The guilt towards Liana has always been an unsolvable knot in Gloria's heart. After getting Ye Ming's promise, the knot was finally untied a little, and a comfortable smile appeared on her face.

"By the way, there is one more thing... I may need your help."

Seeing that the girl's expression became relaxed, Ye Ming hesitated for a moment and then asked with a smile: "If you don't want to, don't force it."

Gloria immediately widened her eyes and straightened her chest: "Teacher, just give me your orders!"

"Haha... That's it. Hall and Dika are currently detained in the provincial capital. Their attitudes are not very good." Ye Ming paid attention to Gloria's mood and smiled slowly: "If you feel embarrassed, If you can pass the psychological test, you can go see them when He Mo comes back."

Gloria was stunned for a moment, her body became tense, and she kept looking at Ye Ming with her lips pursed.

Ye Ming paused and added: "That's right, I personally think...Although the past can be deliberately ignored, if you can't reconcile with the memory from the bottom of your heart, then one day, it will become your future. Obstacle. Of course, if you are not ready yet... you can wait. What I can guarantee you is that your current identity is no longer the same."

Gloria took a deep breath and blinked her eyes continuously. It was obvious that her heart was fluctuating violently.

Uda next to him also looked at Gloria, and then took a deep look at Ye Ming, with a smile on his lips as well: "Yes, Gloria, I will appoint you as the priest of the Holy Star now, and you will be fully responsible for the Holy Star. The tribe’s prayers and sacrificial work—of course, you can leave this task to others.”

Ye Ming laughed: "What is your arrangement? Honorary title?"

"Well, it's an honorary title, but it's also the honor of being able to participate in our clan's highest ceremonial council."

Ye Ming: "...That's pretty much it, but she will still focus on learning in the future."

As he spoke, Ye Ming looked at Gloria and said slowly: "You, like Egwene, are my students. I believe that the two empire executives should be able to understand what this means."

At this time, Egwene, who had been standing by without interrupting, blinked, glanced at Gloria again, smiled and said, "Teacher, what does your student mean?"

"It means you can pull my banner!" Ye Ming glared at her: "Do you understand? If you don't understand, you can memorize Zizhi Tongjian for me!"

"Ah! I understand, I understand!"

Ai Wen's expression changed and she immediately nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

One day later, Gloria boarded Ye Ming's special ship ETA and headed for Earth.

Of course, the current Eta is no longer the same ship as before. The newly upgraded hull is nearly twice the size of the previous one. It also has the ability to cross the jump channel, and there is also a standard rest room in the cabin.

Seeing Ye Ming return to a separate room to rest, Gloria, who was already quite familiar with Egwene, sat next to her and looked at the earth below through the wide porthole.

"Sister, how long will it take?"

"About two hours." Ai Wen was looking at the paper on the tablet. When she heard this, she raised her head, glanced at the room where the teacher was, and hummed softly: "It could have been there in one hour, but the teacher has to take a lunch break. ...You have to take care of him.”

"Oh..." Gloria said oh and then looked away, staring at the tablet with Egwene.

But... these human words... she didn't know or speak half of them, and she didn't know what they meant when they were put together.

Seeing that Egwene was looking and her lips were moving constantly, as if she was reciting silently, and occasionally closing her eyes as if she was remembering, Gloria became curious. When Egwene opened her eyes again, she asked softly: " Senior sister, is this the Zizhi Tongjian the teacher said?"

"What?" Ai Wen immediately opened her eyes wide, and then burst into laughter: "No...this is just a paper on biology."

"Um... I thought it was some Zizhi Tongjian that the teacher asked you to memorize." After a pause, Gloria asked curiously: "It seems that you are a little scared?"

"You're afraid when you come - it's a three-million-word history book of mankind. It would take ten days and ten nights just to read it out at a normal speaking speed..."

Gloria opened her mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

——She was thinking at first if she could try to memorize it so that the teacher would know that she has a talent for memory...

