From Propulsion City To Multiverse

Chapter 240: Cunning rabbit

Nautilus Island.

The Don Quixote family on the island has already been empty.

At this time, Doflamingo and the others had already taken refuge in a secret desert island that had been prepared before. The cunning Brother Ming had already seen the Pirate Alliance, but it was just a gang of mobs.

Sure enough, what happened next, as he expected, the White Beard Pirates Group and the Pirate Alliance, under the offensive of the People's Revolutionary Forces, was simply vulnerable.

Turn off the TV phone worm.

Brother Ming gave himself a glass of wine, looking outside at the icy island of Gulos, his expression was not as relaxed as he was after the catastrophe, but there was a hint of thought on the brow.

"Dover, don’t worry! Only me and Torrepol know about this island. No one else knows. Even if the RCGF is searching island by island, it’s not so fast. Not to mention that the sea is so big. They don’t necessarily know. You can find it here." Pika comforted.

"Yes!" Diamanti also agreed.

However, Brother Ming shook his head and said with great fear: "Don't be too confident, the National Revolutionary League has hidden too much before. How many chess pieces they have placed on the sea is still unknown."

It is said that Diamanti, Torrepol, Pica, and Rao? G are also heartbroken.

After Wilgo of G5 lost contact, Ming realized that something was wrong, and even ignored the big plan of the Kingdom of Dresrosa, and moved directly to a more secure secret base.

In order to confuse the outside world, he made some of the little bosses of the family, disguised as him and Diamanti and others, fled to the new world in batches.

And he brought a few trusted Diamanti and others to a small island in the West Sea in secret.

This is also the cleverness of Ming Ge. He knows that the new world is not safe, but the old activity area, Beihai, is also not safe.

Anyway, the West China Sea, where the Don Quixote family rarely set foot, is safer.

It's just that, it still didn't bring Ming Ge too much sense of security, mainly because the National Revolutionary League has put too much pressure on him.

Even if he hated Mary Joa's dragon people, but he still had a sense of pride in the identity of the dragon people.

That was mainly derived from the ancient weapons of the King of Heaven and Yimu, Ming Ge respected the power of the King, and also longed for this power.

In parallel time and space, the reason why he took pains to kill his brother Luo Xindi is because Luo Xindi destroyed his plan.

Knowing the ability of the operation fruit and the secret of the heavenly king, Ming brother obviously intends to complete his control of the heavenly king through the immortal operation and some transformation of the operation fruits.

But now, Brother Ming's desire for the king of heaven has completely disappeared.

Because Yimu, who holds the Heavenly King, is simply vulnerable to the RIGF, and the strength shown by the RIGF made Ming Ge understand that there is only a dead end to resist.

Now he just wants to live safely, and only if he survives can he have a chance in the future.

If it is annihilated, or locked in Push City, it will be completely finished.

With Cook's terrifying power displayed in the Chambord Islands, as well as the weird power of the underworld, Ming had a chilling horror.

Just when Ming Ge was worried.

After destroying the White Beard Pirate Group and the Pirate Alliance, the Space Army turned its attention to the Elephant Lord, the Fur Tribe, the two giant kingdoms, and the sky island Bliss Island.

These four forces are also the only remaining independent forces of Blue Sea Star.

Regarding the Koos Kingdom in the West Sea, Wang Gaorang, who was born from the Koos Kingdom Saron, led people to persuade him to surrender.

Sky Island Bliss Island, let Aini Road pass.

The Elbaff Kingdom sent the giant lieutenant general who had been incorporated into the Judicial Island and the Navy to convince the other party.

As for how to convince them, Wang Gao didn't care, whether they were subdued physically or spiritually, as long as they could complete the task.

In the end, the elephant master and the fur tribe let the rabbit male Rex, the rabbit female begonia, and the cat female Mabeite, who were rescued in the past, join the troops composed of the fur tribe to go to Zuow.


Coos Island is located in the middle of the West Sea. If you look far away, you can see the towering tree that is more than 10,000 meters high, the real towering tree.

"Is this one of the four Adam trees back then?" The one who accompanied Saron over here was Olvia, who had been busy with archaeology in recent years.

Salong's expression was a little complicated: "I didn't expect that I would return to my homeland in this way."

Olvia comforted: "The world is unified. This is the general trend. If we stay on a small island, how can we look up at the stars."

Saron didn't know: "I know, so I agreed to the highest consul's order to avoid a **** conflict."

During the conversation between the two, the fleet approached the port of Heim on the island of Koos, which was also the only port open to the outside world in the Kingdom of Koos.

When the giants of the Koos Kingdom lacked supplies, they would chop off some of the branches of the Adam tree and sell them to the humans in Haim Harbor in exchange for some necessities and food.

At this time, hundreds of giant warriors were ready to fight in Haim Harbor, and there were some huge trebuchets and crossbows. These giant warriors were all ready to fight.

Even the giant Jasmine, the leader of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army, had secretly operated in the West Sea before, and brought some soldiers of the Revolutionary Army to support the Kingdom of Koos.

Just as the Ryjin Army's fleet approached the port, King Koos Bit VI of the Kingdom of Koos finally couldn't sit still, and directly picked up a huge hand axe and threw it at the fleet.

With a blow from Salong's fist, a strong and swift shock wave instantly destroyed the hand axe that flew over. The hand axe burst in mid-air, and fragments splashed everywhere.

Immediately Salong took a breath and shouted loudly: "Bit, I know you won't surrender easily, so let's solve it in the way of giants!"

After speaking, Salong stepped on the moon step straight to the port of Heim.

"Your Majesty, do you want to attack?" one of the giants with the sling hurriedly asked.

Seeing King Bit VI of Saron, he was taken aback for a moment, and then waved his hand: "Let him come over."

After a few minutes.

On the beach, Salong smashed a large piece of sand heavily.

"Saron! It's really you!" King Bit VI was delighted and surprised.

"Yes, I was rescued by the National Revolutionary League." Salong explained casually, then his expression became serious:

"Bit, come and fight! The giant warriors of the entire kingdom can take action. As long as you can defeat me, I promise that the GF will not continue to attack the kingdom of Koos, but if you lose, then disband the kingdom. joins the RCGF!"

King Bit VI also did not refuse: "As you wish, as long as you can beat us, then do as you say."

As soon as the voices of the two parties fell, they opened up and collided.

However, the first giant to take the shot was not King Bit VI, but the captain of the kingdom's hunting team.

The armed color on Salong's body is fully covered, and his body is flexible beyond imagination, instantly holding the big knife that has been hacked, and with a snap of his finger, it gives the opponent a brain collapse.

Snapped! The captain of the giant hunting team flew upside down in an instant, and his whole body fell groggy.

Salong said unceremoniously: "You go together! Otherwise, you have no chance of defeating me."

"Less look down upon people."


Four more giant warriors rushed over.

But the result was still the same. They couldn't catch a single move and fell directly to the ground.

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