Chapter 552

“Well, how should I end it?” Lin Feng thought, without stopping:

It was night, and the moon rose. The bright moon shines into the yard, which is big and clean, as clean as a Buddha. The evening breeze swayed the leaves of the banyan tree in front of the door, making a rustling sound. In the moonlight, the shadow of the tree seemed so dark that it would shine.

At this time, mother had washed the dishes, and she walked out of the kitchen. Grandma went into the room to sleep after dinner. Dad is chatting with his friends. I was sitting in front of the TV, and the light from the TV screen was reflected on my face, making my face green and red. I almost merged with the TV. Mom came over. She pulled me out of the TV and turned off the TV.

“Quickly—go—write—write—work—work!!” Mom’s eyes widened, as if flames burst out of her eyes.

As soon as she finished speaking, I rushed into the room like oiling the soles of my feet, quickly took out the pen and workbook, and started to do my homework.

After a while, my mother followed up. The thing that worries me most still happened! Every time I did my homework, my mother would always sit behind me and supervise me. My mother would not speak at this time, but her presence made me feel like sitting on pins and needles. When I almost finished my homework, my mother started chattering and talking, saying that I should study hard, listen to the teacher in school, listen carefully in class, don’t watch TV for too long, and don’t stay too close to the TV, because it will Broken eyes…

That night, when the moon climbed up the window lattice, I had been lying in bed for a long time, tossing about and couldn’t sleep. My mother’s verbosity annoys me.

The wind was a bit strong tonight. The wind blew in from the gaps in the windows that were not closed tightly and made the stainless steel windows creak. So I got up from the comfortable and warm bed and walked to the window to lock the window. When I was about to return to the bed, I suddenly had an idea and an idea.

I know how to sayg~oodbye with my mother’s long-winded!

So I walked to the desk and took out a small box containing hair accessories from the drawer of the desk. This small box was a birthday present given to me by my uncle last year. I have been useless. Because I also have another small box for hair accessories, which my father bought me the year before last. I have been reluctant to use this new box, so this box was hidden in the drawer.

I placed the small box on the table and gently opened the lid. There was a refreshing floral fragrance from the box. I thought to myself, it’s really a delicate box with the fragrance of flowers. Then, I carefully took off my left and right ears, put them in the box, and then gently closed the lid and put them back in the drawer. After doing this, I went back to bed, and soon I-fell asleep.

It takes a long way to get from my home to school, so I always leave early. When I go to school every day, besides putting textbooks in my schoolbag, I also put a bottle of milk and a box of bento in it, both of which my mother prepared for me for breakfast. In fact, as long as her mother is not wordy, she is still a very good mother. I like that kind of mother.

Now I can’t hear my mother’s chatter, nor can I hear any sounds. I couldn’t hear the horns of cars on the road, the chucking of wheels running over the fine sand on the ground, the sweet chirping of birds, and the chatting and laughter of my classmates. For me, the whole world is completely quiet, and I am like a deaf handicapped person; the only difference is that I am not bothered by it, and I enjoy this state exceptionally.

The teacher walked up to the podium quietly. This class was in mathematics. The teacher who taught us mathematics was a man with tortoiseshell glasses, about 40 or 50 years old, with a little moustache. The math teacher opened the textbook and seemed to say something to us. I can’t even hear it. I only saw his mouth open and close for a while, then turned around and wrote a lot of calculation questions on the blackboard, and then took the ruler on the podium and tapped on the blackboard. At this time, the same table surreptitiously took out a piece of plasticine and put it in his hands to play, but his head was not tilted, his eyes were not slanted, and he pretended to listen carefully.

After a while, the teacher got off the stage. Sure enough, the teacher noticed that the same table is making small moves. It seems that the same table is about to suffer! In a blink of an eye, the plasticine was thrown into the schoolbag at the same table.

·· ··Find flowers···········

The teacher came to the same table, and he glanced at the same table angrily. The tablemate shuddered in fright, and tightened his neck, like a piece of wood. The appearance at the same table inevitably makes me feel funny, I want to laugh but dare not laugh, I am happy. I accidentally saw that the teacher was looking at me with a stern face. He knocked on my desk with his finger and motioned me to stand up. I stood up, the teacher’s mouth was closed, and I didn’t know what to say to me, so I said to the teacher:

“I can’t hear! I forgot my ears at home!”

When I said this, smiles appeared on the faces of the students around me. They are laughing at me! The teacher’s cheeks trembled. He returned to the podium and quickly wrote four characters on the blackboard: Go home and take it!

…….. ….. …….

I left the school with my schoolbag and walked towards home. Today’s schoolbag seems to be extraordinarily heavy, like a large stone weighing on my back, making me unable to lift my head. I regret that I shouldn’t leave my ears at home. If I didn’t put my ears at home, I wouldn’t let the teacher drive out. It suddenly occurred to me that the ears are actually not useless, because they can at least be used for lectures.

I was walking halfway, and I saw my mother coming from a distance. I knew in my heart that the teacher must have notified the parents, and my mother came to beat me. I want to escape, but I dare not escape. My mother approached and I stopped. My mother didn’t beat or scold me. I saw my mother reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of ears. Isn’t this the ear I hid yesterday! My mother helped me refit my ears, and did not say anything extra, but just whispered to me:

“Okay, go to class.”

Lin Feng took the pen, slipped the two articles just written, and found that the story was quite interesting. But because it is a first draft, it is not a good thing.

“Modify it?” Lin Feng thought.

But he shook his head again, because editing text is actually quite annoying.

“Hemingway, the first draft is always a shit.” Lin Feng said to himself.

It seems that my own writing is not as good as shit. work.

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