Chapter 703

After saying this, Wang Pan fell into silence, as if recalling the past made him very angry, and clenched his fists involuntarily.

Hearing this Lin Feng was also gritted his teeth in anger. He didn’t expect this Ross consortium to do things so dirty, which is really shocking.

“Then what?”

Lin Feng endured the anger in his heart and continued to ask Wang Pan what happened.

At this time, Wang Pan also sighed deeply, and said slowly.

“After this incident, they did not give up.

This man named Daniel wrote a letter to my father. ”

“It was me who you rejected at the beginning, and now the initiative is in my hands.

If you want to get back the company’s shares, you can commit suicide. After you die, I will return your company’s shares.

I want you to know what is going against me. ”

When Wang Pan talked about this, the blue veins on his head were all prominent, which looked particularly hideous.

“My father is a strong person, knowing that it was his own mistake that caused the company’s current situation. This matter did not tell any of us.

He chose to accept his fault silently.

Ugh. . . ”

Speaking of this, it is already obvious. Lin Feng, who was full of anger when he heard the news, patted the table and said to Wang Pan in front of him.

“Damn it, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter.”

Wang Pan shook his head at this time, very depressed, and slowly said to Lin Feng in front of him.

“But Daniel is also very trustworthy. After my father left, he did return all the shares in our company.

My father’s mistakes back then were eventually paid for with his own life. ”

At this time, he still talked about his damn credibility. Lin Feng was also anxious when he heard this.

“That’s a life, that’s your father.

How could Daniel do this?

Didn’t you think of revenge? ”

Wang Pan lowered his head and said nothing, a trace of tears hung on his face.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and continued to speak to Wang Pan in front of him.

“We must discuss this matter, how can we keep them arrogant?”

Wang Pan smiled bitterly and said with a mockery of himself.

“Now our company simply does not have the ability to fight against such a large group of them. If you follow what you said, it will be destroyed.. ..”

Wang Pan looked at the dark clouds outside the window and shook his head.

“In that case, wouldn’t my father’s death be in vain?

I can only inherit my father’s will and keep this steel plant in good operation. ”

Lin Feng was angry. It was anger from the inside out. He had never been so angry when he grew up so big.

His body seemed to be trembling a little, and the veins on his arms were violent.


Lin Feng stood up and slapped Wang Pan directly.

This crisp sound echoed for a long time in the huge room.

Wang Pan also had an obvious slap mark on his face, which was obviously not lightly slapped by Lin Feng.

“Special, that’s your own father 2.9.

Your father was secretly calculated, and after you learned the truth of the matter, it was nothing more than that.

That’s the father who raised you.

How can you endure till today? Are you still a man? ”

Wang Pan was also a little at a loss after being so dealt with by Lin Feng.

Yeah, is he still a man?

His father was calculated by the enemy, and the enemy is still at ease. .

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