Chapter 82: The day when Zhao Ruizhi decided to be officially with Li Changsheng!!

In a short week, the storm changed, and Zhao Ruizhi’s reputation not only did not become faster, but became better and redder than before.

Huang Yuanshen himself was not greatly affected.

The reason is simple, Li Changsheng seems to be a talent, has already scrapped him, or is ready to give him a chance.

In two years, because TVB’s income is too low, Huang Yuanshen will jump to Asia TV, and Li Changsheng is preparing to buy Asia TV.

In order to calm down the public opinion turmoil and enable him and his mother to have a stable life, Zhao Ruzhi’s husband was forced to ask Zhao Yazhi for mercy.

Zhao Ruizhi’s conditions are very simple, quickly divorce, and never see each other again.

Zhao Ruizhi’s husband could only obediently divorce Zhao Ruizhi, sell the family’s real estate, take his mother, leave Xiangjiang, and run to Canada to live in seclusion.

Zhao Ruizhi recovered her condition and began to shoot on the beach again.

It is said that Zhao Ruizhi should be with Li Changsheng logically.

However, Zhao Ruizhi said that it is better to wait for the storm of public opinion to pass.

On the night after Zhao Ruizhi’s divorce, Li Changsheng and Zhao Ruizhi were on the bed in the villa, ready to be together.

Zhao Ruizhi suddenly pushed Li Changsheng away and said with a very serious expression.

“Changsheng, listen to me, this turmoil has not yet passed, after all, the citizens of Xiangjiang still remember that time.

If I am with you and I am discovered, it will not affect your future.

After all, people will think that I still cheated in marriage, and the object of cheating was not Huang Yuanshen, but you Li Changsheng! ”

Li Changsheng smiled bitterly and said, “Your concern is not too much, but when will the two of us be together.” ”

Obviously, Zhao Yanzhi thought about this problem when these old sons were bored.

She said at the time: “I want to see that the citizens of Xiangjiang will not mention that incident when they see me, which means that they have forgotten about it, and at that time, we can be together.”

Even if I was photographed at that time, it can be said that it was because of my divorce that you helped me, and our relationship began to develop at that time. ”

Li Changsheng agreed with Zhao Ruizhi’s judgment.

But he couldn’t help but ask for a time: “When can I do it?” ”

In fact, Zhao Ruizhi will often hug Li Changsheng now.

Except for the last 09 step, they already look no different from boyfriend and girlfriend.

Zhao Ruizhi found that she really did not love her ex-husband, and she had no yearning for her ex-husband.

But she was with Li Changsheng, and whenever Li Changsheng hugged her, she had to fight every time and suppress her inner impulses with strong reason.

Therefore, she also did not want to limit herself too long.

She thought for a moment and said, “Wait for my birthday.” ”

Li Changsheng knew her birthday on November 15th, more than a month before today.

I waited for two or three months, and I didn’t care about this more than a month.

What he is most worried about now is that if Zhao Ruizhi discovers his relationship with Wang Mingquan Lizhi Guan Zhi Lin Lin Qingxia, it will not affect the development of the relationship between the two.

After all, for more than a month, I am always worried that I will dream a lot at night.

Li Changsheng decided to give Zhao Ruizhi a preventive injection first, just like fooling Guan Zhilin, so that she could see that she had real kung fu, that she had practiced a very mysterious martial art, and she needed to date often.

After getting a psychological vaccination, she will be able to forgive herself when she bumps into herself with other women in the future.

They went to the beach for another half a month, and finally killed the shield.

This has become another masterpiece of Zhao Ruizhi.

She plays Feng Chengcheng who is beautiful and gentle, dignified and generous, and dares to love and hate, and is the daughter of Feng Jingyao, a tycoon in the French Concession in Shanghitan.

With the broadcast of the series, Zhao Ruizhi became one of the ‘Four Hua Dan of Wireless’, which was introduced and broadcast in the mainland in 1985 and created in various Chinese regions

After creating a good rating effect, she was later rated as the first place in Heungjiang’s “Top 10 TV Dramas of the 80s”, the first place in the Top 100 Chinese TV Dramas of the 20th Century in the Malay Media Industry, and Zhao Haozhi was selected as one of the five most memorable actresses of TVB in the 20th century.

But even if she is one of the four great Hua Dan of wireless, the treatment is not very good.

In this incident, Zhao Ruizhi has always been worried about the attitude of the senior management of TVB.

In the process of this reversal of public opinion, it was Zhao Ruizhi’s host TVB that should have played the biggest role.

In fact, as long as TVB comes to an interview, explain the ins and outs of the matter.

It doesn’t cost that much newspapers and magazines at all.

But TVB’s Shao Yifu and his wife, in order to avoid the risk of public opinion, did not support Zhao Ruizhi in the program at all, not only did they not have any support, but they even wanted to remove Shanghi Beach, which Zhao Ruizhi is now filming.

