Chapter 348

A top luxury sports car parked in front of the villa. I walked slowly down from the car and thought that the goddess was impeccable in figure. The goddess was dressed up in a seductive leather coat, perfectly showing her good figure.

No matter who is watching such a picture, whether it is a man or a woman, there will be infinite reveries in his heart, it is not too seductive.

If you think that the video ends here, that would be a shame, because the real highlight has just begun.

When the black widow took out the car key and pressed a button on the side, the sports car moved by itself.

As if by some kind of order, the two new BMW sports cars closed the doors automatically, and the steering wheel turned freely. It adjusted the front of the car in one direction, so that it entered the car wash without anyone controlling it. Lie down quietly, the black widow walked over and turned on the button on the wall, the rolling shutter automatically lowered, and soon I heard the sound of water inside.

Rich people are different. They all have their own car washes, which are still fully automatic.

The camera flashed by, the subtitles showed that ten minutes had passed, the rolling shutters were raised automatically, and the BMW sports car came out again.

After a few rounds of splashes, the whole car has a new look. All the mud stains on the body have been washed and restored to its original appearance. Now the audience can finally look at the details of the whole car.

Standard supercar styling, automatic double door opening, and artistic matrix headlight combination highlights Baoao’s wild design style. The overall pattern of the car lights tilts to the middle and lower, like an angry beast opened his eyes.

The exquisite red paint of the car body was worn out by the black widow’s crazy driving behavior, and several scratches were worn, but only scratches. Even if it was rampant in the sand and thorn bushes, the car body only left a few scratches. Scratches.

Judging from the smooth movement of the sports car in and out of the car wash, the chassis should be intact.

The black widow pressed another button on the side of the car key again, the body started again, and the steering wheel still began to turn automatically, and headed towards the garage.

Since then, the video has ended here, and the title finally popped out. “Mature sports cars should find their own parking spaces.” A few eye-catching characters appeared in the center of the screen.

The whole video ended in this way, and the black widow also gave her own title.

“New toys, I like them very much”.

Once this video was released, it was reposted wildly by netizens. Everyone has never seen such a crazy car technique or watched such a crazy sports car.

When Lin Feng watched it, it was quite painful. The new car he sent to Chen Ningzhi for a test drive was treated like a child who was regarded as a love rival by Chen Ningzhi. The technique was called sturdy.

Netizens naturally like this driving style very much. After all, it’s not everyone who buys supercars. Since some people treat supercars inappropriately in front of them, it’s natural to watch them for a while, and they are in the comments. Cheer up and applaud.

“Black Widow is the only true goddess I have ever seen who treats luxury cars like dirt. Everyone else does it. She really doesn’t care.”

“I have a mine series at home, so I have to find a way to marry this woman, so that I can wake up from a dream.”

“Speaking of which, this car really can stand pretense. BMW is indeed a BMW. Looking at this red color, it is still sweaty.”

“Suggest a color slogan for this BMW. It looks really sexy.”

“I used to look up at Black Widow, until today I got an arrow in my knee. My mother asked me why I was watching the video on my knees. I laughed and didn’t say anything, for fear of blaspheming the goddess.”

Soon, someone discovered that the car driven by the black widow was on automatic storage, which coincided with the Chitu 911 photographed by passers-by a few days ago. The two cars belonged to BMW’s luxury car brands, coincidentally two. Things are not too far apart in time, so people soon associate the two together.

People began to compare the two things before and after, and everyone began to discuss them enthusiastically.

“It turns out that the Chitu 911 a few days ago is real. BMW is going to make a big move.”

“Audi’s limelight hasn’t passed yet, so is it going to start supporting BMW? Baoao’s sorrow operation is a bit slippery. I don’t know when it will be my big Wuling Hongguang’s turn.”

“Oh my God, am I dazzled? Is this a Transformer?”

“BMW has released a Chitu 911 model so far. Does this operation herald the release of a new model?”

“I guess BMW is going to make a mid-term facelift of the Chitu 911, adding a new black technology. Dear tyrants, are the wallets ready?”

Of course, there are also different sounds. People who eat melons naturally look at the excitement, but many car owners are a bit unbalanced 0…

“Why the Chitu 911 I bought can’t be reversed and put into the warehouse by itself? The car instruction does not have this function. Please BMW to come out and give me an explanation.”

“Manual Aerotech BMW and Baoao, are you serious about carrying out such a large-scale hardware transformation not long after the new car was released?”

“Are we just buying an entry-level car, and the real luxury-level car is only available now?”

“Is Baoao also floating? Have you bullied consumers like Mercedes-Benz?”

“As the owner of the Chitu 911, I want to say that I still support domestic production. If BMW upgrades the Chitu 911, I will buy a more advanced version.”

A variety of opinions have led to different directions of discussion. Some people think that Baoao, as the light of domestic production, is really obvious for all to see. People have technology, one small change in three days, and a big change in five days is normal.

Some people have analyzed the market with awe. Now the auto market is just like that. If you change, you will die. Baoao is looking for a better way out for your future. This is commendable.

Of course, there are also people who complain and feel that their car is not the right time to buy. Although the Chitu 911 is hardly a rival at the same price in terms of appearance and performance, but the 3.7 car was upgraded and changed after the purchase. There must be some unwillingness.

One to two things, things continued to ferment on the Internet, and the sound that caused them became louder and louder. Coupled with the rhythm of some people, the wind reviews gradually developed in an uncontrollable direction.

Lin Feng doesn’t need to think about knowing who is doing the ghost, but he just doesn’t come forward to calm down, and he won’t let BMW CEO Sun Bing take the shot, just waiting for things to ferment to the point where everyone knows.

Seeing that the scene gradually became uncontrollable, Sun Bing also became restless. He couldn’t figure out what Lin Feng wanted to do. He even let others lead the rhythm of the BMW, so he could still feel so relieved.


Sun Bing couldn’t help but finally called Lin Feng.

“President Lin, I must report this matter to you cautiously…”.

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