Tanjiro was stunned, he looked at these young people who came together to participate in the selection of the Ghost Killing Team, obviously they didn’t know each other, but they seemed to know themselves.

When did you become so famous???

“Huh? Don’t you know? ”

Hearing Tanjiro’s question, several people present looked at each other, and their eyes were surprised.

“What do I know???”

Tanjiro felt even more confused, these guys seemed to know me… Wait a minute!? It seems that even those ghosts just now know me??

At this time, a girl who participated in the Ghost Killing Team selection bar raised her hand and waved, and a transparent screen appeared in front of her.

She quickly explained: “It’s the video on this inventory list, Tanjiro you are on the list, the title says that ‘Head Pillar’ is your nickname.” ”

Immediately afterwards, a boy on the side muttered in a low voice.

“The head is so hard, it is indeed the ‘head pillar’, right…”

Tanjiro looked at the transparent screen in front of him stunnedly, he naturally had this thing, but he was participating in the trial before, and this thing was quickly ignored by Tanjiro after it came out.


According to them, he appeared on this transparent screen ??

Tanjiro swallowed a mouthful of spit, opened his heavenly inventory list, and clicked on the video in front of everyone.


In the video frame, many people continue to watch the video as the video progresses.

At this point, the progress bar is nearing its end.

Most of the people in the heavens and all the worlds fell into deep thought after seeing the poor bean being wept.

The people of the heavens and realms asked themselves, among the people they have seen, it seems that there is really no person with a harder head than the ‘head pillar’ in front of them.

And the last famous scene also seems to be particularly interesting.

In the picture, it is a huge, ugly-looking monster.

The body of this monster is actually full of arms.

If Tanjiro saw this, he would be shocked, because this monster is the multi-handed ghost he just encountered!!

In the video frame.

Tanjiro seems to have fallen behind in the battle against the multi-handed ghosts, and is defeated by the attacks of the multi-handed ghosts.

The attack of the multi-handed ghost is simply impossible to prevent.

Continuously, thick arms rose from the ground, frantically compressing Tanjiro’s moving space.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, held the Nikki knife in his hand, dodged with great difficulty, and even the rhythm of breathing gradually became chaotic.


Another few arms that suddenly rushed out of the ground swept towards Tanjiro!!

Tanjiro in the picture has no room to dodge at this time, and he has no way to do this, he can only jump high!!

However, in battle, the situation of actively jumping into the air and being forced to jump into the air is completely different.

The multi-handed ghost in the picture also showed a hideous expression on his face when he saw Tanjiro who was forced into the air by himself.




In an instant, several thick arms suddenly rushed out from the body of the multi-handed ghost and rushed towards Tanjiro at an extremely terrifying speed.


It’s countless arms!

In front of him, there is also a swift thunderous attack!!

At this moment, Tanjiro seemed to have fallen into a dead end, and there was no room for survival and dodging at all.

Just when everyone thought that Tanjiro might end here!!

Tanjiro acted!!


A bang!!

Everyone who watched the video opened their mouths in amazement, their eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Tanjiro in the picture, the center of gravity of his body suddenly turned down!!

His smooth forehead slammed directly into the attacking arm, and he actually used his head to use the force to free himself from this dead end!!!

Moreover, everyone clearly saw that the arm of the multi-handed ghost, the position where Tanjiro’s forehead hit, was actually directly dented into a large piece!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

After the head borrowed the power, Tanjiro rolled over and landed on this thick arm!!

Immediately afterwards, he held the Nikkawa knife and rushed towards the multi-handed ghost along his arm!!

The eyes of the multi-handed ghost changed in shock, and countless tiny arms rushed out of this thick arm, trying to stop Tanjiro’s advance.


【Centralized!!! 】

【Water respiratory!!! 】

In the picture, the people of the heavens and all worlds looked at Tanjiro and suddenly took a sharp breath, and the blue aura flowed around Tanjiro!!




Next moment!

Tanjiro waved the Nikki knife in his hand!!

All the paths that blocked his progress in front of him were directly cut off by him!!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Tanjiro came to the face of the multi-handed ghost!!


Tanjiro crossed his hands, held the Nikki knife in his right hand, and suddenly jumped high and rushed towards the head of the multi-handed ghost!!

[I actually closed the distance in an instant!!] It’s okay!! My neck is hard!! He kept chopping off my head, and I would pinch his head and burst!! 】

At this moment, everyone heard the words of the multi-handed ghost.

The next moment, Tanjiro has already swung his knife forward!!

【One Type・Water Surface Slash!!! 】


I don’t know if it’s an illusion!

Everyone who watched the video looked at the Nikkawa knife that seemed to really turn into a stream of water with a look of surprise, slashing at the neck of the multi-handed ghost!!

Its neck, countless arms block there!

However, in the face of this ‘water flow’, they were cut off like tofu with great ease.


The heads of multi-handed ghosts soared into the sky!!

The severed head still had an incredible look in his eyes.

[He… It was actually cut off!! No way!! 】

With this sentence, the video screen dimmed again and the black screen …


Ghost Destroy the World!

Trial Yamanai.

The multi-handed ghosts who fled in embarrassment naturally also saw this scene in the video picture.

Looking at the familiar scene in the video screen, the entire body of the multi-handed ghost trembled.

Because, it just escaped from that place!!

“That is to say… If I hadn’t escaped… I’m going to die there!! ”

Look at Tanjiro in the picture who changes the death with a head mallet and then cuts off his head.

The multi-handed ghost looked sluggish.

A moment later, a look of ecstasy appeared on the face of the multi-handed ghost!!

“Hahahahahaha!!! Fortunately, I just ran fast!!! Head Pillar!! Head pillar !!! It’s terrible!! ”

The multi-handed ghost twitched with maniacal laughter, after all, he escaped from the hands of the god of death! ! !

It has lived for an unknown number of years, and although it is imprisoned in this Trial Mountain, it does not mean that it wants to die.

“Concentrated!!! Breath of Water!!! One type, water surface chopping!!! ”

Right now!

Behind the ecstatic multi-handed ghost!!

A cold voice sounded!!!

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