Chapter 798

After about a long time, I slowly spoke to the 3010 people in this conference room.

“Of course, I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. If we keep pushing on this matter, once they have established a chamber of commerce.

It is definitely a big blow for us, and the only thing we can do is to strike first.

Let them lose their combat effectiveness before the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. This is something we must think about.

And it’s Lin Feng, there are indeed two brushes, you don’t know.

This person is our biggest enemy of the Jess Consortium at the moment, and the only thing we can do is to make this Lin Feng company suffer a heavy blow.

And let him not be able to continue to develop, otherwise, this matter will face a big problem for us sooner or later. ”

Daniel’s facial expression is not good after saying these words, because he knows that he is facing a strong opponent now.

This person named Lin Feng really got him some interest. He knows that he really hasn’t met a real opponent so far.

And Lin Feng in front of him can definitely be called a real opponent.

This is indeed a threat to his Jace consortium, and he absolutely does not allow this situation.

A conspiracy is brewing on the other side of the earth. At the same time, on Lin Feng’s side, Lin Feng and the others are already ready to bid.

They also posted this announcement on their company’s website, and a lot of people came within almost 10 minutes.

Here is going to join their chamber of commerce. Lin Feng is also selecting suitable companies on this website.

He knew that if he was to fight against a huge enemy like the Daniel Jess Consortium, he must have a certain amount of strength.

Otherwise, coming to this chamber of commerce would not have much effect, so such a condition would have screened out most of the companies.

“Too few really big companies have joined us.

I haven’t seen a few really big companies choose to join our chamber of commerce in this long time.

It seems that the bigger the company is, the smarter the chairman is. They think this matter can not be mixed up without being mixed up…

After all, this matter is not a good thing for them, and if they can watch the tiger fight from the mountain.

For them, it is definitely something worthy of them to do. Now they are indeed facing a great difficulty.

How can we let them know that this Jace consortium is the enemy of everyone in our country right now.

This is indeed a difficult thing to do, and when I set up this chamber of commerce, there are almost many people who think we are using them as guns.

It also makes our word-of-mouth worse, which is indeed a relatively difficult thing. ”

Zhang Tianhe and the others were also meditating on the side. They knew that the next 2.9 economic war without gunsmoke.

The curtain has already been opened, and now we are competing for who can make a quick move, if it is still daunting at this time.

It is tantamount to digging a grave for himself, this is definitely a manifestation of asking for trouble, Zhang Tianhe also slowly said at this time.

“Their old fritters are really smart.”

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