Chapter 561

Lin Feng smiled, obviously he is satisfied with his results.

He looked back at Hathaway, Hathaway’s quiet face seemed to dream of sweet things.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly found that his inspiration was exhausted.

Inspiration is like this, and it’s done directly after speaking. However, Lin Feng still wanted to write, so he wrote a lot of words. He thought it could exercise his pen and ink.

They are all very interesting short words, you can get a glimpse of Lin Feng’s thoughts.

So a few excerpts:

“People find the abyss through the cracks.”-Suddenly think-because they don’t want to hang around on the surface of life, some people delve into art. What is art then? I once heard that the source of art was ancient witchcraft, and wizards were the smartest people at that time; now I often hear voices saying that “art is a luxury item”, in other words, it is difficult for ordinary people to match art. But broadly speaking, art also includes all literary and artistic activities, such as painting, music, sculpture, literary creation, etc., which are closely related to our daily lives. So it can be said that as long as we hold a passionate heart, we can also find poetry in the food stalls. Years later, I was surprised to find that what I said “useful” was just a big joke, with words about life and death fatigue written between the lines; and those named meaningless and vain are indeed again. Originally pointed to the ultimate topic of nature and life: does it exist, or does it not exist? ”

“Xian 863 is one of the cornerstones of writing. As I get older, the more words I have seen and the more words I have heard, the more boring the core of the words is. The more interesting dialects, such as Heluo dialect-learn In Lao’s words, “Clean as a Buddha”, “Thin as a vine”, “The house is moldy” and so on… These sayings are humorous and bright. Such metaphors are easy for people to try and remember. Live. It’s not too much to say that Mr. Wang Zengqi’s writing is the freshest. His writing is honest and not exaggerated at all. He has a very good foundation, solid in the lines, and varied. Few people dare to write like him. When reading his book, it is like watching an old lady scolding his grandson. The selected themes are good and unique. Most of the works bypass the political topics and write only about culture and life; like his novels, they only describe scenery, Narrate the story and remove the complex feelings. One of his short essays, the name is forgotten, there is no character portrayal or plot that the so-called novel must exist in, and the two teahouses are thrown away and it is over. This kind of recklessness is simply It’s too good, it’s too new. Does anyone dictate how a novel must be written? No. No one can care if he is willing to write that way, and no one can care if I praise him like this. If there is less freshness, Without innovation, if this has always been the case, there would be no Shakespeare, Kafka, Marquez and Milan Kundera.”

“If you don’t have to create, then it’s best not to create. Art is produced not only to cater to applause and vanity, but also the inner monologue of art creators. To put it bluntly, like pressure cooker porridge, the higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point of water. The higher it will be, and the porridge will be boiled in the end. The middle process is hearty.”

“When I was younger than now-or now, I often search for some touching and pleasing sentences, and then deliberately imitate them, hoping to write the same sentences. But today, I suddenly want to understand, I can’t Write a sentence like that, let alone give strength and thought, it contains educational significance, and both refined and popular. I can probably only write sentences like this: barbecue, pickles, cake, fish, rice, bread… Well, this is what I eat today Ever.”

“At night, the void is silent, and the moon and stars are not visible. The dancing shadows of the gray moths under the lights are dangling, dim and clean. Most of the earthly shadows are always clean, like extremely bright white light. On the other hand, my heart is only clothed. It’s full of gloom, old fashioned, narrow and ugly. I have no generosity and no charity. For the thick dark clouds above the sky, the blue and purple electric lights are splitting, so I will have a pouring down happily It will rain heavily!”

“Days pass. The weather is changeable. My mood is as changeable as the weather. Sometimes I am sad, sometimes happy, sometimes not sad or not happy, and there are many times when I am not sad or happy. I say many things every day, When I saw many people and drove out, I could see all kinds of people. Some were good-looking, some were ugly; some hurried on the road, some stopped to rest, some were silent, and some yelled; It’s a student, a hawker, a driver, a policeman, a worker, a security guard, and a farmer. A lot! Really a lot! It makes me dazzled. Without paying attention, the flame tree at the door has grown taller than the shadow wall. Woolen cloth.”

“If you want to sleep, you have to brush your teeth before you can enter the room. You must have your own bed and a pillow. If it is summer, you must also prepare a sheet. If it is winter, you can put Replace the sheets with quilts, because if you catch cold and heat while lying in bed, you can easily get sick. In addition, you’d better think about what you have experienced today and plan what you will do tomorrow morning before going to bed. But Don’t think too much, because you may not be able to get up tomorrow, maybe you will die when you go to bed, and if you think too much, you can’t fall asleep. Okay, that’s it. If you understand, go to sleep Bar.”

“His fingers finally exploded. Yesterday, Mr. B was sitting opposite me with a tea table in between. He suddenly took off the index finger of his right hand, two knots, and then handed it to me along the table.” This is? “Looking at the violent veins on Mr. B’s neck, I asked. “Bomb! bomb! Mr. B said angrily, “Give it to you…” Mr. B told me that he had hidden this finger for a long time. When he met me today, he knew that only I could accept the bomb. What he said Really, so even though I didn’t want to, I finally accepted his finger.

In this way, I bid farewell to all my relatives and friends, and left my long-staying home with my fingers. I want to take my finger far away and throw it into the sea. ”

“Time: In the evening, at dinner time.

Several pairs of chopsticks went down together, and most of the crystal fish on the table was lost, revealing the miserable bones in the middle. When the child saw it, he said, “You can’t eat fish, you can’t eat fish, how pitiful the fish is.”

Fish in the river.

Someone is secretly digging sand in the river; some are bathing; the new bridge is not new, the old one is dangerous. Those who dig sand secretly are not as good as those who take a bath, and those who take a bath are not as good as a bridge.

People should strive to live a bridge in their entire life. ”

“The rice in the field is ripe, yellow, and has been harvested. At this time, when I walked out of the house, there were people drying rice everywhere along the road. If you want me to say, rice, it’s amazing, it’s so mediocre. Spread the ground neatly on the side of the road (of course it does not affect the traffic), as if it is exuding golden light under the red sun. If it rains accidentally, the people who dry the rice will panic and grab the rice. Is it rain urgent or people urgent What? So, people are now taking care of rice, and rice will have to take care of people in the future.”.

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