Chapter 374

The black Audi A8L drove smoothly on the streets of Dubai. Lin Feng quietly looked at the tall buildings flashing out of the window in a daze.

One day’s activity has passed, and he can finally take the opportunity to take a little bit of laziness, and the rest of the activity will be handled by the staff present, and his boss no longer needs to worry about it.

Although the press conference is over, his work has not yet been completed. He needs to rush to the next place to start a new round of negotiations.

Therefore, before he had time to sit in the magnificent villa of Mo Na, Lin Feng was anxious to leave.

Before leaving, Lin Feng also asked him to take the siblings back in a special car, which was the last apology for the absence.

Tina got into the car and left after watching Lin Feng’s car disappear at the end of the street.

After getting in the car, Mo discovered the abnormality of her sister.

“Sister, are you okay?” silently said, “It seems that all day today, your whole person is like a lost soul. You don’t care about anything, and you don’t even quarrel with me. This is not 09. Your past style.”

“I…I’m fine.” Tina blushed when her thoughts were interrupted.

Then Tina lowered her head again and said in a very small voice: “Why should I have something?”

“Sister, why did Lin Feng ask me to ask you the first lifetime membership card of the Battleship Club, who did he give it to?” asked silently, “could it be for his girlfriend?”

“Who…who is his girlfriend, don’t talk nonsense.” Tina retorted.

Now I won’t confess, when Tina reacted, Mo had already looked at her with a lot of eyes.

No wonder Lin Feng refused to say that it was secretly given to her sister.

To say that there is nothing wrong with these two people, Mo would never believe it.

“Sister, what you mean is a bit obvious, don’t confess yourself.” Mo looked at Tina with a smug look.

“I want you to take care of it, and drive your car well.” Tina was frustrated and wanted to reach out to silence, but was evaded silently.

“Sister, look at you, you are all anxiously confused. I didn’t drive a car. There is a dedicated driver.”

“Then get out, keep me away!”

“Sister, discuss something with you and give me this card, OK, it’s not a token of love anyway.”


“Ladies and gentlemen, the flight to England is about to take off. Please bring your belongings, show your boarding pass, and prepare to board the plane at gate 1. I wish you a pleasant journey…”

The stewardess’s gentle reminder sounded from the airport radio.

At this moment, Lin Feng is already sitting by the window of the first-class cabin. He plans to rush to England overnight, make good use of the jet lag, and meet his old friend Simmons as quickly as possible to talk about business cooperation.

Simmons is a lively person, and he is also happy to do things. Among the businessmen, Lin Feng is the best chatter with him.

Since the last Detroit Auto Show, the two have not been in contact for a while, and there has been no follow-up on a piece of land that had been negotiated before. This time, Lin Feng needed to resolve the matter.

It was getting dark, Lin Feng was sitting in the first-class cabin with his eyes closed, frowning from time to time.

The time of laziness is over. In order to rush to the world, his first round plan has been realized. What is waiting for is a short-term adjustment and a brand-new development plan, but he is not allowed to relax for a moment.

Before getting on the plane, he had browsed the Internet and learned about the changes in the BMW conference.

A series of hot words such as “Marengo Generation”, “Battleship Club” and “CarOS” have firmly occupied the front page headlines of a major website, and the popularity is unprecedented.

And the latest articles are still being updated in less than ten minutes. Both professional and non-professionals seem to be discussing this one who has been working hard along the way, but almost died when he was born. Rising star car company.

On Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, there are also constant topics.

Lin Feng also took this opportunity to register his private account, which has been handed over to his assistant for verification.

With this kind of heat, the popularity of the Marengo generation, and the brand-new image of Baoao Group established in front of the world, Lin Feng can already foresee that Baoao’s orders will surely usher in a blowout.

The explosion of orders will bring about the review of production capacity. With the current production lines of Baoao in China, it is obvious that it is not enough to support the pressure brought by the three industrial lines.

Today, Baoao’s development can be said to be in full swing. Wuling Hongguang is known as the No. 1 sacred car in China. Its carrying capacity is unmatched. It can be transported by people. It is loved by small and medium-sized vendors. Audi can be said to occupy the domestic B-class car market. In terms of speed and performance, users are impeccable, and they are also emerging in the international market. After this conference, they will follow BMW and get affirmation from more foreign consumers; as for BMW, let alone , Is receiving all kinds of praise from the media, and the scenery is boundless.

From this perspective, Lin Feng just simply estimated that Baoao’s production line needs to be at least doubled, and additional supercar production lines need to be established.

For such output requirements, it is definitely not possible to use only those domestic production lines.

Once there is a situation where the vehicle cannot be delivered, it will definitely drag down Baoao’s technical reputation and the excellent image that it has finally accumulated.

These are already in the plan. Lin Feng has already dealt with the different effects of the press conference and has thought out various solutions.

Among them, PlanA is the solution to the most perfect 243 result—meeting with Simmons.

Lin Feng had bought a piece of land in English with Simmons before, and it has been vacant until now, and now it can finally come in handy.

Thinking about it now, Lin Feng was a little surprised by himself, but fortunately he didn’t give up that piece of land, otherwise Baoao might burn his hair in his urgent need.

Lin Feng intends to establish Baoao’s brand new production line in Yingjili, as Baoao’s first industrial symbol of going global.

The production line will be used exclusively to provide Baoao with the basic parts and accessories needed for automobile production, and Lin Feng, the production of the three basic components, intends to stay in China.

The purpose of this is to monitor the quality level of the industry at any time. After all, the heart of the car is here, and the second is to keep the core production technology in the country and put it where you can see it.

In business competition, he has to be absolutely careful. Although Simmons is a trustworthy business partner, no matter where he is, it is difficult to maintain the existence of commercial espionage.

The technological means belonging to the celestial dynasty cannot be easily stolen. He has the responsibility to protect this rare intellectual property.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, got up and took out his mobile phone, before the plane took off, began to edit the mail to Simmons.

“Dear Simmons, my good business partner, I will arrive at Xibeier Square at five in the morning. I hope you have the habit of getting up early every day to watch the sunrise. Lin Feng.”.

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