From Propulsion City To Multiverse

Chapter 313: Brain tonic

The war of unity in the human world comes quickly and goes quickly.

It was almost the same as the last Saherta War, which ended in a few hours, and the resistance forces in various places could only be wiped out in front of the iron torrent.

The People's Revolutionary Federation, which has won billions of people in the human world, began to carry out comprehensive changes in various places.

at the same time.

In the outer ring of the human world, under the sea level in the northeast, a submarine is silently diving.

Inside the submarine, all kinds of supporting living facilities are readily available.

A young man dressed as a Western chef handed Parisstone a half-cooked sirloin steak.

At this time, the fat man with the lid head ran over: "Mr. Parisstone! The latest news."

Parisstone smiled and asked, "Did v5 be taken by the National Revolutionary League?"

The fat man nodded solemnly: "Yes, v5 was completely defeated by the Federation of People's Revolution in less than 10 hours. I heard that even the v5 high-level guy who originally planned to escape to the new world by whale ship was caught. "

Parisstone gently shook the red wine glass, his expression still calm: "It seems that our dear Mr. Billand, it is impossible to fulfill the previous agreement."

The girl dressed up as a doll robot looked unbelievable: "V5 was defeated so fast? But Mr. Biyang De should have a way to escape!"

Parisstone tasted a sip of red wine: "If it is another opponent, then Bijand may be able to escape, but unfortunately his opponent is the National Revolutionary League, and his failure with Huiguorou is doomed."

The people who were hired were talking about it.

The chef asked, "What plans does Napalstone have next? Continue to the imaginary new world, and then enter the new world? Or return?"

Parisstone said with joking eyes: "You don't think there is a way back now, do you?"

"What do you mean?" A brawny man with a black scarf tied around his waist said angrily.

The little man with a spotted hat said thoughtfully: "What he meant should be the National Revolutionary Federation's regulations on the management of people with abilities. We are now leaving the country illegally, and in our previous careers, how much did we do? Things that violate the law."

The robot doll also reacted at this time: "According to what we did before, it is indeed a serious crime under the law of the National Revolutionary League. It is estimated that we are now wanted criminals."

"Grass! They are too wide-minded." The brawny man in the fresh scarf cursed with an ugly expression.

Others looked tangled.

Parisstone put down the red wine glass: "You have no choice, not to follow me to the new world. Once caught by the National Revolutionary Federation, you will go to jail, and you may even be sentenced to death."

Obviously Parisstone is a mercenary who is determined to be able to think of these abilities.

A month ago, he judged that the National Revolutionary League was serious, and this time v5 must be doomed. Therefore, he used Bijand’s relationship in advance to secretly form a new world expedition.

Then without looking back, he drove the submarine to the new world.

Although the size of this submarine is not comparable to that of a whale ship, it is more than enough to accommodate thousands of people. What's more, in order to enhance its endurance, Parisstone only brought about 200 people. The internal storage of the submarine is enough for their group to use 2 About years.

At this time, they had been sailing in the Great Outer Ring Ocean for more than a month, leaving only 26 days of voyage to the imaginary New World.

In fact, Parisstone would like to thank the People's Revolutionary Federation for not expanding the scope of the physical rules modification, and only modified the physical rules inside the small outer ring ocean, otherwise their submarine could only be anchored in the vast sea halfway.

The Fatty Guogaitou seemed to accept this reality. He talked about another thing: "I have another piece of information. None of the self-detonation devices prepared before v5 detonated."

"None of them detonated?" The robot doll's brain felt a trace of overload.

In addition, nine hours ago, upon receiving the news of the declaration of war between the National Revolutionary League and v5, Parisstone prepared a large number of self-detonation devices for v5 and told them.

In their view, the war between the National Revolutionary League and v5, even if it was a quick fight like Sahelta, was a result of both losses.

After all, a self-detonation device of such a large scale, even if only one-tenth of it exploded, would be enough to severely damage the entire human world.

"Are you sure this information is true?" the curly-haired man in glasses asked in a cold sweat.

The Fatty Guogaitou replied solemnly: "This is the news from the intelligence personnel of Biyang De who stayed in v5. All the methods prepared before v5 have not had any effect."

hiss! Everyone took a breath.

The fat man continued to add: "There is a detail in this, that is, not only the self-detonation device cannot be used, but also the nuclear reactor of the whale ship and the v5 nuclear power plant have all gone on strike."

The spotted dwarf frowned: "Is this the effect of that kind of miniature robot?"

The robot doll shook his head: "If Mr. Parisstone's intelligence is not too wrong, then v5 has known that the People's Revolutionary Federation has space transmission and micro-robot technology, and they have no reason to be unprepared."

Parisstone silently looked at the map of the human world and Mobius Lake, and based on the fact that their submarine nuclear reactor did not go on strike, after he connected this information in series, he analyzed some creepy things.

Can the National Revolutionary Federation really modify the rules of a local area?

Suddenly Parisstone narrowed his eyes, and he thought of another message, which was among the creatures of the new world.

Whether it is the gaseous life-Angstrom, or the educating beast-Papu, there are special abilities that can realize "desires".

Wait... In an instant a flash of light flashed in Pariston's mind.

Modifying the rules... has destroyed a thousand-year empire... the ancient ruins of the new world... the special creatures of the new world...

Guru! Parisstone's pupils shrank sharply, and the RC would not smuggle from the New World to the human world. If so, then everything makes sense.

The technology possessed by the Federation of the People's Republic of China is not something that can be developed in a few years, but the human world has not found any clues about the other side for nearly a thousand years.

And the ancestors of mankind originally fled from the new world.

In other words, the new world is the hometown of mankind. If there is a strong human civilization in the new world, that is also a very reasonable thing.

Parisstone quickly made up his mind, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his conjecture was very reasonable.

At this time, another leader who had been silent from the beginning, Jin Fulix, also saw the change in Parisstone's expression.

"Did you guess something?"

Parisstone looked up: "How about you?"

"The Federation of the People's Republic of China is from the outside world." Jin R&F spokes out his thoughts.

Parisstone showed the expression of a good friend that only you understand me: "My guess is the But there is a problem in this, that is, in the new world, there really is such a powerful Civilized?"

Jin did not make a final conclusion: "The areas I have been to are all along the shores of Lake Mobius. As for the deep inland of the New World, it is not clear."

"Human civilization in the new world is interesting." Pariston said, squinting.

Jin continued to analyze and said: "Assuming that the Federation of the People's Republic of China came from the New World, then there are two possibilities. One possibility is that they are just an advance army or an exploratory team; the other possibility is that they escaped from the New World. "

At this time Parisstone shrugged: "No matter which possibility it is, it is not a good thing for us, but the little gift I left in the human world has already begun to take effect, and it should be able to make the other party frantic for a while. time."

Jin did not comment on this, but silently thought about the various possibilities of the RCRF, the new world, and how to adjust the plan for exploring the new world.


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