From Propulsion City To Multiverse

Chapter 290: Like a broken bamboo

Naval base, combat command room.

Commander Powell and a group of officers and members of the Nianneng Special Forces became the last resisters of this base.

Mainly among them, there are 8 very powerful Special Forces with special abilities, and more than a dozen combat robots have been destroyed here.

But they didn't get much benefit either. Although these robots are not as good as the sentinel robots in this universe, their technical content is not low.

Among the eight Nianneng special forces, two of them were already seriously injured at this time, and the others were more or less wounded.

"Captain, it's not good to go on like this!" Seeing the continuous emergence of robots, even the usual strengthening special forces, panting.

The captain naturally understood the situation at this time, but now they are blocked here, and there is no way to escape.

Of course, if they were cruel, they could blow up a temporary passage as long as they detonated the rose bomb in their bodies.

The problem is that once the rose bomb is detonated in such a confined space, even if it is not killed on the spot, the cobalt 60 radioactive material released by the rose bomb will completely collapse their genes within a few days.

The raw materials of the rose bomb are cobalt 59 and high concentration of deuterium. Due to the physical rules and characteristics of the Hunter universe, these two materials are very easy to make miniature hydrogen bombs and produce terrible cobalt 60 radioactive materials.

At the same time, due to the differences in the physical rules of the Hunter universe, cobalt 60 not only becomes more radioactive, it also excites gamma rays, but its half-life has also become shorter, only about 2.7 years.

Don't think that 2.7 years is very long. If it were in the universe of Wang Gao's previous life, the half-life of cobalt 60 would be tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, this kind of hydrogen bomb is called "the rose of the poor."

In the history of the Hunter World, at least 250 countries have used rose bombs. If it were not for the difference in the physical rules of this universe, which resulted in the half-life of Cobalt 60 being only 2.7 years, then humans in this world would have been dead.

After all, it has been used in 250 countries. Even gangs and militants can get rose bombs. If the half-life of Cobalt 60 is too long, many areas will be contaminated by radioactive substances for a long time.

Even the chimera ant, a powerful species that evolves at a high speed, has to directly genetically collapse and die when faced with radioactive materials and gamma rays, let alone ordinary humans.

In fact, this is also one of the trump cards of powerful nations such as V5 and Kajin.

I pressed V5, directly bombed with a large range of rose bombs, and even the most powerful thought ability, unless there is a long-distance space ability, otherwise there is only a dead end.

This is why Billander, Parisstone and others, why don't they use their mind ability to force control of the V5 leader to achieve their goals.

It's because V5 really has the hole cards to kill them.

In the combat command room at this time, the captain of the special forces team had nothing to do. Detonating the rose bomb in his body was tantamount to committing suicide directly, and could not change the outcome at all.

What's more, the opponents are all robots, and now he hasn't even seen a single figure of the opponent, and there is no way to threaten the opponent with the same death. This battle can't go on at all.

The Commander Powell, who was protected in the middle, also fell into despair.

As the commander of a fleet, he has both tactical and strategic vision, and he has naturally seen the deadlock facing him.

Too frustrated!

This is the thirty-one years since Powell has been in the military and he has felt the most embarrassed of the setbacks he has encountered.

The entire fleet of hundreds of warships was completely defeated without even seeing the figure of the opponent. He knew that he had been defeated.

The huge gap, crushing the general offensive, made Powell lose the will to resist. He took a deep breath:

"Stop it! Don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

The captain of the special team looked at Powell's lonely expression, and closed his eyes in pain: "Execute the order!"

The five Nianneng special forces who still have the ability to resist, despite their unwillingness, understand that there is only one dead end if they continue to resist.

Papa...A burst of applause sounded from behind the robot, and Dongpo said with a smile: "A person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man."

Powell stared sharply at Dongpo: "You are definitely not the local forces on Meteor Street. They don't have this kind of power."

"So what? Winner and loser, only the winner is qualified to speak. You Sahelta will soon become history." Dongpo shrugged nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Powell did not refute, because with the strength shown by the Federation of People's Revolution at this moment, let alone the destruction of Sahelta, even if the remaining V5 and Kajin are destroyed together, it can be done. Arrived.

When he thought of this, he completely gave up the other thoughts in his heart: "I will persuade the soldiers at the base to cooperate with you, but please don't kill people indiscriminately."

Dongpo nodded: "No problem, I don't bother to take action by unarmed surrenders. As long as you stay on your own, safety and food can still be guaranteed."

"Thank you very much!" Powell bowed quickly.

At this moment, Silk Bunny walked out of the space door.

Seeing this scene, the few Sajun Nianneng special forces who had been implanted with limiters were all taken aback, because Dongpo also appeared in this way just now.

In their common sense, everyone's thinking ability is very special, and the same ability rarely appears.

Not to mention space-type mindfulness, this kind of mindfulness is rare in the entire world.

Now there are two suddenly appearing, which is undoubtedly a psychological shock for the Sa Jun's thinking ability.


There are also seven or eight officers from the Revolutionary League, UU Kanshu appearing in the combat command room in this way.

This? ! How can this be? Could it be possible that all the psychic people in the RCEF can use the space teleportation? The captain of the special team was stunned.

Even Powell, who doesn't know the ability, can't help swallowing saliva at this time, feeling his lips dry.

Thinking back again, Powell seemed to understand what happened when the FRC raided this place at the beginning. The missile suddenly dropped from the sky.

It turned out to be a large-scale space transfer technology, and Powell's heart set off stormy waves. Space transfer technology, technology that can cause mechanical failure, and powerful robots that are not afraid of death, this is a fart.

Even if Sahelta was prepared in advance, facing the RCEF would be very bad luck.

No wonder his third fleet was crushed directly and could not fight back.

The officers who have successively transmitted through space are all responsible for attacking other bases and cities.

The silk rabbit summed up the combat situation: "Commander Dongpo, the west coast coastal area of ​​Sahelta has been initially controlled by us, and our 1 million troops have stabilized the order in the occupied area."

"Well! Let the soldiers of the auxiliary army strengthen management. Anyone who feels trouble at this time will be dealt with seriously."

"I will tell you to go down."

Dongpo looked at the map again: "Where have the First Army and the Second Army advanced?"

The adjutant hurriedly replied: "The latest information shows that the First Army has occupied the entire territory of Maple Leaf Country and has now penetrated into the east coast area of ​​Sahelta."

"The Second Army, which has just suppressed the last tribe of Nunavut, is estimated to enter the coastal area of ​​Hudson Bay in Sahelta in two hours."

Dongpo is very satisfied with the current progress.

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