Chapter 554

Lin Feng is like a wild horse on the desktop, without stopping for a moment, you can see him turning over a brand new page, and then wrote:

After washing my hands, I come to the living room again. The front of the living room is a door, I opened all the doors as usual, and then the outdoor balcony and scenery came in with the sun. There are one or two bamboo poles on the balcony for drying clothes and quilts. The divine case was clean, because someone came to wipe it every day, and there was a golden statue of Amitabha on it. Next to the statue, there is a disc reader equipped with audio for playing Buddhist music. On the top is the wall, with three-sided calligraphy and brown frames hanging on it. The one in the center is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva; on both sides are opposite paintings, and there are also portraits of the Bodhisattva on it, mainly written with words such as letting go of freedom, purifying and enlightening.

There is no fruit on the table, only three glasses of water. The incense sticks in the bag ran out, so I took another bag out of the drawer of the divine case. I lighted the incense thread and filled the living room with sandalwood. The white smoke curled up and slowly drifted away. After the incense was put on, I knelt down and knocked three small heads 22 again.

When praying to Buddha, I am not very sincere. The kowtow ended, and I yawned.

In the morning, I got up too early. Busy life, sleepy all the time. So I was going to sleep on the third floor. Usually I go to sleep on the third floor, not on the second floor, because the mattress on the third floor has just been changed. But at this time I remembered the words of my mistress again, “Axi, don’t go to the third floor.” My home is not far from my mistress’s house, and I can go home to sleep. But the mistress’s words aroused my curiosity, I have to go up to the third floor to have a look…

After dinner in the evening, I regretted not listening to my mistress. I didn’t find anything at all on the third floor, but in vain a feeling of being deceived arose in my heart.

The so-called: If you don’t listen to the old man, you will suffer.

“Not bad, not bad.” Lin Feng thought so, “Sure enough, it’s much smoother.”

His third story is written like this:

I want to go to Haifeng to see my uncle, take a special bus, get off at Haicheng, and then take a tricycle directly to his home.

My uncle’s family lived in a three-story building in the suburbs. The building was decorated with golden tiles, and it was very dazzling under the red sunlight. There is also a straight road near here, which runs through things. I heard from my uncle that this road was financed by him. Uncle is really rich.

This is no secret. In the early years, my uncle won the welfare lottery for more than one billion yuan. In the words of his uncle: “This money will never be eaten in a few lifetimes.” So Uncle moved here from his original apartment of more than ten square meters, and more than ten years passed. Uncle didn’t look for other jobs, only used a little money to build a vineyard.

The grapes in my uncle’s backyard are not ordinary grapes, they are all refined. When I arrived at my uncle’s house, I suggested that my uncle take me to visit. Uncle readily agreed.

Although it is May, clusters of crystal clear grapes are formed under the grape shelf. I told my uncle, this is incredible. The uncle smiled and said, “What’s this. These grapes of mine, I can still sing.”

“Can sing?” I don’t believe that Grape can sing.

In the quiet vineyard, summer bugs screamed cheerfully. I was standing, trying to see what my uncle was doing. Uncle stretched out his hand and applauded, making a total of three shots. Suddenly, a cold wind blew on the wall in the northwest corner, and noisy sounds immediately sounded from all around. I can’t tell what sound it is. It seems a bit like a harmonica, but it’s not a harmonica. It can’t be released from the audio, it has no meaning, no content, it’s…it’s just ugly.

I told my uncle, what kind of singing is this, it’s a mess. Uncle smiled strangely, and I remembered his uncle’s smile afterwards. At first I didn’t know how significant the smile was. Later, I didn’t understand what happened, and I fainted.

When I woke up, I found myself in an empty wine bottle; I don’t know if the bottle is too big or I am getting smaller. In short, there is a tall wall at the end of this wide surrounding area. It is difficult to find out other than the wine bottle. Control. After a while, uncle walked in. Uncle is really big. Compared with my uncle, I was about the size of a thumb.

I yelled to uncle through the bottle:

“Uncle, uncle, let me out quickly.”

Uncle heard my voice, looked back at me, his eyes were cold and didn’t say anything, then he left here.

The last story is written like this:

Hush! Don’t talk…Be careful to let the Fox Fairy hear…

There are two toilets in my house, one was demolished in April, and one is left.

The original toilet has four main functions: bathing, going to the toilet, washing, and there is a fox in the mirror.

Father is a hunter, a real hunter. There is no sound when walking. Murderous look was hidden in his eyes. There are not many hunters these days. My father will become a hunter, and he will teach me skills so that I can inherit his profession in the future, mainly because our house is surrounded by mountains.

One day, my father went out hunting as usual, and then brought back a fox. This fox is different from other foxes. It can talk. My father told me that this is a fox fairy.

The fox fairy is not honest, so he slipped out of the cage while his father was eating dinner. I saw it and ran to tell my father.

“Dad! Daddy! The Fox Fairy is gone! The Fox Fairy is gone!”

Father threw down half of the meal, rushed out, and blocked the gate. The fox fairy fled to the back room and became a turtle in the urn. Father locked the door, carried a shotgun, and forced the fox into the toilet step by step. I was nervous and followed my father closely.

In the toilet, the fairy fox with red eyes suddenly shouted: “Human! Don’t bully the fox too much!” With a swish, he dived into the glass mirror and disappeared.

From now on, whenever I get up at midnight to urinate, there are often inexplicable foxes in the toilet. When I looked in the mirror in the morning, I looked at myself in the mirror getting uglier and uglier; my father said, this is the reason that fox fairy fascinates his mind. So my father asked the workers to tear down my toilet and smash the glass mirror.

After writing, Lin Feng threw down the pen and walked out of the room with a stack of papers.

“Let me show you this.” Lin Feng handed Hathaway the story just written.

Hathaway was particularly surprised. He didn’t expect Lin Feng to write so many stories in a short period of time.

“Awesome, Lin Feng, you are really amazing.” Hathaway smiled happily.

“It’s nothing, I said I can write.” Lin Feng said with a grin. .

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