Still, the quick infusion of blood seems to be doing the trick.

It wasn't until this time that Ling Fei realized that there was a trace of purple in his blood, but it was also this trace of purple that allowed him to understand the process of Er Xiao's body changes in more detail.

As the body's perpetual motion machine, the heart beats rapidly due to the heavy load on the body, but the blood flow is still stagnant. Xia Ran can't bear it anymore, but when the blood mixed with purple is not replenished, suddenly After it stabilized, when the blood passed through the atrium, the purple color in the blood quickly penetrated into the heart, which increased the heart's endurance and restored its strong and powerful beating.

Then, where the blood passed, the meridian, which was nearly exploded, was soon covered with a thin layer of purple-red film from the inside out. Although it looked fragile, it was extremely tough.

What is the color in this blood?

He didn't even know that there were some weird things in his blood, but the effect was surprisingly good.

But what surprised Ling Fei the most was that after all the meridians were protected, the remaining blood circulated through the body and finally came to the white bead and purple horn, the flowing blood continued without any hindrance. In the next wave of circulatory movement, the only trace of purple impurity was instantly stripped out of the blood by them and absorbed directly.

As the amount of purple matter swallowed increased, the white ball at the middle tail of Sanwei Xue began to rotate and swell, and when the white ball grew to a certain size, it stopped expanding, and after a while, two white **** separated. Small white beads the size of soybeans moved to the other two tails respectively.

This is split?

Ling Fei was a little surprised by Sanwei Xue's change, but he soon discovered that Hei Yue also began to change.

I saw the small horn of the black moon, and circles of purple lines began to appear on the periphery, spiraling like carvings, wrapping the small horn.

Looking at the threads that shone with a strange purple light, Ling Fei felt the aura of the talisman that was activated when Cecilia summoned the fire demon, but it seemed to be negligible if it was obviously weak.

It wasn't until this moment that Ling Fei felt the strong suction in his hand suddenly disappear.

The twelve astral eyes were gone, and when he looked at Sanweixue and Heiyue again, he found that, at some point, they had turned into two distinct black and white 'big eggs'.

He poked lightly with his fingers, and the wrapped things had already solidified into a hard shell. If Ling Fei hadn't seen the two little beasts out of danger just now, and their vitality was strong, he might really worry about whether they were dead or not. Inside, rather brazenly shot.

All this happened too fast and too weird, even though the result was quite satisfactory, even Ling Fei couldn't decide what would happen after Sanwei Xue and Hei Yue came out of the eggshell.

Touching his pale and bloodless face, Ling Fei couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly when he thought that he was almost sucked dry. The price this time was really not small. Speaking of which, he really paid for everything today.

However, thinking of the possible changes of the two little beasts, he had some expectations in his heart.

Half a day later, Momo, who hadn't seen her for a long time, came out of the study.

When Momo appeared in front of Ling Fei with unkempt hair and disheveled hair, both of them were startled by each other's miserable appearance at the same time.

After hearing about the strange events of Sanwei Xue and Hei Yue, the little girl immediately became interested, and immediately ran to the room on the third floor to see those two strange eggs.

Gently knocking on the eggshell, there was a crisp bang, and Momo asked Ling Fei behind him with a look of amazement:

"Brother Lingfei, are you sure Sanyuexue and Heiyue are really inside these two eggs? It's incredible!"

Ling Fei really shook his head and said with a smile:

"The two of them are definitely inside, I saw it with my own eyes, but I'm just a little worried about whether they will suffocate to death."

Momo put her ears on the eggshell and listened for a while, then nodded and said:

"Although it is faint, you can indeed hear the heartbeat. Brother Lingfei, your worry is unnecessary. Have you ever seen a chick hatched from an egg be suffocated to death? Although these shells seem to be closed, there are actually many Vents that cannot be seen with the naked eye, Pamela, can you help me find out what material this eggshell is made of."

Pamela's pupils released a row of green light beams again, scanning for a moment.

"Master, it's very strange. I've never seen this kind of eggshell made of weird materials. Although the colors seem to be very different, they are the same composition. It seems to be a kind of pure energy, and it makes me The strangest thing is that the composition of these materials is very similar to the network structure of blood vessels in Mr. Lingfei's body."

"Huh? Speaking of which, I saw my blood forming a thin film in the bodies of Sanwei Yuki and Black The network structure you mentioned, could it be this kind of thin film?"

Ling Fei thought of the weird phenomenon he had seen through the astral eyes, and asked casually.

Pamela thought for a while and said:

"In fact, the effect you can see is only one hundred and twenty-eight times the effect of the microscope, and the network structure I said can only be seen at more than a thousand times. In general, your guess is correct of."

Momo stared into Lingfei's eyes in surprise, and asked with a strange expression:

"Brother Lingfei, I know that your eyes can observe in all directions, but when did your eyes have the effect of a microscope?"

Ling Fei knew what a microscope was, but he obviously didn't have a good impression of it, because Momo once showed him the magic and greatness of the power of science. world.

After seeing it, Ling Fei felt disgusted, but Momo said carelessly that the world is made up of tiny creatures, which is normal.

Hearing Momo mentioning the microscope again, Ling Fei was still a little uncomfortable, but he still answered honestly:

"Actually, I don't know what's going on. I also found out by accident when I was observing the changes in the bodies of the three tails. At that time, I was concentrating on their bodies, and then I felt that many things were infinitely magnified..."

Momo listened carefully, but he didn't show too much excitement. He said seriously:

"Brother Lingfei, since your eyes have changed, just in case, let Pamela check you again later, after all, no one knows if this change is good or bad."

Ling Fei nodded helplessly, agreeing.

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