Chapter 825

There were no Lulude people before, and they thought their protection procedures were very meticulous, and now they are simply vulnerable.

Jiang Cheng swiftly typed the codes of various programs in the main computer, and then tried to break these codes. Two hours later, Jiang Cheng finally found a code that could not be cracked. The code was very complicated. Jiang Cheng did not tell anyone that he changed the protection code of the smart computer.

Jiang Cheng added a layer of encryption to everyone’s authorized access system, which requires everyone’s fingerprint to open it. Four hours after all this was done.

“Smart computer, you should check your defense system now.”

“Yes, master.” After about half an hour, the smart computer gave Jiang Cheng a satisfactory answer.

“Master, now my defensive index is about one hundred and twenty, compared to 80 before.”

Jiang Cheng has been busy all night, and finally got a little effect. He patted his head and said: “Okay, I’ll be here today, and I will inform everyone to have a meeting in the conference room at 9:00 tomorrow morning.” After he said this sentence Afterwards, Jiang Cheng left the main control room and came to the sample laboratory. He decided to study this pot of green liquid.

Not only can they attach to any creatures and objects, they can also transform into any form, and they can even manipulate any object, and they also have a certain memory.

Jiang Cheng came to the sample laboratory alone and began to study and decompose the green object.

At nine o’clock the next morning, Jiang Cheng appeared in the laboratory on time. The moment he opened the door, everyone looked at him.

“That’s right, I call everyone here this time. The main reason is to talk about the Lulude people.”

“Just yesterday, the Lulude people stole the results of my experiment. They brought them back to their planet, but they are likely to be spies hired by other people in the universe to steal things.”

“What? The experiment reports are stolen, so what should we do? Shouldn’t we hunt them down?”

“Don’t worry about these, I don’t have any confidential information in my computer. They are all in my room, and what they took away were some less important experimental results.”

After answering this question, Jiang Cheng continued: “¨. The biggest feature of the Lulude people is that they can attach to others. There are many meanings to attach to others. First, they can attach to any kind of creature. For example, people of the human category. People of the ethnic group, animals or plants can be fine.”

“Second, they can be attached to any object, such as a metal object. The mass and density will not affect them.”

“Third, they can manipulate these objects. I think everyone should know this. I will give you a simple example. I did an experiment that day and I let them attach to the laser pistol. They can penetrate into the laser pistol. , And then control the laser pistol. They can even infiltrate the console and control it from the inside of the console. They can use the console to fly warships or spaceships and so on.”

“Secondly, there is another very important point. This is very important. They can divide their body into a small part.”.

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