Their approach made Zhao Yanzhi very chilled.

She no longer wants to serve such cold-blooded capitalists.

Li Changsheng had long seen that the couple were cold-blooded capitalists.

Wireless Shao Yifu and his wife, their approach is really too cold-blooded and impersonal.

They are too harsh on these star actors under their banners.

Shao Yifu’s reputation in the Xiangjiang entertainment industry is not good, the reason is that he is too critical, he is very harsh on his actors, and always constantly deducts other people’s salaries.

How terrible Shao Yifu’s door is, just ask Shao Yifu’s son.

Shao Yifu’s son was once kidnapped, and Shao Yifu’s son was worried that his father was too critical to give a ransom, so he would rather risk his own escape than wait for his father to save him.

Shao Yifu’s other son was also kidnapped when Shao Yifu happened to be trying out a new movie.

After the news came, Shao Yifu did not react, he asked if his life was in danger, and then continued to work by himself, and then went to save his son.

When Xiangjiang’s director Liu Jialiang died, his wife once called Shao Yifu at the funeral to ask Shao Yifu to return to him the salary owed to Liu Jialiang decades ago.

Liu’s wife said that after so many years, the money was a large amount if interest was included, and she only asked Shao Yifu to donate the money for charity.

The actor salary of Xiangjiang Wireless is also low, and Wang Mingquan also put pressure on the senior management of Wireless during the Taiwan celebration before, hoping that the top management can increase the salary of all actors.

Low wireless wages are also a tradition left over from the Shao Yifu era.

At that time, Shaw’s employees were no different from the migrant workers on the streets of Xiangjiang, such as Di Long, Pepe, David and other big-name stars, they took the bus to work, and when they arrived at the company, they had to sign in and punch in, and received their salaries at the end of each month.

It’s just that Shaw’s treatment of employees was quite good, because the place in Xiangjiang was infinitely expensive, and the rent was scary, so the company provided employee accommodation and employee meals, but the food was average, and the living was a little better than the slums.

At that time, Shao Yifu missed Li Xiaolong in order to suppress wages.

When Li Xiaolong first returned to Hong Kong from the United States, he offered the industry a value of 10,000 US dollars, and Shao Yifu’s attitude was scoffing.

Li Xiaolong saw that Shao Yifu’s attitude was arrogant and rude, and in a fit of anger, he turned to Shao Yifu’s competitors.

And Shao Yifu’s competitor is precisely the person he trained, that is, his former right-hand man Zou Wenhuai.

So why did Zou Wenhuai leave the Shaw family and set up Jiahe on his own?

It turned out that Zou Wenhuai was a person with avant-garde thinking and keeping up with the pace of development of the times, and his suggestions to Shao Yifu were repeatedly rejected, and he had long been dissatisfied.

In addition, he followed Shao Yifu, but he was just a working boy, and seeing Shao Yifu’s stinginess to his subordinates, it has been a long time since he felt sad about the dead fox.

Therefore, after the timing and venture capital are mature, it is inevitable that Zou Wenhuai will leave Shaw and establish Jiahe on his own, knowing how to divide cakes for his subordinates and how to attract talents to enter Jiahe, is the most successful place for Zou Wenhuai, and the treatment he gave Li Xiaolong was far higher than the price offered by Li Xiaolong.

The salary given by Zou Wenhuai surpassed that era, and the ‘dividend system’ he proposed was also very attractive in the development of the times, and sure enough, Li Xiaolong did not hesitate to throw himself into the arms of Jiahe.

Li Xiaolong’s first contribution to Jiahe opened up the entrepreneurial situation for Jiahe, and after the release of the movie “Tangshan”, it caused a sensation throughout the country and created a jaw-dropping box office record in the Xiangjiang film industry at that time, and the win-win situation between Jiahe and Li Xiaolong made Shao Yifu regret it.

However, their Shaw Wireless previous generation big stars Jiang Dawei, Di Long and others also endured it like that.

Even if Zhao Ruizhi was dissatisfied, she could only endure it.

Who let her be just an artist, not a capital.

Even if she is now a first-line female star, she still has no right to speak.

Her boyfriend Li Changsheng wanted to give her an outlet.

It is said that Li Changsheng is also popular now, and he should take the opportunity to take over some film and television dramas.

But Li Changsheng unexpectedly chose to rest and did not answer the TV series arranged for him.

He said he was a little tired and needed to rest.

The wireless side did not dare to force him too much, for fear that he suddenly turned to Li’s TV station, why did Li Changsheng suddenly become lazy?

It was because he did not want to be exploited by that capitalist Shao Yifu anymore.

He wants to make his own capital!

Li Changsheng is brewing a storm, a storm that completely breaks Shaw and wireless.

