From Propulsion City To Multiverse

Chapter 556: Inspection (5)

After watching the production of artillery.

Zheng Sen came to Zhoushan Shipyard again. The work here is not in charge of Longsha, but the Minister of the Army, Bai Yulou.

After all, Longsha can't use the avatar technique to build the work of Zhoushan Chemical Company, Zhoushan Iron and Steel Company, and Zhoushan Building Materials Company, and she is busy enough.

The work of the shipyard can only be handled by Bai Yulou. After all, they all have relevant materials, and their hands-on ability and design ability can also meet the current needs.

"Old Bai, how is your shipyard?"

Baiyulou pointed to three semi-enclosed dry docks, where three 300-ton Dafu ships were being built.

Only Western clippers and Galen ships, Baiyulou was not produced.

Because the speed of the former is really fast, but the center of gravity is unstable, and the loss rate is very high when encountering severe sea conditions.

Although Baiyulou has a relatively mature design of the clipper ship, the problem is that the cost-effectiveness is not high. With this leisurely style, it is better to directly develop a steam turbine.

The same goes for the Galen ship. .

The Chinese-style hard sail boats, or the five-toothed ships built in the Sui Dynasty at this time, are not unusable.

Baiyulou has absorbed many excellent improvement schemes of later generations directly on the basis of Fuchuan.

The Fuchuan itself has a watertight cabin design, but because of the watertight cabin design, side ribs are not used, which reduces its own defense.

However, the enemy of this era has no artillery, and it is not harmless to be thin.

Baiyulou also adopts U-shaped bottom, bulbous bow and copper-clad bottom, slightly elongates the hull, and adopts steel connectors to enhance the overall strength of the keel.

As for the Western soft sail design, Baiyulou did not use it, because the hard sail itself has many advantages, such as easy operation, less manpower required, sailing in multiple wind directions, and resistance to strikes.

As for the weight issue, Baiyulou optimized the design of the hard sail and added a sail assist lift.

"I call this ship, named scientific class, with a full-load displacement of 360 tons, an empty load of 135 tons, and a maximum load of 225 tons. It has 12 watertight cabins and requires about 180 people."

As for the speed, there is no water in Baiyulou, because it has not yet been launched for sea trials, and the limitations of the sailing warship are there. He estimates that the maximum downwind speed is around 15 knots, and the daily speed is around 6 to 9 knots.

"Are there six gun emplacements?"

Bai Yulou nodded: "Yes, I canceled the front and rear shipbuildings, and changed to the middle shipbuilding, with three guns on the left and right."

This design change is mainly to enhance the utilization of artillery.

Because the guns on both sides are not completely parallel, and they are just staggered by one gun position, the gun positions in the middle ship building can only fire on their respective sides, but the other four guns on the deck can rotate. .

That is to say, if the side faces the enemy ship, the Science-class warship can mobilize 5 artillery to attack one side at the same time.

If you encounter a large-scale siege of enemy ships, the front and rear four artillery can also launch attacks in all directions, avoiding the weakness that can only be fixed on one side.

Although the Fuchuan type battleship cannot be equipped with multiple decks, the open deck is also beneficial.

What's more, the artillery of scientific-level warships is a modern artillery that uses smokeless powder, metal cannonballs, afterloading, and rifling. For the wooden ship era, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

With the speed and the range of the artillery, it is completely possible to annihilate the enemy ship at a long distance through kite flying tactics.

Bai Yulou's tactical thinking is very simple, that is, long-distance decisive battles, and try to avoid side-to-side battles as much as possible.

As the saying goes, poor tactics are interspersed, and Da is carpet bombing.

Using artillery and battleships to meet the enemy in short-handed combat is something only a fool would choose. Directly firing guns to blow up the enemy ship is the kingly way.

Zheng Sen asked: "When do you estimate that these three ships will be completed?"

"About November, the artillery and artillery shells will be enough to equip three main battleships."

Zheng Sen was quite satisfied with this speed.

The steel factory can produce about 8 to 12 equal guns per month, and the chemical company's cannonball factory can produce an average of 270 75mm grenades per month. In a short period of time, this is the limit of productivity, mainly smokeless gunpowder and Insufficient steel production.

Together with the more than 300 shells in stock, by the end of the year, it is estimated that there will be 1,100 shells in stock, which is enough for a medium-scale naval battle.

As long as the enemy's fleet size does not exceed 200, the East China Sea Fleet can crush any enemy.

At this time, in the East Asian waters, the power of 200 warships can be concentrated, perhaps only the crumbling Sui Ting can do it.

A warship here refers to an armed vessel with a displacement of at least 100 tons.

Those small boats with a displacement of less than 100 tons are not unusable. If you can gather several hundred boats, install fierce fire oil, etc., and use clustering and encirclement, they can still threaten the East China Sea Fleet.

After all, when the sea coachmen of later generations fought against Zheng Sen's father, they were besieged by fireboats and finally defeated.

However, Bai Yulou is not a fool. The advantage of scientific level is that it can resist wind and waves, and can sail in the open sea.

The small boats of this era did not have the ability to sail the ocean, and they basically could only wander near the coastline.

And in the open sea, if you want to besiege the East China Sea Fleet, I'm afraid it's not eating the gall of a bear and a leopard.

If the East China Sea Fleet's scientific-level warships can reach 10, and the stockpile of artillery shells can reach 10,000, then in the East Asian waters, no force can threaten the maritime hegemony of the Human Revolutionary Alliance.

After the inspection in Zhoushan, Zheng Sen quickly returned to Hu Douzhou by boat, on the returning boat.

Qin Mo was playing with a strange device in the cabin.

Inside the wooden box, there are copper wires, glass tubes, special metal sheets and the like.

On the other side was a large box composed of glass containers. The glass container was square and contained pieces of lead plates and light sulfuric acid. Obviously, it was a lead-acid battery.

And that wooden box is a wireless telegraph machine, and it is a wireless telegraph machine that uses electronic tubes.

There is also a hand crank generator.

Qin Mo listened to the loudspeaker attentively, until the "beep" started, he turned on the paper puncher, and the telegraph's signal was transferred to the holes on the special paper tape.

After a while, the telegram stopped.

He picked up a series of paper tapes, and through the codebook, translated the content sent by the Zhoushan Telegraph Office.

Then he sent a telegram back through the telegraph machine

In this era, there is no complicated electromagnetic pollution, and the technology is relatively mature, so the wireless telegraph technology is not difficult for the People's Revolutionary Alliance.

Even if it is an electronic tube with certain material requirements, Longsa can push it through electric current to extract a small batch of materials for temporary emergency use.

The control area of ​​a force is often affected by organizational strength, traffic speed, and communication speed.

The emergence of wireless telegraphy will further strengthen the control of Zheng Sen and others over various places.

At present, Zhoushan Industrial Zone only produces 8 sets of wireless telegraphs, of which 4 sets will be fixed in Hu Douzhou and Zhoushan, then 2 sets of Donghai Fleet and 2 sets of Heiyiwei.

The maximum communication distance of this wireless telegraph is about 800 kilometers, which basically meets the needs of the Governor's Office.

When Zheng Sen returned to Hu Douzhou, he called Hao Jian and prepared to arrange the next step.

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