"Curse?" Mourinho was a little surprised when he heard the word from Bruno. He had not thought about this before. For him, he does not believe in supernatural things. He is an atheist.

"We just haven't had much luck lately," he said to Bruno.

Bruno can't say whether he believes in these "mystical" things, he has no feeling at all. But in reality, football is indeed connected with these magical things.

In Africa and South America, there are full-time wizards, and some teams will invite these wizards to the stadium to practice before playing against their rivals, so as to ensure that the team wins.

There are also some wizards who will cast spells on a star out of disgust for the star, such as cursing him to suffer a serious injury in the future.

Europeans are not far behind when it comes to stadium superstitions. Several big football countries have their own famous examples in this regard.

For example, Manchester United's upcoming opponent, Chelsea, their captain Terry always sits in the same seat on the team bus before the game, listens to the same CD, and always parks his car in the same parking space at Stamford Bridge; Manchester United, Inter Milan and Liverpool player Paul Ince will only wait until he walks out of the tunnel before putting on the match jersey; England international James likes to pee on the wall before the game; Three Lions legendary striker Shearer only eats two kinds of food before the game: chicken and beans .

Mourinho has not yet figured out how to change the atmosphere in the locker room, but Bruno, as the core player of the team, cannot watch the team's morale drop.

As Bruno grew up, the media has always played both positive and negative roles in him, and controversy has always surrounded him. In addition, his transfer choice was also unexpected, leaving everyone guessing.

"In fact, Mourinho has been very successful at Manchester United. He has led the team to win the League Cup, and has also suppressed Chelsea and other Premier League giants in the Premier League standings for a long time. As we all know, the teams he leads basically have to be in the second place. He only started to break out in the second season, and this was true from Porto, Chelsea I, Inter Milan, Real Madrid to Chelsea II. In Porto and Inter Milan, he also won the Champions League in his second year; in the league championship at Real Madrid, he won the Champions League. It was Barcelona who overpowered Guardiola and scored 100 points and 121 goals.”

With this status, it is also his responsibility to boost the team's morale.

"Why are you two so frustrated? Are we going to be downgraded?" Bruno's words stunned everyone.

Although Manchester United still has 4 points more than Chelsea with one game less, it seems that they have a relatively large advantage, but once they cannot defeat Chelsea at home, they will actually have no advantage.

Although he is not the captain of the team yet, because Manchester United's three captains have played less and less this season, he has gradually worn the captain's armband in some games, and has slowly become the core and spiritual leader of the team. .

This approach worked very well, and the French team finally won the first World Cup championship in their country's history.

Because in the next seven games, Manchester United will also have strong dialogues with Tottenham, Arsenal and Manchester City, and they are all away from home. Manchester United cannot guarantee victory in these three games.

In comparison, Chelsea's league opponents are generally relatively weak, namely Southampton, Everton, Middlesbrough, West Brom, Watford and Sunderland. Except for Everton, they are all The middle and lower reaches of the Premier League teams.


Mourinho also knows that these things have affected the atmosphere in the locker room, as well as the team's morale and combat effectiveness.

When Bruno first heard Lingard mention the "curse", he didn't pay much attention. But when Manchester United was once again held to a draw by the mediocre Anderlecht in the away game, and some incredible situations frequently occurred in the team, leading to the rise of "curses" again, Bruno decided to have a talk with Mourinho. Talk about this.

The current Premier League standings are as follows:

The editors of Bild came up with the idea before Germany's crucial play-off match in Ukraine. They buried a penny in the penalty area of ​​the Kiev stadium and it has been like a charm ever since. The German team drew with Ukraine 1:1 in Kiev, defeated its opponent 4:1 at home, and won the World Cup ticket.

"Bruno stated twice that his goal is the league championship. I think if he really wants the league championship, it is better to transfer to Chelsea, even to Manchester City. There is no future in staying at Manchester United. This team has been After people have thoroughly studied it, they return to their original shape..."

But how to solve such a thing? Should he ask a wizard to do it? joke. Manchester United is a club managed with modern concepts. Not only he, but also the club owner Mr. Jassim would not agree to this kind of thing.

Although Germans are not very superstitious in general, they do believe that piglets, chimney sweeps, four-leaf clovers, and horseshoes have some mysterious power. Likewise, the German copper coin "Pfennig" ” also has the same effect.

