special and very small... it was encapsulated by a force field device and did not require a launching device.

"Unfortunately, it cannot... It is a purely offensive particle. It can only passively receive signals, but cannot transmit them."

"Then...what should we do now?"

"Wait a minute, it is a slow attack weapon. According to our attack model, it will take a certain amount of time to clear a star field, and we also need to ensure the safety of the residents of Aila, so the settings are very conservative. "

"But what I can tell you is that it will definitely work." On the phone, Ye Ming's voice was filled with unparalleled confidence.

Hearing Ye Ming's voice, everyone in the conference room suddenly relaxed.

Yang Wenzhi also breathed a sigh of relief: "Then we wait now?"

"Yes, wait, don't worry."

"Okay, let's start discussing now how to take over the base and galaxy - our first goal is to find and secure a Kara tribe member named Gloria, right?"


In the brain-computer center, Ye Ming put down his mobile phone and smiled at Uda Dashi who looked at him with bright eyes: "Are you relieved now? All our strategic and tactical arrangements are given priority to saving your people."

Uda slowly relaxed his body and chuckled at the same time: "I have always trusted and trusted human beings. What I am worried about is only the situation of the war - can ghosts really be trusted?"

Ye Ming stared at the motionless enemy model in the light screen for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

Ghost is mankind's first attempt to arm high-dimensional particles into weapons.

Four months ago, he led Professor Cao Xin's team to unexpectedly obtain a two-dimensional membrane that can be expanded "infinitely" during experiments on high-dimensional atoms. Later, through various experiments, he proved that this low-dimensional expanded membrane can Matter has all kinds of incredible properties.

It stands to reason that the easiest way to use it to attack is to throw it directly and then unencapsulate it. Then this piece of materialized two-dimensional material will begin to expand at the speed of light - similar to Sun Wukong's golden cudgel. It turns into a puddle of dough and then expands infinitely. All objects that come into contact with it will be split into two.

This is not simply split in two by an atomic knife or the like, but split in two by a space-isolating substance - in theory, it can easily "cut" even the planet.

Therefore... this method of attack was rejected immediately.

But if you don't use it, you will obviously miss the high expectations placed on it.

Therefore, when Zhou Xiangnan and his team completed the encapsulation of the intrinsic limited boundary - that is, establishing a force field device inside it to limit its expansion, a bold idea was born in Ye Ming's mind.

Build a force field device inside it, then build a small fusion electric field, establish communication and space identification modules and intelligent modules at the same time, and finally control the force field device to shrink the package, and finally reduce it to the size of a proton.

According to Ye's equation, it is too simple to drive a proton-sized substance to move in curvature.

But it is obviously impossible for a proton to complete the attack.

Therefore, Ye Ming set up an energy storage and discharge system.

When it reaches the environment that meets the set conditions, it will release a super strong current pulse!

"According to the previous analysis of enemy warships, their warship materials are the same as ours. They are all metal alloys. Although the composition is different, they still follow the laws of materials." Ye Ming picked up the teacup and blew the tea foam gently. A smile appeared on his face: "And they also have a control system and an energy storage system... Although our ghost particles are small, they are fast and have high energy. As long as they hit their energy storage system, they will be blown up directly."

"It's just that it can't precisely control the coordinates, so it can only run around like a blind cat and a rat to death within the specified space..."

Wu Da hummed, then smiled and said: "It also follows the trajectory of the two phenomena of waves and particles, right?"

"Well, of course, we can only control the waveform." Ye Ming took a sip of tea and ordered Eta in his mind to release the simulation screen.

"That's probably what it's like now."

Following Ye Ming's voice, a bright spot suddenly appeared in the light. In order to obtain a more intuitive effect, this bright spot was colored red.

I saw that the bright spot at this time was centered on the star gate, spreading slowly towards the circle of battleships outside as quickly as sound waves.

Although it is a wave, it is everywhere.

"The only regret is that it's a bit slow." Ye Ming put down the teacup with a trace of regret on his face: "It will take about five hours to clear the entire star field."

Ella star.

Gloria and her mother were sitting in the back of her father's three-wheel tractor-trailer, with a bit of a bit of chill running straight into her collar.

Because her mother didn't sleep well, she complained about her father all the way and kept muttering - she didn't know what was happening in the sky, and she didn't bother to pay attention to what was going on. She only knew how to listen to her husband and daughter - but what she listened to The consequence is that she also has the right to express her dissatisfaction.

Gloria hugged her backpack tightly and stared at the east without blinking.

At this time, a little light has risen in the east, but you can still see that there are still "starlights" flashing one after another on the dark sky.

Only, there are no shooting stars.

Starlight flashes, which means a battleship explodes.

No meteor means no attack - at least no main gun attack.

So...what's going on now?

Gloria frowned, she was puzzled.

Although she has not seen a real space war that is close at hand, she has seen simulated scenes of a space war, and knows that even in space, the energy main gun gathered by high-energy particles can still emit a violent light - this was also the case before See the light situation.

Could it be that now humans can rely entirely on missile attacks?

That's not right... Missiles need to be launched by spaceships. The lack of main gun light means that there are no human warships coming...

At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly rose in the air, and then a light shone on the tricycle.

The synthesized mechanical voice began to question his father without any emotion.

"Sinborn, stop and inform us of your destination."

"I'm Gloria, let's go to work in the mine."

Gloria stood up and held up the communicator and the tag Hall gave her: "I am a student of Prophet Lianna."

The drone's light shone towards Gloria and fell on the tag in her hand. Two seconds later, the drone began to rise.

"Good luck with your work."


After escaping this small episode, the tricycle roared all the way and soon drove into a large base.

The lights in the base are brightly lit, and the miners who got up early have gathered and are orderly entering the rail commuter train heading for the underground mine tunnel under the command of the foreman.

"Dad, you and mom go down."

After jumping off the tricycle, Gloria looked up at the increasingly brighter eastern sky with a determined look on her face.

"You're crazy!" The father strode towards Gloria. He was anxious but knew that he couldn't reveal the news about the war above, so he could only stamp his feet: "What did you say when you came?"

Gloria pointed to the stars in the sky.

"I'm going to wait for them."

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