Now it seems that I am still too naive.

Hmm... This also shows that Teacher Ye Ming may be a strict person.

When she thought that Ye Ming might be strict, Gloria became a little uneasy again. She glanced at the room secretly and timidly whispered: "Is the teacher very strict?"

"Not harsh."


"Hey... you don't think he really wants me to memorize three million words, do you?"

"I... really thought so." Gloria made a wiping sweat expression and smiled sheepishly: "If you can memorize three million words, senior sister must be very good."

"No, I can't wear this high hat. Besides, if you can only memorize, it's nothing more than a walking bookcase - now with Aita, who needs to memorize these? Oh... Of course, you may have to memorize some formulas. "

When it came to memory, Gloria smiled shyly: "I can still remember a little bit."

"Really? Then... like this..." Egwene looked at the time and found that it was still early. She immediately decided to test Gloria first: "We have only established a small part of the knowledge system in the empire. I will first Let Aita give you a set of questions—you haven’t converted it into a universal formula yet, right?”

"Senior sister, are you referring to... human formula symbols?"

"Well, most of them are human formula symbols."

"When I was on Ella, I took the time to ask the human teachers for advice... I might be able to figure it out."

"Yo? Then I'm going to give you a good set of questions."

Two hours later, the ETA landed steadily on the roof of the brain-machine center. At the same time, Gloria's first test paper was also handed to Ye Ming's hands.

Ewen gave Gloria a set of comprehensive mathematics and science questions, which were difficult for junior high school students and had a perfect score of 100 points.

After being judged by Aita, she finally scored 81 points.

This score may not seem high, but considering her specific situation... it is already very strong, so much so that Ye Ming was a little overjoyed.

So, when he returned to the Brain Computer Center, he immediately opened a learning channel for Gloria, which was specially managed by Eta, so that she could enjoy comprehensive tutoring from the most awesome teacher in the human world.

And Gloria lived up to her expectations. Just as Ye Ming expected, she is someone who has experienced hardships and knows how valuable learning opportunities are today, so she seizes every minute of her time to study...

Until, a week later, He Mo returned from Ella Star.

"Hello, senior sister!"

Seeing He Mo, Ai Wen and Gloria stood up at the same time.

"Okay - have you eaten? Where is the teacher?" He Mo walked into Ye Ming's office with Feng Chen all the way. When she saw that there were only two little girls in the office, she walked to Ye Ming's office unceremoniously. He sat down on his seat and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"He went to the School of Physics for a meeting." Iwen touched Gloria with her pen and motioned for Gloria to make tea for He Mo: "Senior sister, haven't you eaten? We have eaten."

Gloria also stood up and walked to the water dispenser: "Senior sister, what kind of tea do you want to drink?"

"Oh, make me a pack of instant noodles. I haven't eaten yet." He Mo leaned down, fished out a pack of instant noodles from under Ye Ming's desk cabinet and threw it to Gloria: "Put less water in it."

Ewen: "...How do you know where the teacher hid the instant noodles?"

"Because I am your senior sister!" He Mo said proudly, "When I met the teacher, he was only twenty years old."

Ai Wen: "..."

Gloria looked surprised: "How old was senior sister at that time?"

He Mo: "...I take your senior sister...forget it, I won't talk about it...anyway, the teacher is a genius and there is nothing wrong with teaching me."

"Yeah! Nothing wrong!"

After quickly finishing the instant noodles, He Mo looked at the time again, and then sent a message to Ye Ming without replying. She knew that Ye Ming was probably discussing dimensional physics problems with a group of professors at this time, which was very confusing at first sight.

"Forget it, let's not wait for him - Gloria, the teacher told you, right? We are going to meet with the executive officer of the empire this time."

Gloria was putting away the instant noodle cups. After hearing this, she immediately took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Then let's go now!" After He Mo finished speaking, he stood up, opened the briefcase at the same time, took out a document and handed it to Gloria: "Look, you will need these words and questions later."



