Chapter 765

“As long as the positive and negative poles of the two of them are not in the same place, then it is impossible for the two of them to be close together, and the closer they are, the farther they will be ejected.”

“So this unknown position between the earth and the sun forms a perfect symmetry.”

“The application of reaction force is a technology for changing positions. The reason why we are able to resist gravity at present is because we have a star core that is almost the same as the terrain.”

“And between the earth and the sun, and even inside each planet, there is a star core.”

“So even if other people have such a vision, they can’t make a space jump.”

“But we can try, because we currently have a star core, we can inject the energy of the new core into the pusher that combines dark matter with light matter.”

“Then through the standpoint of energy generation, the powerful impact of Shipeng’s dark matter and light particles in an instant, so as to achieve a real leap.”

“Because the application of anti-China and anti-gravity technology is actually based on an auxiliary space to change the gravity of matter.”

“The auxiliary space of 663 is equivalent to a reengineering standpoint.”

“So as long as we can be on the asteroid, so as long as we can create an auxiliary space in our interstellar warship to store our character energy and dark matter and light particles.”

“By creating symmetry between these interfering substances and the main power plant, we can generate an instantaneous space jump through the conflict between the two parties.”

“The way we change is to make a global transformation of the electrons in the auxiliary space and multiply the nodes of the entire auxiliary plant by the same factor.”

“When all the nodes of the entire auxiliary field are instantaneously changed, then the symmetry between the matter and the main power plant will be destroyed.”

“This is a basic technical principle of anti-gravity.”

“As for how to use anti-gravity to freely control the flight. Then it involves a main typical conversion.”

“Without mentioning quantum electrodynamics, this number is actually quite huge.”

“It would be very difficult to rely solely on people to calculate. But if we have a supercomputer to calculate the value of this huge space-time node, it will become extremely simple.”

After hearing the answer from the smart computer, Jiang Cheng also understood the meaning of the computer. According to smart computers, the entire solar system is a huge magnetic field, and the source of this magnetic field is the sun.

A power plant produced by the aggregation of material particles. Then the solar system has the magnetic field of the sun’s stars, so the earth will also have its own confidence, and not only the earth and the entire galaxy will have its own magnetic field.

It’s just that the Milky Way’s magnetic field will be countless times larger than that of the Earth. Therefore, various celestial bodies in the universe will have their own magnetic fields.

Because the whole universe is full of resignations. In other words, the magnetic field in the entire universe is everywhere. Then if the magnetic field is used to accelerate to realize the space jump, this element is also true.

It’s just that this one thing is actually very dangerous. After all, it is very dangerous for the various magnetic fields in the universe to intersect each other, and even a little carelessness may destroy the entire interstellar battleship.

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