Chapter 618

“No matter what, we should all be prepared, no matter what happens, we should seize this opportunity.”

What about those other people is actually very important to Jiang Cheng, because he doesn’t want to let other people be affected by him.

“Anyway, I hope you can understand that these things we are facing now make people feel very surprised, you know?”

Jiang Cheng looked around carefully at this moment.

“At this critical moment, one thing we all have to do is to keep walking and take a look, you know.”

No matter what 560 things happen, you should think about it this way.

“I think what I have said is very clear now. On such an issue, once you think too much and say too much, the consequences will be very serious.”

It doesn’t matter what the other people think.

“Don’t say so much for now, let us all carefully consider how to prepare them in our hearts.”

Jiang Cheng now wants to tell them that being brave now is the best weapon.

“Like what I just said, it is naturally very good if we can pass here smoothly now, you know?”

Jiang Cheng now wants to draw them a big pie, so that they can quench their thirst by looking at the plum.

“Hurry up with me now.”

Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to waste time anymore, because in his opinion, as long as it is here to waste time, it will be a huge test for them.

“If you continue this way, it will have a great impact on them in the end, you know.”

In those other situations, Jiang Cheng was not like this, so he said it directly.

“I want to tell you now what exactly should be done. When faced with such a situation, you must not think too much.”

Other things are not so serious.

“You certainly don’t know, the things we experienced before seemed a little bad.”

Jiang Cheng thinks very well now.

“We are mainly holding our minds, and some other people can’t do anything to us at all. If we are brave enough to take this step now, in the end all people will look at us with a kind of admiration.”

Jiang Cheng’s eyes widened now, wanting to give them a bit of color.

“You can say what I said now, is there any truth in it? Is it right?”

On such a question, Jiang Cheng never doubted anything.

“I’ll just tell you this directly. If you say anything to him, it will make them feel that they are doing something wrong in their hearts.”

The person in front must be someone who is a big brother, Jiang Cheng has already affirmed in his heart.

“In any case, we must compete with this person. If we say that if something else happens, we should talk to them in time.”

Let them know that if they want to fight against them, they won’t get any benefits.

“When faced with such a problem, it is very good to let them know in their hearts that doing their own thing well.”

Jiang Cheng now came to the barrier to take a look at what happened. .

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