A hilltop villa on the outskirts of the provincial capital.

Hall and Dika sat opposite each other. The two looked at the provincial city in the distance and remained silent for a long time.

It's not that they haven't thought about the life of being imprisoned after staying, and even in a sense...their current treatment is far better than what they know from the stories and descriptions of those backward low-level civilizations.

In those depictions, backward, barbaric civilizations treated their enemies equally barbarically.

Not to mention living in such a large house with complete functions and facilities, even food... may not be enough.

If there was anything that dissatisfied them, it was that they could not leave the yard at will, and others could not come in at will - not even the "prisoners" who lived on the mountain together.

Yes, they had already met Grena, and she was still holding a child.

You can imagine how shocked they were when they saw a child appearing at the gate...

And when Grena told them that Crozier had served humanity, they were even more shocked...

In comparison, the technologies that humans set up pheromone interception nets on the walls of this house have become childish - although this means that humans have mastered their pheromone communication method.

"It seems that humans did not make false propaganda. Several slave galaxies surrendered to humans without any resistance. This must be the credit of Crozier." Looking at the provincial capital in the sun, after a long silence, Hall Finally he sighed softly.

Dika nodded and moved at the same time.

The life of imprisonment in the human world... is not without its benefits.

At least he has lost weight now.

Just because he became thinner, his skin showed an unsightly sagging state, just like the bark of an old tree.

At this time, he was wearing shorts, leaning on a chair, and said lazily: "Boss, speaking of it, being raised by humans like this is not bad."

"If this is what you're after, that's really good."

"The question is, besides pursuing this, what else can I pursue?" Dika turned to look at Hall: "Can we escape? Or should we follow Crozier's example and surrender to humans..."

Dika pointed to the cameras above his head and sneered: "Let alone escaping, even if the two of us plan to pretend to surrender to humans and wait for an opportunity to return to the empire... it won't work."

As Dika thought about it, he became more and more unhappy, so he simply took off his pants in front of the camera: "Don't these humans want to see everything? Let them see as much as they can."

"Okay." Hall frowned and said in a deep voice, "There's no point in playing tricks on these kids."

"Then what makes sense?" Dika pulled up his pants again and said lazily: "Forget it, I'll go back to sleep."

"Go on...wait, someone seems to be coming."

Following Hall's voice, a dark car slowly drove out of the mountain road.

Their house is at the end of this mountain road, and there is no other way out except their villa, or prison...

Dika immediately sat up straight and looked at the car coldly.

He made up his mind that today he must humiliate the human lobbyist...or rather...the judge!

The courtyard door opened and the car stopped at the entrance.

The first ones to go out were two robots loaded with guns and ammunition.

Immediately afterwards, two women stepped out of the car - no, it should be a human, a Kron.

Hall and Dika looked at each other. They kept their postures unchanged and looked at the two people coldly.

And then...until the next girl shows up.

Just for a moment, Dika's eyes suddenly widened!

He stood up, pointed at the girl who appeared last, and his breathing became rapid.

"you you……"

"Long time no see, Mr. Dika."

Gloria stood elegantly in the sunshine, looking at Dika with a smile on her face.

"And Mr. Hall."

"You..." Not only Dika, but also Hall stood up and looked at Gloria as if he had seen a ghost.

Gloria took a deep breath, put her hands behind her back, and puffed out her chest proudly.

These two once arrogant executives, who could decide her life or death with just one sentence, now stood in front of him like frightened hyenas...

The fear she once thought was nothing at all!

"It's me, I'm your interrogator today."

As the voice fell, Gloria strode towards the room.

Dika inhaled suddenly, raised his hand, and quickly ran towards Gloria - at this moment, he just wanted to catch this sin descendant who he once regarded as an inferior plaything.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a huge current surged in the electronic shackles on his ankles. He screamed and fell to his knees, his body trembling continuously.

"No need to salute." Ai Wen smiled slightly and walked around him.

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