There are really no heroes in time, making the shaft famous, as long as Asia Satellite TV does a little better, it can crush the TVB completely.

Now Asian TV has not yet appeared, because Li’s TV station is its predecessor, and Li’s is now fighting with TVB!

Li Changsheng is ready to buy Li’s TV station and turn it into an Asian TV station

He recalled how the original beautiful TV station became an Asian TV station.

On September 7, 1975, Jiayi TV, the third TV station in Xiangjiang, was established, forming a situation of ‘three stations standing together’ with Li’s TV and wirelessly.

The competition between the three TV stations was fierce: Li’s TV filmed the series “Ten Strange Cases” based on current affairs news in 1975, and the ratings rose to second after the broadcast.

In 1976, Jiayi TV’s “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” had an audience of up to one million, becoming the runner-up, and Li’s TV came at the bottom.

In order to save the audience, Li then filmed unit dramas such as “Top Ten Assassins”, “Big Husband” and “Top Ten Deceptions” (1977) on TV, and finally defeated JiaTV.

In 1978, after Jiayi TV closed down due to poor management, Li’s TV 1 and Wireless became two free TVs unique to Heungjiang.

Between 1979 and 1980, ‘Leigh’ launched three during prime time

Line long-form serials, completely destroying Wireless’s diversified programming settings, Wireless was forced to start producing series to respond.

Among them, as soon as the local drama “Earth Grace” was broadcast in September 1980, it firmly occupied a considerable market share, and the ratings went all the way.

At that time, the ratings of “Rotation” broadcast on wireless were dismal, and it became the first drama to be cut since its launch.

In March 1981, Leigh Voices of England transferred 61% of its shares to an Audarian consortium, and Leigh Voices ceased to be in charge of Leigh’s television.

During this period, Rei’s television also hosted Asian amateur songs

Hand competition, and signed Guorong, Shunjun, Yinyin, Sally and other famous artists.

In July 1982, Qiu Degen, Chairman of Far Eastern Group, injected HK$100 million to purchase 50% of the shares, obtained the right to co-operate, and renamed Li’s TV as Asia Television Limited; In 1984, Qiu bought the remaining shares and took full control of ATV

In the present 1979, Leigh’s television company, Leigh’s Voice, is controlled by an English-owned consortium.

They were reluctant to sell it to the Chinese people, especially those from the mainland, fearing that this thing would be controlled by the mainlanders and would be ineffective in ruling them over Hong Kong and the British 603.

So in that time, they would have sold 61% of their stake to an Audarian consortium.

It can be seen that these English devils are very mindful of this thing.

Li Changsheng could only think of other ways.

He thought about why he didn’t create a company in the United States and buy it in the name of a consortium in the United States.

The river, on thesis, will not be able to participate directly at that time, but will be remotely controlled behind the back.

And the person involved in the acquisition of Leigh’s TV station should preferably be white Europeans and Americans.

If it is Chinese, it will still be doubtful, and it will be difficult for the acquisition to succeed.

But the question is, where to find white Europeans and Americans who can be trusted.

Now Li Changsheng can only trust his own woman, that is, to develop a white beauty in Europe and the United States, become his own woman, and then control the mainland TV station.

Now Li Changsheng can think of the white European and American beauties who interest him, who happens to be the same age, is Meryl Streep, who just won the 1979 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, and she has another name that everyone is very familiar with, Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei was 30 years old in 1979, when he was at the peak of his appearance, she was elegant and temperamental when she was old, and she was also very elegant and temperamental when she was young

Li Changsheng is thinking that he has two popular TV series in Xiangjiang, but there seem to be thousands of mountains and rivers between him and the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, how can he have the opportunity to blend together!

If you don’t look for Americans, there is actually another suitable person, which is Adjani, the French national goddess born in 1955.

If you talk about beauty, it seems to be on a higher level.

It’s just that she often plays the kind of neurotic woman, but she doesn’t know what her mental state is.

But beauty is indeed beauty.

The question is which one to find, as long as they are soaked, with their eyes, to play an American or French consortium eldest daughter, can still act

But the question is which one to choose?

Li Changsheng is thinking about this now, is it a little too far?

It’s really not far away, because he is now desperate to buy Leigh’s TV station.

Only by acquiring this TV station can he be qualified to compete with TVB

Li Changsheng finally decided that he would go to the United States!

Because Aunt Mei has the momentum of the eldest daughter of the American consortium!

Moreover, Li Changsheng wants to prepare to see how to speculate in US stocks in the United States, and at the same time wants to see how Bill Gates’ Microsoft is doing!

He wants to cut off the Windows operating system! He also wants to cut off Jobs’ apple!

Compared to the business he is doing now, Bill Gates and Jobs’ business is the one that really changes the world and can make a lot of money!

Li Changsheng quickly made a visa, and he took Lizhi to the United States.

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