"We are now ranked first in the league and maintain a 4-point advantage with one game less. This is still something to be proud of. Why do you have to be downcast?" Bruno asked, pointing to everyone.

If Manchester United can win at home, they will establish their absolute advantage in the Premier League standings. But once they lose, they will lose the initiative to compete for the Premier League title.

In German football, there is another more famous "superstition", that is the German "lucky coin".

The French superstition is more successful. In the 1998 World Cup, French central defender Blanc always kissed goalkeeper Barthez's bald head before the game to pray for good luck.

The team's performance during this period is not good, and it can even be described as "bad" compared with the first half of the season.

Manchester United has 25 wins, 4 draws and 1 loss in 30 games, ranking first with 79 points;

By the way, if Bruno hadn't said that, I would have thought our league ranking was very bad, but in fact our current league ranking is...

In fact, this is the same as Manchester United during Ferguson's period: when you become stronger, there will naturally be more and more people who hate you, although at the same time there will be more and more people who like you.

In the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, this coin still plays an important role. It blesses the German team, which was not optimistic before the game, to overcome all the difficulties and enter the final.

On Friday, after the afternoon training, everyone returned to the locker room.

In the relatively quiet locker room, his slap was loud, and everyone heard it. They looked up at Bruno who was standing.

What's more, Manchester United is still fighting on three fronts. The Europa League and the FA Cup will involve Manchester United's energy. If they are not careful, Manchester United will face a tragic situation of collapse on all three fronts.


Although Manchester United was praised by many people for their excellent performance in the first half of this season, and believed that their revival brought new strength to British football, when they started to have bad luck, there were also many people who gloated over their misfortune.

There are all kinds of voices in the media, some of which seem to even excuse Manchester United and say good things, but the central idea is one point: I am not optimistic about Manchester United's next game.


Just when everyone was changing their clothes with their heads down, Bruno stood up and clapped his hands.

Mourinho looked at the empty training ground and fell into silence.

You know, in the 9 games in March and April, except for Chelsea in the FA Cup quarter-finals, Manchester United did not encounter any strong opponents.

During this period, the atmosphere in the locker room was not as lively as before. Everyone was affected by failure and the so-called "curse theory".

Bruno did not want this decisive battle with Chelsea to be the beginning of the team's losing streak at the end of the season. He had to do something.

After entering March, Manchester United played a total of 9 games in all competitions. Although they did not lose, they had 5 draws. In the 43 games before that, Manchester United only failed to win 3 games.

Chelsea won 24 games, drew 3 and lost 4 in 31 games, and ranked second with 75 points;

Tottenham won 21 games, drew 8 and lost 3 in 32 games, and ranked third with 71 points;

Liverpool won 19 games, drew 7 and lost 33 games, and ranked fourth with 64 points;

Manchester City won 18 games, drew 7 and lost 32 games, and ranked fifth with 61 points;

Everton won 16 games, drew 8 and lost 9 in 33 games, and ranked sixth with 56 points;

Arsenal won 15 games, drew 6 and lost 9 in 30 games, and ranked seventh with 51 points.

However, this coin does not always work. They lost to Brazil 0:2 in the final.


Because Chelsea's performance last season was too bad, there is no European competition this season. In addition, they were eliminated from the FA Cup again, so they only need to focus on the Premier League, which makes them in a clear advantage both physically and mentally.

Especially in the next game, they will face Chelsea. This game is widely regarded as the battle of the king mountain for the Premier League championship this season.

Regarding Mourinho's disapproval, Bruno also shook his head and said: "I don't know why, but a series of unfortunate events have indeed affected the atmosphere in the locker room."

After the German team lost 1:5 to England at home in the 2002 World Cup qualifiers, the Germans came up with this idea. German copper coins have always been considered to have some incredible magic, so the Germans decided to use this magic on the court.

"Of course I feel sorry for the injuries of Mata and Jones, but there are no injuries in football. Maybe I will get injured in training tomorrow? This is not a reason for us to be depressed. We performed so well, why should we be the ones who are frustrated? Don't listen to the media. They are good for nothing except making gimmicks to attract attention!" He knows the media very well. Finally, Bruno said: "I think even if more people are injured or suspended, as long as we can still get eleven players on the field, there is no reason to behave like this."

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